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BRICS countries, A powerful group of the world : China Daily

BRIC(S) is an attempt by China and Russia to build an alliance to counterbalance the dominant West+Japan.

The only two countries that are relevant are China (economically) and Russia (militarily). Everybody else is a wannabe latch-on and will just as easily jump ship to the dominant West/Japan camp if offered a choice.

BRICS is doomed because there is absolutely NOTHING holding them together, other than resentment of the current elite.

Expected from a Pakistani,u people every time sounds like wherever China is involved it is trying to create a bloc to rival the American camp.

So according to u China and Russia r only members that matter's and rest r wannabe's.

If I am not wrong an another cooperation exist between Russia and China known as Shanghai Cooperation with the same dream of countering west(atleast acc.to u).So what made them join an another group with useless wannabes when they already have a group with useless wannabes and anyway China and Russia r the only one which matter

So I must presume they agenda of that cooperation is a failure since China or Russia overestimated their redundant organization and created a new organization with a new set of wannabes as they understood that with older set or alone countering western block is not possible.

All this r not my thoughts,but u statements implies that.

Now their is an another cooperation of wannabes called IBSA,when the last time I heard China is also keen to join this Dialogue Forum,again to dominate the world with useless wannabes.

Finally something about BRIC,this is not some EU styled cooperation or some military organization to parallel the west hence ur argument about Russian military importance does not stand here, this organization is just created for some mutual understanding on economic cooperation and to act as a level playing ground in front of US in IMF and world bank and not in UN or Libyan war front.
BRIC, RIB, CRIBS, RING... all this looks no more than a quest of identity to me.

I haven't seen any significant group oriented move by these countries except for some nice & cute photo sessions. As far as I can see, whatever these selected nations are doing today, wouldn't be doing anything much different, were this term not coined and the group not formed. All of these countries have their own personal agendas and will not sacrifice them for the sake of BRICS. Even the biggest rivals in this group, India and China, often work together when it comes to WTO reforms and conditions, for their own benefit, and not for BRIC or IC.

Are you surprised by his post? :lol: I am not.!!

Secondly, You are wasting your time by arguing with him, Let him beleive only china and Russia are relevant..! I am least bothered about the personal opinion of any frustrated a$$. :lol:

Leave it bro...:lol:
Even Japan :coffee:

The only credible countries i see in G-8 is

I think Germany is now trying hard to change its status after WWII.

It seems they are planning to ally with France to contain the Anglo World Order.

Are you surprised by his post? :lol: I am not.!!

Secondly, You are wasting your time by arguing with him, Let him beleive only china and Russia are relevant..! I am least bothered about the personal opinion of any frustrated a$$. :lol:

Leave it bro...:lol:

Not surprised but was laughing,this guys claim SCO is some dream team organization and unintentionally he proved SCO is another redundant organization,he should have thought about it before calling BRIC a group of attention seeking wannabes,oh yes excluding Russia and China.
Exactly. It is a 'not US' alliance, which hardly equates to a joint purpose or agenda. Unless your agenda is to be contrarian, just because.

Although skeptical, I will be interested to see the evolution of BRICS. Certainly, the combined economic power of BRICS is extremely significant if they can coordinate their policies.

So, no substantive reply, then? I didn't think so.

The conflict between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', the first and the third world. Meetings are held and discussions conducted to present a joint front when the policies espoused by the 'haves' are deemed to be inimical to that of the developing world and therefore need to be opposed or suitably modified. We had no voice till lately. Nations sided each other based on issues and these islands of opposition were easily subverted by vested interests. Now, with some of the strongest economies getting together and coordinating their effort, it is a different ball game.

Ok Mr.Erdogan

- ManMohan Singh. :tongue:

What is this ridiculous national obsession in India with being a superpower? I would rather India be a peaceful country who had no quibbles with its neighbors and had a high standard of living for its people - literacy, power, health care, water etc. i.e. be a country like Norway or Finland than be a superpower like America with its wars, defense budgets, poor healthcare and generally being reviled the world over.

That part will unfortunately be only a dream. We have everything that it takes to be NOT like Norway,Sweden. :rolleyes:

Good observation (good heel compensation I would say )

And Good Pagri compensation from our very own MMS. :D
The conflict between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', the first and the third world. Meetings are held and discussions conducted to present a joint front when the policies espoused by the 'haves' are deemed to be inimical to that of the developing world and therefore need to be opposed or suitably modified. We had no voice till lately. Nations sided each other based on issues and these islands of opposition were easily subverted by vested interests. Now, with some of the strongest economies getting together and coordinating their effort, it is a different ball game.

Agreed. Before, we were ruled and fooled by racists on both sides, like Speeder2 and JayATL, who are neither Chinese or Indian citizens, but stirring up hatred between real Chinese citizens and real Indian citizens, in order for their white countries to remain rich. It is in their best interests for their white countries to remain relatively better, so they may enjoy their sense of superiority. The developed world was divided, and played off one another on tiny minor issues to separate us and make us weaker.

Finally, we're awake, and decide to compromise to each other, instead of compromise each other.
Agreed. Before, we were ruled and fooled by racists on both sides, like Speeder2 and JayATL, who are neither Chinese or Indian citizens, but stirring up hatred between real Chinese citizens and real Indian citizens, in order for their white countries to remain rich. It is in their best interests for their white countries to remain relatively better, so they may enjoy their sense of superiority. The developed world was divided, and played off one another on tiny minor issues to separate us and make us weaker.

Finally, we're awake, and decide to compromise to each other, instead of compromise each other.

Naturally, India is a no-hostile nation for China, but too many Western lapdogs trying to make thing difference.

It may not become a brother nation like Pakistan, we both could enjoy the partnership and cooperation that benefits us both.

BTW, US is our most dangerous enemy, every Chinese should come with this in mind.
one recent news coming is BRICS nations have signed the agreement not to use US dollar in trade..... they will trade in their own currencies

indeed great news :yahoo:

I am going to post full article
BRICS credit: Local currencies to replace dollar

SANYA: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - the BRICS group of fastest growing economies - Thursday signed an agreement to use their own currencies instead of the predominant US dollar in issuing credit or grants to each other.

The agreement, the first-of-its-kind, was signed at the 3rd BRICS summit here attended by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, China's Hu Jintao, Brazil's Dilma Rousseff, Russia's Dmitry Medvedev and South Africa's Jacob Zuma.

"Our designated banks have signed a framework agreement on financial cooperation which envisages grant of credit in local currencies and cooperation in capital markets and other financial services," Manmohan Singh told reporters at a news conference with other BRICS leaders.

But the agreement is confined to credit and not trade. BRICS economies hold 40 percent of the world's currency reserves, the majority of which is still in US dollars.

The BRICS summit is being held in the coastal city of Sanya in China's Hainan island.

The joint presser was held after the leaders held deliberations on the international situation, and financial, development, climate and security issues.

Manmohan Singh said: "We have had very fruitful discussions. We have reviewed the international situation, discussed international economic, financial and trade issues, the challenges of sustainable development, food security, energy security and climate change."

The grouping is significant because it is expected to have a healthy global presence in the future as the member-countries are the fastest growing economies and are projected to contribute 48 percent to the global economy in the next decade.

At present they account for 40 percent of the world's population and 20 percent of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

BRICS credit: Local currencies to replace dollar - The Economic Times
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