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British MPs Demand Cancellation Of UK Aid To India, After Pranab Describes


Dec 22, 2011
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London, Feb 6: British Prime Minister David Cameron was under intense pressure on Sunday night to slash the £1billion in aid Britain gives to India after the country said it no longer wanted the money, Daily Mail reported.

India's finance minister Pranab Mukherjee had described UK aid to India as peanuts in India's total development spending.

Mukherjee had said India should 'voluntarily' give up the £280million a year it receives from Britain.

Conservative Party MP Philip Davies called for the Indian aid programme to be cancelled immediately.

Davies said: 'India spends tens of billions on defence and hundreds of millions a year on a space programme – in those circumstances it would be unacceptable to give them aid even if they were begging us foGiven that they don't even want it, it would be even more extraordinary if it were to be allowed to continue.

Fellow Conservative Douglas Carswell said: 'This is concrete proof that Britain's aid programme is run in the interests of Whitehall officials and the DFID machine.

'The fact is that India's economy is growing much faster than our own.:enjoy: We should be encouraging free trade with them and trying to learn from them rather than handing out patronising lectures.'

Conservative Party MP Peter Bone urged ministers to abandon the 'vanity project' of pursuing a target to hand out 0.7 per cent of the UK's entire national income in aid.

He said: 'India has its own foreign aid programme so it is absurd for us to be still giving them aid. They are more than capable of looking after their own issues.

'As for the 0.7 per cent target, it is a vanity project that is being pursued for no good reason at all. I do not understand the Government's position on this and I don't think the British public do either.'r it.
also emerged that in a leaked memo dating from 2010 India's then foreign secretary Nirupama Rao suggested India should not accept any further aid from Britain's Department for International Development because of the 'negative publicity of Indian poverty promoted by DFID'.

Sources in Delhi suggested British officials begged India to accept the aid. One commented: 'They said British ministers had spent political capital justifying the aid to their electorate.

'They said it would be highly embarrassing if [India] pulled the plug.'
The revelations raised fresh questions on Sunday night for ministers who have been struggling to defend the Indian aid programme in the face of criticism from the public and Conservative MPs.

They also risk raising fresh questions about the Coalition's controversial decision to pour billions more into foreign aid at a time of deep spending cuts at home.

'There will be millions of hard-pressed families wondering why on earth the Government is wasting money in this way.'
Some critics in India have also questioned the value of the aid, warning that much of it is lost to corruption and bureaucracy.

As recently as 2010 India was the biggest net recipient of British aid, receiving £421million.

Despite India's rapid economic development the International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell decided last year to approve a further £1.1billion in aid over the next four years.

The timing of the latest revelations is particularly embarrassing for ministers, coming in the wake of India's decision last week to reject the British-built Typhoon fighter jet as preferred candidate for a £13billion defence deal.

Mitchell said last year that the continuing aid programme was partly 'about seeking to sell Typhoon'.

India has named the cheaper French-built Rafale as its preferred option.

Supporters of Britain's aid programme to India point out that, despite rapid economic development, the country remains home to about a third of the world's poor.
DFID claims that its programme saves 17,000 lives a year. International development minister Alan Duncan said last week that scrapping the aid programme 'would mean that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people will die who otherwise could live'.

Last week it emerged that plans to enshrine the 0.7 per cent aid target in law have been delayed because of fears of a public outcry.

International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell said: 'India itself has got 60 million children into school in recent years with their own money but more than 30 per cent of the world's poorest people live there.

'There are states the size of Britain where half of all children suffer from malnutrition. We will not be in India for ever but now is not the time to quit.

'Our completely revamped programme is in Indian's and Britain's national interest and is a small part of a much wider relationship between out two countries.

'We are changing our approach to India. We will target aid at three of India's poorest states, rather than central Government. We will invest more in the private sector, with our aid programme having some of the characteristics of a sovereign wealth fund.'
British MPs Demand Cancellation Of UK Aid To India, After Pranab Describes It As Peanuts
do u guyz really think that all those million pounds was a kind of bribe from UK in form of humanitarian aid just to worked out sum defense deal??
do u guyz really think that all those million pounds was a kind of bribe from UK in form of humanitarian aid just to worked out sum defense deal??

Definitely a bribe but not necessarily restricted to military equipment purchases. The "aid" could be used to get India's support for UK foreign policy.
wernt they begging u to take the aid :undecided:
Sources in Delhi suggested British officials begged India to accept the aid. One commented: 'They said British ministers had spent political capital justifying the aid to their electorate.
'They said it would be highly embarrassing if [India] pulled the plug.'
obviously its really embarrassing when someone rejects ur million pounds of aid.
Brits should take more optimistic stand on this as MMRCA was not the last defense deal India signed with any country..still lot more to come:whistle:
i knew it.

britain has been bribing indian politicians to serve the white man.

this is proof that india is controlled and run by the west.

no independence and no independent foreign policy.
just shows why india always does what the white man says.
Be on topic..stop propaganda....
do u guyz really think that all those million pounds was a kind of bribe from UK in form of humanitarian aid just to worked out sum defense deal??

Linking aid with trade is not new.

Pergau Dam

High court victory over the Pergau Dam

The UK government planned to spend £234 million of aid money on the Pergau Dam project in Malaysia. WDM believed that the benefits of the dam were dubious, and that the finance was essentially a sweetener to encourage future arms purchases from UK companies. Since the 1980 Overseas Development and Co-operation Act stated that aid can only be used for “promoting the development or maintaining the economy of a country….or the welfare of its people”, was able to pursue a judicial review of the funding of the dam. It was a landmark case which ensured that future aid couldn’t be used as a political tool regardless of the development benefits or lack of them.

Linking aid with arms
WDM exposed the linking of aid and arms in other countries, including Indonesia. In response the National Audit Office (NAO), the government’s own watchdog, conducted an inquiry into seven controversial British-funded aid projects. WDM also highlighted the misuse of aid to sell Westland helicopters to India.
i knew it.

britain has been bribing indian politicians to serve the white man.

this is proof that india is controlled and run by the west.

no independence and no independent foreign policy.
just shows why india always does what the white man says.

You knew it ?.. Great !

India has just decided against the Aircraft the Brits wanted us to buy and told them to lump their aid.

If you still feel this way then good luck not that it matters anyway.
i knew it.

britain has been bribing indian politicians to serve the white man.

this is proof that india is controlled and run by the west.

no independence and no independent foreign policy.
just shows why india always does what the white man says.
epic fail..
white man bribed us for a defense deal..we rejected them and even urged them to take their money back..thats how independent foreign policy works dear Hiuen Tsang.
now i m urging u pls dont crap here

---------- Post added at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 AM ----------

Han remember this? yr old daddy Japan :rofl:
dude..cut it out..pls dont feed the trolls..they've got sum serious crapping abilities.
It wasn't aid at all.UK was giving back what they have stolen from India during years colonization.of course very small part of it.
nicely said...but if they keep returning our looted money like this...they might end up being a bankrupt nation soon:lol:
i knew it.

britain has been bribing indian politicians to serve the white man.

this is proof that india is controlled and run by the west.

no independence and no independent foreign policy.
just shows why india always does what the white man says.

Like during UN resolution on Libya, how India voted against it & our PM voceferously opposed it..

Geo-political knowledge at its best.

Better to stick to the topic.
arrogant indian government getting slapped in the face with its own begging bowl by angry former colonial master
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