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In November 1971, when we were awaiting orders from the government, Manekshaw addressed a huge gathering of soldiers all keyed up to advance into Pakistan. He very forcefully stressed that we must treat all women in Pakistan with great respect and consideration. In the middle of his address, he suddenly pointed to a burly soldier of the Sikh Light Infantry, "O, tera dhiyan kithe wey! Yad rakhin Pakistan vich sarian zenanian terian Mawan te bhainan hon gian!" (Hey, what are you thinking of! Remember to treat all women in Pakistan like your mother and sisters). The impact was instant and electric, and the message went home.

We need some one like him in BSF to deal with such crimes (if report is true). Rape whether on Bangladeshi woman or Indian, Hindu or Muslim is rape. It cannot be justified under any circumstances.
Thanks for the article from Odhikar a human rights organization who is alse dealing the the BSF case.
When I agree to the fact that BD society is no less viloent than any other society yet we have to single out this specific BSF case. Its not like any other rape incidence when some opportunist xyz (law enforcement or civilian) or some sick criminal raped some vulnerable girl. In this specific BSF incidence they not only exploited the lady but they first beaten her husband to death and hanged him from tree top. Then they raped her in group infront of her husband's dead body. Is this a normal crime or a hate crime? I believe later is true and my question is where all these hate coming from?

This particular incidence only shows, as I am afraid that some school of thought does prevail within Indian security agencies which considers the citizen of neighbouring countries as their enemy. Unless the whole group would not had dared to do this kind of heinous thing to another fellow human.

First of all, i'd like to condemn the incident, as without doubt it is shameful for india. Officers in the services are expected to behave responsibly and humanely. Simply detaining the couple would have sufficed. What they did was barbaric and if identified, with any conclusive evidence, they should be stripped off their uniforms and put in prison for the rest of their ****** lives.

That being said, personally, i have great attachment for the land...and the people of bangladesh. My dad's family originates in noakhali while my mom's folk we landlords somewhere in bangladesh too....almost half my family live there as respected members of the community.....i believe one of them was ur hockey coach and has recieved a national award ......and i am not only talking of hindus...i have close relations with many muslims in bangladesh who are always invited over when in india..

the attitude i see in india regarding bangladesh is very positive....bangladesh is seen as a friendly country and an ally.....the perception of bangladeshi people too is positive..

The only problem is excessive illegal border crossing and migration...
we have entire STATES where bangladeshi immigrants outnumber the indegenous population. We've got a population of over 1.1 billion...we can't AFFORD more people..especially not poor ones. The excessive border crossing has been a serious irritant in relations..and i think it is only justified to allow shooting at people engaged in it (mind you raping is a TOTALLY different story).

I believe our forces must be given strict orders in this regard. Bangladesh is no enemy....Our countries enjoy a special relationship.
Treatment must be humane as far as possible.

I think a significant fault lies with the BD govt. for not being able to develop amenities for its people (as the news article shows)..

I ALSO think a LOT of the fault lies with india. We helped you get your freedom, but abandoned you after that. After 1971, we didn't give financial help to the BD people to help them become self reliant and strong. Due to this lack of foresight by india, freedom didnt transpire into a massive increase in opportunity for BD people.. In many ways, India brought this ill will upon itself

And as for the topic of this thread. I DO believe it is unwarranted. I mean, when the bsf is taking positive steps, it should be condoned, rather than abused.....the rape happened years ago..the topic suggests that the bsf has just raped a women...while it has in reality taken steps to investigate a past wrong....the bsf as an institution has high traditions..and cant be disregarded for the actions of one deviant, just like humanity cant be disregarded for a crime by a single deviant......I do believe that such attitude of my Bangladeshi brothers doesnt help anything....in the end ...what kind of signal do YOU want to send out? one of friendship..or hostility?
First of all, i'd like to condemn the incident, as without doubt it is shameful for india. Officers in the services are expected to behave responsibly and humanely. Simply detaining the couple would have sufficed. What they did was barbaric and if identified, with any conclusive evidence, they should be stripped off their uniforms and put in prison for the rest of their ****** lives.

That being said, personally, i have great attachment for the land...and the people of bangladesh. My dad's family originates in noakhali while my mom's folk we landlords somewhere in bangladesh too....almost half my family live there as respected members of the community.....i believe one of them was ur hockey coach and has recieved a national award ......and i am not only talking of hindus...i have close relations with many muslims in bangladesh who are always invited over when in india..

the attitude i see in india regarding bangladesh is very positive....bangladesh is seen as a friendly country and an ally.....the perception of bangladeshi people too is positive..

The only problem is excessive illegal border crossing and migration...
we have entire STATES where bangladeshi immigrants outnumber the indegenous population. We've got a population of over 1.1 billion...we can't AFFORD more people..especially not poor ones. The excessive border crossing has been a serious irritant in relations..and i think it is only justified to allow shooting at people engaged in it (mind you raping is a TOTALLY different story).

I believe our forces must be given strict orders in this regard. Bangladesh is no enemy....Our countries enjoy a special relationship.
Treatment must be humane as far as possible.

I think a significant fault lies with the BD govt. for not being able to develop amenities for its people (as the news article shows)..

I ALSO think a LOT of the fault lies with india. We helped you get your freedom, but abandoned you after that. After 1971, we didn't give financial help to the BD people to help them become self reliant and strong. Due to this lack of foresight by india, freedom didnt transpire into a massive increase in opportunity for BD people.. In many ways, India brought this ill will upon itself

And as for the topic of this thread. I DO believe it is unwarranted. I mean, when the bsf is taking positive steps, it should be condoned, rather than abused.....the rape happened years ago..the topic suggests that the bsf has just raped a women...while it has in reality taken steps to investigate a past wrong....the bsf as an institution has high traditions..and cant be disregarded for the actions of one deviant, just like humanity cant be disregarded for a crime by a single deviant......I do believe that such attitude of my Bangladeshi brothers doesnt help anything....in the end ...what kind of signal do YOU want to send out? one of friendship..or hostility?

Shooting people at the border on mere suspicion is barbaric. Indian govt condones it. Condoning the act of killing people on the border provides the platform to commit other offenses.
Shooting people at the border on mere suspicion is barbaric. Indian govt condones it. Condoning the act of killing people on the border provides the platform to commit other offenses.

i also condemn killings until & unless they try to inflitrate illegaly or indulge in smuggling.
First of all, i'd like to condemn the incident, as without doubt it is shameful for india. Officers in the services are expected to behave responsibly and humanely. Simply detaining the couple would have sufficed. What they did was barbaric and if identified, with any conclusive evidence, they should be stripped off their uniforms and put in prison for the rest of their ****** lives.

Ok got your point.
But you ignored the core fact that BSF is not train properly or being instructed covertly or given them blank cheque to do anything as they like in the border.

That being said, personally, i have great attachment for the land...and the people of bangladesh. My dad's family originates in noakhali while my mom's folk we landlords somewhere in bangladesh too....almost half my family live there as respected members of the community.....i believe one of them was ur hockey coach and has recieved a national award ......and i am not only talking of hindus...i have close relations with many muslims in bangladesh who are always invited over when in india..

YOu are not alone in that group.

the attitude i see in india regarding bangladesh is very positive....bangladesh is seen as a friendly country and an ally.....the perception of bangladeshi people too is positive..

We are always friendly to everyone. There is no reason to think otherwise.

The only problem is excessive illegal border crossing and migration...
we have entire STATES where bangladeshi immigrants outnumber the indegenous population. We've got a population of over 1.1 billion...we can't AFFORD more people..especially not poor ones. The excessive border crossing has been a serious irritant in relations..and i think it is only justified to allow shooting at people engaged in it (mind you raping is a TOTALLY different story).

You brought a very controversial matter. We dont think any abnormal immigration is going on from BD to India. And those areas you are talking about, are just mere propaganda fuled by BJP and Assamese. Karimganj and Murshidabad were muslim majority region before 1947 and the current muslim population in those areas are less than 30% if you did not know it.

I believe our forces must be given strict orders in this regard. Bangladesh is no enemy....Our countries enjoy a special relationship.
Treatment must be humane as far as possible.

Relationship is a dynamic thing. Even if we become your enemy in the distant future, you are still not entitled to kill civilians.

I think a significant fault lies with the BD govt. for not being able to develop amenities for its people (as the news article shows)..

We are still a third world country with our own baggage as like as India.

I ALSO think a LOT of the fault lies with india. We helped you get your freedom, but abandoned you after that. After 1971, we didn't give financial help to the BD people to help them become self reliant and strong. Due to this lack of foresight by india, freedom didnt transpire into a massive increase in opportunity for BD people.. In many ways, India brought this ill will upon itself

We are very greatefull what you did in 1971. After 1971 BD never expected anything from India other than withdraw its troops within couple of months. You were facing famine in Maharashtra from 1972-1974 and were unable to feed your own people. How could you help us out in those trying days??? We did understand those and we do it now.

And as for the topic of this thread. I DO believe it is unwarranted. I mean, when the bsf is taking positive steps, it should be condoned, rather than abused.....the rape happened years ago..the topic suggests that the bsf has just raped a women...while it has in reality taken steps to investigate a past wrong....the bsf as an institution has high traditions..and cant be disregarded for the actions of one deviant, just like humanity cant be disregarded for a crime by a single deviant......I do believe that such attitude of my Bangladeshi brothers doesnt help anything....in the end ...what kind of signal do YOU want to send out? one of friendship..or hostility?

The matter happened years ago but justice never done. Its not that individual event that we should forgive and forget. As I writing in this forum I am sure some other atrocities are happening along the border.
Ok got your point.
But you ignored the core fact that BSF is not train properly or being instructed covertly or given them blank cheque to do anything as they like in the border.

BSF's training aims at giving them the skills to guard our borders..and in that, their training is apt. I can AlSO assure you that they are not being instructed covertly to kill bangladeshi civilians ....I mean..what's the point in that? What threat do bangladeshi civilians INSIDE bangladesh pose? In what way do they hamper our national security? Ammo costs something.

Thing is, they ARE allowed to take whatever action deemed fit if anyone is violating the border..and that INCLUDES shooting them.
They could be smugglers...or worse....HUJI.

YOu are not alone in that group.

We are always friendly to everyone. There is no reason to think otherwise.

You brought a very controversial matter. We dont think any abnormal immigration is going on from BD to India. And those areas you are talking about, are just mere propaganda fuled by BJP and Assamese. Karimganj and Murshidabad were muslim majority region before 1947 and the current muslim population in those areas are less than 30% if you did not know it.

There wass large scale migration during the partition, which is why they arent muslim majority areas anymore...of course there are other factors too. Though this is slightly off topic.

About immigration...again, I've seen a lot of bangladeshi immigrants. I live in Jharkhand that doesnt even share a border with your nation, and yet we have 1000s of bangladeshi immigrants in my city as well. Take it for the country as a whole, that kind of runs into very large figures. Also smuggling is VERY common. In Tripura, where my dad grew up, we had markets selling exclusively goods smuggled in from bangladesh (still got a cd player...piece of $hit if there ever was one)
Like i mentioned, we are already stretched to breaking point just like you are. There's no way we can afford this. Also, Bangladesh opposes fencing of the border...which could have reduced such incidents.

Relationship is a dynamic thing. Even if we become your enemy in the distant future, you are still not entitled to kill civilians.

With all due respect, we ARE if they try crossing the border illegally.Humane treatement is an ideal that should be followed. But then again, once a citizen of one country crosses over to another illegally, the first country can hardly seek justce for wrongs done to them. (not a justificication for what was done..just a pragmatic argument). The bsf also kills indians trying to cross over.Like you would have noticed, not all Bangladeshis are peaceful.Some terror groups execute attacks in india. But i do agree, arresting people trying to cross over,should be made the first course of action when it is possible.

We are still a third world country with our own baggage as like as India.

Precisely my point, neither you, nor we are doing very well with the adversities we currently face. We certainly wouldnt be able to handle any more.

We are very greatefull what you did in 1971. After 1971 BD never expected anything from India other than withdraw its troops within couple of months. You were facing famine in Maharashtra from 1972-1974 and were unable to feed your own people. How could you help us out in those trying days??? We did understand those and we do it now.

That's very gracious of you. Thing is that, india missed the opportunity to have its most dependable ally in bangladesh. Our relationship with bangladesh has been mishandled. It could have been a beautiful friendship. I only hope that at some point of time, the damage done can be repaired. The ray of hope being that your current government is friendly to india. They have declared that they wont allow anti-india terrorists on their soil. That sort of statements go a long way in instilling confidence in us. Military exchanges have started, and one Brigadier General of your army whom i spoke to says that things will only go uphill from here.

The matter happened years ago but justice never done. Its not that individual event that we should forgive and forget. As I writing in this forum I am sure some other atrocities are happening along the border.

Those are very unfortunate.(and i know that word doesn't BEGIN to sum it up) I DO believe a change in operational proceedure and policy is necessary. The work on fencing should be speeded up. The Bangladesh govt. should also do its part in stopping illegal border crossing. Also, as a part of indian initiative, now that our economy is growing fast, we should help bangladesh created the infrastructure which will ultimately go a long way in solving most of our problems....
judging by this:India to give Bangladesh $1bn line of credit - The Times of India

someone seems to have gotten the hint:cheers::cheers::cheers:
i also condemn killings until & unless they try to inflitrate illegaly or indulge in smuggling.

How do you justify killing someone crossing a border or for smuggling ?
Ok got your point.
But you ignored the core fact that BSF is not train properly or being instructed covertly or given them blank cheque to do anything as they like in the border.

I don't think training of BSF has anything to do with it. BSF is guarding the west part of the country as well.

There is security implication, specially at a time when BNP/JAMAT explicitly was trying to pull off an ISI.

Fencing the border is tough in some part of Bangladesh and West Bengal border as it will affect many people's life. The only way is to systematically engaging BSF and BDR and make BDR doing their job more efficiently.

I still believe however, most people who get killed are smugglers failing to pay the bribe.
How do you justify killing someone crossing a border or for smuggling ?

dude, international borders aren't lines you cross without passports and visa.....of course they'll be apprehended and shot at if they are found to be in violation as by that they are challenging the respective state's prerogative to decide who enters their territory....they are violating our territory....of course we'll deal with them whatever way we see fit....all claims bangladeah has on those people are lost when they try to violate our territory....
dude, international borders aren't lines you cross without passports and visa.....of course they'll be apprehended and shot at if they are found to be in violation as by that they are challenging the respective state's prerogative to decide who enters their territory....they are violating our territory....of course we'll deal with them whatever way we see fit....all claims bangladeah has on those people are lost when they try to violate our territory....

Thats as arrogant as you can got when you loose a conversation.
A goat of one of neighbours always used to intrude another neighbours garden. We used to see the fight everyday but one day the gardener got so angry that he killed the goat. But the village shalish made the guy to pay for the goat. The logic behind the verdict is that a goat is a goat and as you want to live in a civil society you got to behave with civility.
Its India's term whether they want to behave civic or not. We loose 100 of thousands in a sigle cyclone so does India. 1/2 smuggler getting killed will not reduce our manpower but will make India the evil one and honeymoon with BD will vanish in thin air. India has much more to loose.

PS: I did nt reply your earlier post as you called your CD player a piece of $hit which you still hold. Thats irony aint it?
lol whats this all about ,the action of an individual cannon be blamed on a state...if the indvidual has done it it is individuals fault and he must be duely punished ,but blaming india is wrong
lol whats this all about ,the action of an individual cannon be blamed on a state...if the indvidual has done it it is individuals fault and he must be duely punished ,but blaming india is wrong

Thats our point as well. Its India who suppose to punish those individuals or hand them over the BD so that the court of law can take its due course. Once it is done then we are even and nobody will blame India.
Thats as arrogant as you can got when you loose a conversation.
A goat of one of neighbours always used to intrude another neighbours garden. We used to see the fight everyday but one day the gardener got so angry that he killed the goat. But the village shalish made the guy to pay for the goat. The logic behind the verdict is that a goat is a goat and as you want to live in a civil society you got to behave with civility.
Its India's term whether they want to behave civic or not. We loose 100 of thousands in a sigle cyclone so does India. 1/2 smuggler getting killed will not reduce our manpower but will make India the evil one and honeymoon with BD will vanish in thin air. India has much more to loose.

I AGREE india has a lot more to lose....india has lost a lot already. What i just meant to emphasise was that, you cant be so casual about crossing international borders. That is a violation of international law and our territorial sovereignity. I mean, everything else aside, the people crossing the border know what the deal is....either you manage to get in undetected, or you are shot at. Unfortunately, that is how it is, anywhere in the world today. Now there are proper channels of travelling across the border if these people use such channels with the requisite documents, i can guarantee the bsf wont cause any problems. Their duty is to prevent illegal infiltration of our borders through any means necessary....which includes violence ( The raping of that poor lady remains indefensible...arrests should be carried out when possible). Thing is that, if our borders are allowed to remain porous, it poses massive security risks too....i am sure the problams would be better solved if the bangladeshi side ALSO made a concerned effort to prevent these people from crossing over.....when that doesnt happen, it demonizes the image of the bangladeshi border forces in the indian ranks...they begin to be seen as people who will allow/help people to cross the border, but will raise a hue and cry when we do our job of policing our borders and engage them. Our borders cant be violated...under any circumstances. this must be recognised by your side too.:cheers:

PS: I did nt reply your earlier post as you called your CD player a piece of $hit which you still hold. Thats irony aint it?

aah..the cd player....ki ar boltam dada..3ta movie dekhar porey kharap hoye gache......u know what chinese stuff is like ..
Thats our point as well. Its India who suppose to punish those individuals or hand them over the BD so that the court of law can take its due course. Once it is done then we are even and nobody will blame India.

difficulty is that there's very little evidence and the enforcer involved will go to courts and sue the force for large amounts in compensation...that's the problem with india.....everything has to be done by the book..through a slow..inefficient process...
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