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British-Pakistani lost generations

Most Pakistanis cam from northern Pakistan which was one of the least developed areas of Pakistan. The conservative immigrants with low educational level worked hard to support their large families. The second generation schooled in UK was torn between two cultures. The parents who did not full grasp of local culture due to lack of education and language thus could not guide their children properly. Nevertheless immigrants from other countries with similar circumstance has done far better than Pakistanis in UK and other parts of Europe.

SO does that mean forcing a girl of 14 to prostitution is appreciated in northeren areas of Paksitan ??
So ?? I never said that those PIMPS were right ..... my point is that such acts are condemnable no matter which part of world you belong..... it's not appreciated in pakistan either, so you can't say that such persons are frustrated due to cultural difference etc etc.

but you clearly put most of the blame on the girl, tah was the difference.
SO does that mean forcing a girl of 14 to prostitution is appreciated in northeren areas of Paksitan ??

I am discussing the problems of Pakistani immigrants in UK in general and not the the specific crime in the news report. May be you misunderstood my comments. Every culture and religion prohibits prostitution of children. Many criminals are depraved of their humanity and have to be locked up for life.
i dunno,

London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
indicates that there are nearly 3 times as many people of indian origin than pakistani origin in london. that means the per capita crime rate of pakistanis is much higher.

The article talks about british crime rate not london crime rate .That population stats is for one city only the crime rate for a country doesn't just show on the basis of just one city so to prove pakistani per capita crime rate is much more than indians because there more indians in one place-london is misleading -although i'm sure it is higher but not MUCH higher as you are making out because british indian population is only slightly larger than the pakistani one there is around 1+ million british pakistani and 1.3-1.4 million british indians which not a whole lot higher .
Though leaving crime rate aside .I will say the indian population is much more properous,peaceful and better educated amongst all ethnic groups :tup:
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.....british indian population is only slightly larger than the pakistani one there is around 1+ million british pakistani and 1.3-1.4 million british indians.....

The British-Indian population also includes tens of thousands of immigrants from Africa whose ancestors came from South Asia. Many of them are Muslims whose roots were from Pakistan or would have migrated to Pakistan after independence. This includes Gujarati Muslims, Ismaili Muslims, etc. They are counted with British-Indians but they feel closer to British-Pakistanis.
some british pakistanis are really foul too many of them are thugs for my liking alot of pakistanis are like this in the UK sadly lots of them are proud of it even !

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The article talks about british crime rate not london crime rate .That population stats is for one city only the crime rate for a country doesn't just show on the basis of just one city so to prove pakistani per capita crime rate is much more than indians because there more indians in one place-london is misleading -although i'm sure it is higher but not MUCH higher as you are making out because british indian population is only slightly larger than the pakistani one there is around 1+ million british pakistani and 1.3-1.4 million british indians which not a whole lot higher .
Though leaving crime rate aside .I will say the indian population is much more properous,peaceful and better educated amongst all ethnic groups :tup:

"A recent report by the Metropolitan Police showed Indians committed 748 crimes in the city during the first six months of the year, including 235 violent ones. Pakistanis came lower down the order at number 10, with 591 offences, 177 of them violent."

"Some 13.3 per cent are of South Asian descent, with Indians making up 6.6 per cent of London's population, followed by Pakistanis and Bangladeshis at 2.4 per cent and 2.3 per cent respectively. 2.0 per cent are categorised as "Other Asian".

these are the numbers about london. lets calculate ratio.

(591/2.4) / (748/6.6) = 2.2

the london crime rate for pakistanis is 2.2 times higher than indians.
i don't know the statistics for the rest of the country.
The British-Indian population also includes tens of thousands of immigrants from Africa whose ancestors came from South Asia. Many of them are Muslims whose roots were from Pakistan or would have migrated to Pakistan after independence. This includes Gujarati Muslims, Ismaili Muslims, etc. They are counted with British-Indians but they feel closer to British-Pakistanis.

yes i know they are included in the count actually indians from africa are among the most prosperous most of them are from kenya or uganda and alot of them are gujratis very well educated and have their businesses often jewellers or newsagents they are doing really well for themselves they are hardworking people gotta tip my hat to them :tup:
Life in the UK is very different...

Alcohol is not frowned upon, promiscuous sexual relations almost a norm and people openly admit to being atheist with almost a sense of pride.

Yet, a free society in which you are free to believe what you wish as long as you don't harm anybody only makes Muslim Immigrants pedophile pimps, rapist and criminals in these large numbers. In Berlin almost 90% of repeat offenders of violent crimes are Muslims..

So what is the common denominator?

I have an Idea, I'm just wondering if any of you is able to see it..

Also don't derail the thread on Indians, that is off-topic.
Yet, a free society in which you are free to believe what you wish as long as you don't harm anybody only makes Muslim Immigrants pedophile pimps, rapist and criminals in these large numbers. In Berlin almost 90% of repeat offenders of violent crimes are Muslims..

So what is the common denominator?

I have an Idea, I'm just wondering if any of you is able to see it..

Also don't derail the thread on Indians, that is off-topic.

can you give me a source for that 90% claim?
Well they are lot of crims going on in those countries, even by involving other country nationals, i couldn't understand why they highlight always Pakistani's specificaly.
uk is a vibrant place to live in...there are more pakistanis and bangladeshis in uk than indians...even u can find a india(owned by a bangladeshi) restaurant in as far as whick in scotland...the place i used to live stoke on trent has a huge population of pakistanis who r very friendly made me feel at home most of my stay...but there is radicalisation which is visible not only in major cities like bhirmistan and londonistan who are very critical of western policy..most of the immigrant pakistanis lead a very peaceful hardworking life which is not the case with future gen who are very aggressive..drug peddlers..trying to dominate the ghetto... i dont say all of them but a very few i kno
i had very brotherly exp with them all of them during my 3 yr stay...
My Uk experience of 6 years suggests that alot of our generation is lost to this split culture... Mum can't speak english and therefore a huge communication gap exists... Dad works all day and even nights , mostly riding taxis and kids do whatever pleases them ... a dangerous cocktail...
Im born in UK i have many pakistani friends, there is some % of pakistanis involved in gang culture, drugs, fraud etc the highest jail population in UK for ethnic people is pakistanis. It all depends where u live like in Manchester, Oldham, Bradford there is lack of jobs etc and so the youths get into crime to make easy money as they see it but in London you will see many pakistanis doing well in business or career wise due to the upbringing.

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