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BSP MP Insults Vande Mataram in Lok Sabha

But's that's a battle cry during freedom movement. If you are disrespecting the VANDE MATARAM then you are obviously disrepecting the nation's freedom movement and it's a anti nation act. This is what i amazed whenever any hindu doing some moments against any religion then he will be called as non secular and anti national but even the anti national thing done by some minority religions especially by muslims they will be called as secular. what non sense going in india. But i hope as long as congress and other regional non secular(only by words but fake in act) parties are there in india, surely one day hindus will become a minority religion in hindustan. If muslims don't want to sing a national song and they want there religion only means then why they are living in this nation. Why not they go to some other muslim countries. Everyone is speaking about secularism which means protecting the minorities in nation but unfortunately 50% of those minorities are living for their religion not for nation. And 90% of the non sense hindus are busy in getting their daily needs. The whole world knows that westerners are trying to convert all the poor indians especially the fishermens into christianity And all the muslims are protesting for concessions and quottas,not for nation. these Quottas and concessions are the real enemy of future india. And congress and all the regional parties are the builders of these enemies and vote bank politics is the king of all the Above.

Tell me one Muslim revolutionary name (Except Asfhaqullah Khan) from Bengal and Punjab (Both Muslim majority area.. )
Jan Gan Man has Sindh in it, Still we sing it.. Question is not whether its right or wrong, question is its our symbol. We must not respect it...

Religion are temprory , culture is permanent.. Today they are Muslim tomorrow they can revert to Hinduism...

Our tricolor has Saffron in it, what if some fanatic Muslim come up and say we can't use it as symbol of nation as it has Saffron in it... :)

Vande Mataram was Mantra of "Freedom struggle"... Wait a minute Muslim hardly participated in National freedom movement, how can they respect it....

The song is a part of our history and national festivity and religion should not be dragged into such mundane things. The Vande Mataram is simply a national song without any connotation that could violate the tenets of any religion.

Yeah, right.

As I pointed out, those who were most hostile to Gandhi, who pushed the Two Nation Theory into the teeth of everybody else, those who finally killed Gandhi are today the ones bleeding at the disrespect given to the national movement and to the symbol of the national movement.

1. Sir very good question and the answer is

According to this Muslim MP he used to remain absent at the time of the airing of this song at the end to avoid any such uncalled for opposition by the NON Muslim parliament.

In this particular case he said he was caught between a situation where he had to walk out as he consider it against his belief.

Now sir once again can this be against the law of the Indian parliament?

if NOT he cant be forced to listen to something that is not constitutional.

and as for the other MPs they are own to their own and he is to his own. this is no justification to force this down his throat

Its not a Q of being against the law or otherwise.

Its more a Q of propriety to me - Dastoor if you like.

The law says that we must not be corrupt , I can say for sure that if the accounts of the LAD funds given to each MP are scrutinized , they will be misappropriation. A country like GB runs without a written constitution - only on conventions.

Taking bribes too is not constitutional yet all MPs invariably do. Lets not go there.

Dastoor is what kept us sober for centuries.
thanks...i am pointing out towards other issue:
i have heard that few stanzas were offensive..I don't know in which sense..but later on liaqat ali khan when went for official visit of India....he discussed that problem...with indian ministers that few couplets/stanzas are offensive.. which indian minister agreed to removed..i dunno this is true or not....
please confirm that this was actual story or some rumor of past?

I don't find anything offensive as such. You can check it yourself. I am posting the English translation of the full song by Rishi Aurobindo. Here you go.

the english translation of the Vande Mataram

Translation by Shree Aurobindo

Mother, I bow to thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Dark fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams,
Over thy branches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother I kiss thy feet,
Speaker sweet and low!
Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands
When the sword flesh out in the seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who art mighty and stored,
To thee I call Mother and Lord!
Though who savest, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foeman drove
Back from plain and Sea
And shook herself free.

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Though art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nervs the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
And the Muse a hundred-toned,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleems,
Dark of hue O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair
And thy glorious smile divine,
Lovilest of all earthly lands,
Showering wealth from well-stored hands!
Mother, mother mine!
Mother sweet, I bow to thee,
Mother great and free!

Bdw regarding the Liaqat Ali Khan case which you have mentioned, I am not aware, hence won't be able to comment.
Thnx :tup:. I personally find Bengali as a very sweet and soothing language. Some of the words are hardcore sanskrit.
A friend of mine played a crude joke with me, he told me "Bhalo Bhashi" means Hello in Bengali, and I used it on an office colleague. She was like :lol: and told me the actual meaning, went red in face
LOL that was really funny:D,btw we Bengalis have unique sense of humor(okay i do admit that sometimes it becomes serious) but i also did something like this when i was in hostel.one of my room mates who was a manipuri:omghaha:
If you do not understand Gurmat or Gurbani please do not misquote it. A Sikh only does Bhagti of Vaheguru and no one else. The quote you are misinterpreting from Gurbani is not saying Dharti equivalent to God. .
You sound like some one from the west of the ditch.Who the hell are you ? An over enlightened virgin (Cheers Clint Eastwood)

So according to you the imaginary daddy up in the sky is more important than their own mother :woot:

This the first and last time I'm quoting you.All over enlightened virgins have a special place granted by his Majesty Cloud_9 and that is his personal Ignore List :sleep:
Yeah, right.

As I pointed out, those who were most hostile to Gandhi, who pushed the Two Nation Theory into the teeth of everybody else, those who finally killed Gandhi are today the ones bleeding at the disrespect given to the national movement and to the symbol of the national movement.


Gandhi was a great person but he did some mistake, some mistake which cost India dearly..
1. Even after giving 40% land to Muslims(25%), Gandhi allowed Muslims to stay in India. Today those few Muslims have breeded to 25% of Indian population and one of that "Muslim" is disrespecting India and Indian values in parliament...

Allowing Muslims to stay in India was worst decision of Gandhi and Nehru.
Gandhi was a great person but he did some mistake, some mistake which cost India dearly..
1. Even after giving 40% land to Muslims(25%), Gandhi allowed Muslims to stay in India. Today those few Muslims have breeded to 25% of Indian population and one of that "Muslim" is disrespecting India and Indian values in parliament...

Allowing Muslims to stay in India was worst decision of Gandhi and Nehru.

:cheesy: the only problem is majority of you are hardcore Hindus filled with such hate for others but the irony is that likes of you have to swing between secularism rehtoric and hindu nationalism whichever way it suits your agenda for particular period.

I don't find anything offensive as such. You can check it yourself. I am posting the English translation of the full song by Rishi Aurobindo. Here you go.

the english translation of the Vande Mataram

Translation by Shree Aurobindo

Mother, I bow to thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Dark fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams,
Over thy branches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother I kiss thy feet,
Speaker sweet and low!
Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands
When the sword flesh out in the seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who art mighty and stored,
To thee I call Mother and Lord!
Though who savest, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foeman drove
Back from plain and Sea
And shook herself free.

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Though art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nervs the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
And the Muse a hundred-toned,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleems,
Dark of hue O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair
And thy glorious smile divine,
Lovilest of all earthly lands,
Showering wealth from well-stored hands!
Mother, mother mine!
Mother sweet, I bow to thee,
Mother great and free!

Bdw regarding the Liaqat Ali Khan case which you have mentioned, I am not aware, hence won't be able to comment.

dedicated to Hindu deity.

need not to be sung in a secular parliament if you calim to be one
:cheesy: the only problem is majority of you are hardcore Hindus filled with such hate for others but the irony is that likes of you have to swing between secularism rehtoric and hindu nationalism whichever way it suits your agenda for particular period.

dedicated to Hindu deity.

need not to be sung in a secular parliament if you calim to be one

If you ask me for an answer to your post, it's present in my earlier posts. If you go through those, you'll get my views. I don't want to reiterate those again and again.

If you have question for other members then you can address them very well.

Regarding secularism in India, no questions should arise. You can come to India and you'll get a feel of that. It's not possible to predict another country by merely hearing or reading news.

Regarding issues, issues are present in each and every country, whether they be secular, radical, democratic or dictator driven. You won't be able to name a country which never had any issues.
If you ask me for an answer to your post, it's present in my earlier posts. If you go through those, you'll get my views. I don't want to reiterate those again and again.

If you have question for other members then you can address them very well.

Regarding secularism in India, no questions should arise. You can come to India and you'll get a feel of that. It's not possible to predict another country by merely hearing or reading news.

Regarding issues, issues are present in each and every country, whether they be secular, radical, democratic or dictator driven. You won't be able to name a country which never had any issues.

Indeed issues are present in all parts of the world the only issue is that many indians like blackwidow are not ready to accept the issues and ills among them.

i already visited and am not banking merely on news.

you must accept that your country is Hindu state not only spritually but practically too. You should not and you do not need to hide behind empty slogans of secularism. Just accept the reality and define lines.

Make this Hindu religios song as Compulsory by passing the bill in Parliament and impose it on all irrespective of who is hindu or muslim.

The issue is that on the one hand you claim to be secular and on the other hand your parliament is acting like Hindu parliament
But's that's a battle cry during freedom movement. If you are disrespecting the VANDE MATARAM then you are obviously disrepecting the nation's freedom movement and it's a anti nation act. This is what i amazed whenever any hindu doing some moments against any religion then he will be called as non secular and anti national but even the anti national thing done by some minority religions especially by muslims they will be called as secular. what non sense going in india. But i hope as long as congress and other regional non secular(only by words but fake in act) parties are there in india, surely one day hindus will become a minority religion in hindustan. If muslims don't want to sing a national song and they want there religion only means then why they are living in this nation. Why not they go to some other muslim countries. Everyone is speaking about secularism which means protecting the minorities in nation but unfortunately 50% of those minorities are living for their religion not for nation. And 90% of the non sense hindus are busy in getting their daily needs. The whole world knows that westerners are trying to convert all the poor indians especially the fishermens into christianity And all the muslims are protesting for concessions and quottas,not for nation. these Quottas and concessions are the real enemy of future india. And congress and all the regional parties are the builders of these enemies and vote bank politics is the king of all the Above.

That's the wrong way to think about it , i feel.

Islam says that you can't bow before anybody but Allah, and this song does mean to bow before the motherland.

It is against one of the basic tenets of Islam. If they don't want to sing it , it doesn't mean they are not patriotic. As long as they are singing the national anthem, it should be fine.

But, yes i do agree with you when you say that he should not have insulted it by walking out like that. He should have stayed there in respect and not sung the song.
Gandhi was a great person but he did some mistake, some mistake which cost India dearly..
1. Even after giving 40% land to Muslims(25%), Gandhi allowed Muslims to stay in India. Today those few Muslims have breeded to 25% of Indian population and one of that "Muslim" is disrespecting India and Indian values in parliament...

Allowing Muslims to stay in India was worst decision of Gandhi and Nehru.

Actually, I agree that Gandhi made some mistakes.

He pandered to the worst section of Muslim opinion, to the fundamentalists and the Mullahs, and this legacy has been carried forward by the Congress after independence; the Shah Bano case is the quintessential example, where Rajiv Gandhi, on the terrible guidance of that utterly unprincipled Arun Nehru, threw Mohammed Arif Khan to the wolves. This was one of the most horrible political betrayals in Indian history.

Your arguments, however, with due respect to your person and your individuality, are crap. That 40% and 25% does not reflect anything but your bias; the land given to Pakistan was nowhere near as fertile and well-populated as the rest of the Indian sub-continent, with the possible exception of Ladakh. Again, India is full of fools who want to expand into Ladakh, for no good reason except to inflate the square footage under Indian occupation and administration. What good that will do is difficult to visualise.

Your second argument about Muslims left behind in India breeding to 25% of the population is really silly. You should find out why poor people reproduce as they do, in large numbers, although their children do not live very long, and why this rate of reproduction drops away sharply once the chances of survival and social safeguards for aging people are put in place. I wish you would use your brains, rather than thinking in this utterly uneducated manner.

Gandhi and Nehru made a terrible mistake in aligning with regressive Muslims. Their allowing Muslims to stay allows us the welcome relief of being to balance idiots who use a mixture of prejudice and religious superstition, and was an excellent decision, otherwise we would have had to listen to one set of fools, droning their monotonous drone.
Tell me one Muslim revolutionary name (Except Asfhaqullah Khan) from Bengal and Punjab (Both Muslim majority area.. )

Ashfaqullah is a freedom fighter dude. And i can't understand why you are asking this?There are lots dude. Few of them are Abul Kalam Azad,Ali Jawad Zaidi,Mulana Mazharul Haque,Zakir Hussain, and many more.
Gandhi was a great person but he did some mistake, some mistake which cost India dearly..
1. Even after giving 40% land to Muslims(25%), Gandhi allowed Muslims to stay in India. Today those few Muslims have breeded to 25% of Indian population and one of that "Muslim" is disrespecting India and Indian values in parliament...

Allowing Muslims to stay in India was worst decision of Gandhi and Nehru.
What do mean "allowing" - it was not their ancestral property to "allow" anyone. I agree that the Partition could have been carried out in a more systematic manner without bloodshed.
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