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Breaking News : Viktor Yanukovych Authorises Russia to Use Military Force on Ukraine

At least Obama isn't in Mexico after being ran out of Washington by the average Joe,giving the mexicans green light to put him back in the White House via an armed intervention.

Viktor Yanukovich bil svergnut Evropoy i zapadnoy sponsiruemiz golovorezov,,i segodneshnyaya marionetachnaya pravitelstvo v Ukraine,,Putin tolko chto vernulsya ,blagopriyatstvuet Evrope i Zapada s interesom,,Daje pri tom chto NATO nesyot otvetstvennost chto bi pomoch Ukraine,eto ne proizaydyot.

Obama ne imeyet kostyak chto bi protivostoyat Putinu,Vsyo chto nam nujno sdelat,,eto posmotret na linni kotorie on privlyok v pesok,,kogda on skazal chto xotel bi sdelat koe chto esli b ximicheskoe orujie primenyalos v Sirii,,Oni ispolzovali,i on nichego ne sdelal,,Putin uvidel eto i znaet chto Obama vsyo skazal i svoboden vzyat Ukrainu,,KOnechno budet mnogo razgovorom,,o tom kak mi eto osujdaem,,i sankciya,,mojet i dva dali udar Rossiye,no nichego ne budet sdelano,,chto i ostonovit ix .

Viktor Yanukovych was ousted by EU & West sponsored goons, so is the current puppet government in Ukraine. Putin is just returning favors to EU & West with Interest. Even though NATO has the responsibility to help the Ukraine it will not happen.:coffee:

However, Obama doesn't have the backbone to stand up to Putin. All we have to do is look at the line he drew in the sand when he said he would do something if chemical weapons were used in Syria. They were used and he did nothing. Putin saw this and knows that Obama is all talk and he is free to take the Ukraine. Of course there will be a lot of talk about how we condemn this action, and a sanction or two may be slapped on Russia, but nothing will be done to really stop them. :shout: :laugh:

O.K. I'll join in reporting SHAMK9 !!! Let's get 'em !!!

Esli vi mojete oskorbit presidenta drugoy strani to ochevidno chto vas ne budut uvajat,,,V sleduyushiy raz ,,chto bi dokazat svoyo prevosxodstvo putyom protivodeystviya to drugie logicheski ne budut xvastatsya v vashey strane i oskkorblyat drugix,,Esli vi ne smojete to oni vozderjat sebya ot etogo!:girl_wacko:

If you can insult other country's president; then, others can disrespect yours. Next time, prove your superiority by countering others logically not by boasting about your country & insulting others. If you can't, they refrain yourself from doing it......:sarcastic:

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The officialy elected president/government of Ukraine legitimates the russian Humanitarian mission. The west can bark but its a toothless old dog...lol them americans.

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