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Bruqa clad Maulana Abdul Aziz Ghazi arrested while trying to escape along with a group of 60 women

What an anti climax. What a drama. I had always said that the brothers will be arrested unharmed and the only ones at lost would be inccocent students

The very important developments in CJ case over the last few days have been completely over shadowed by this Lal masjid standoff
LOL!!!!! My thoughts on Burqa validated!!!!!!
What a friggin coward
Hahahaha! Very funny, I thought he said that he will fight or become a martyr. What happened there? I am also proud of the gov. who handled the situation very well by show restraint as well as flexing there muscle.
If they want Sharia law they should try winning an election. Breaking the law and killing police officers is not a way that is going to impress me.

Which elections, under Musharraf the puppet of US hands.
Good News Finally!!!!!

Lal Masjid: 700 students surrender; clerics charged

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
21:33 IST

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Islamabad: More than 700 radical Islamic students who had fortified the Lal Masjid complex here surrendered Wednesday to the authorities a day after clashes with police and paramilitary forces left 21 people dead and over 200 wounded.

Pakistani authorities had set a deadline for the hundreds of students at the heavily fortified Lal Majid to surrender and continued to extend that deadline as more students gave themselves up, officials said.

The extremist administration of the mosque has been in a standoff with the authorities for the past five months over its attempts to impose a strict, Taliban-style way of life on people in the Pakistani capital.

"We are continuously extending the deadline for surrender," Javid Cheema, Interior Ministry spokesman, said. "More than 700 male and female students have so far given themselves up to the authorities."

Earlier, the government had ordered students entrenched in the mosque to lay down their arms by 11 am, but the deadline was extended several times.

"We do not want bloodshed. We want to resolve the issue peacefully," State Minister for Information Tariq Azeem told reporters, adding that immunity had been offered to all those who had surrendered.

Meanwhile, police Wednesday charged the Ghazi brothers - Abdur Rashid Ghazi and Maulana Abdul Aziz - who control the mosque with murder and terrorism, with the government declaring they would be tried under the law of the land. Police have registered cases of murder, attempt to murder, terrorism, firing at security personnel, damaging public property and other charges against the two brothers, who remain at large.

In another development, State Minister for Religious Affairs Amir Liaquat Hussain resigned from National Assembly seat and ministerial office, citing "personal reasons" for his decision. It was not clear whether his action was related to the Lal Masjid shootout. His ministry, headed by Ejaz-ul-Haq has been directly involved in negotiations with the Lal Masjid clerics over the last few weeks.

Hundreds of military and paramilitary troops are standing ready to storm the mosque. The surrounding area is cordoned off and all the roads leading to Islamabad are also sealed. During their campaign, Lal Masjid students were accused of abducting several Chinese women last month from a massage centre over allegations that they were involved in prostitution.

The students had also issued warnings to the owners of audio and video stores to stop selling "un-Islamic" goods and had ordered women not to drive. Tuesday's clashes began when stick-wielding students seized four policemen from a checkpoint and snatched their rifles and a radio set.

Security personnel barricaded all roads around the mosque complex and took up positions on the rooftops of surrounding buildings, while armed students holed up in bunker-like structures made of sandbags.

Amid gunfire, masked students rampaged toward paramilitary force positions, occupied and set fire to two of them, forcing them to retreat. The markets and streets around the mosque turned into a battlefield when hundreds of local residents joined the students in their rebellion and threw stones at the building where the security forces were positioned.

During the clash, clerics used loudspeakers to exhort the students to defend the mosque and prepare to carry out suicide attacks.

another development, State Minister for Religious Affairs Amir Liaquat Hussain resigned from National Assembly seat and ministerial office, citing "personal reasons" for his decision. It was not clear whether his action was related to the Lal Masjid shootout. His ministry, headed by Ejaz-ul-Haq has been directly involved in negotiations with the Lal Masjid clerics over the last few weeks.

Hundreds of military and paramilitary troops are standing ready to storm the mosque. The surrounding area is cordoned off and all the roads leading to Islamabad are also sealed. During their campaign, Lal Masjid students were accused of abducting several Chinese women last month from a massage centre over allegations that they were involved in prostitution.

The students had also issued warnings to the owners of audio and video stores to stop selling "un-Islamic" goods and had ordered women not to drive. Tuesday's clashes began when stick-wielding students seized four policemen from a checkpoint and snatched their rifles and a radio set.

Security personnel barricaded all roads around the mosque complex and took up positions on the rooftops of surrounding buildings, while armed students holed up in bunker-like structures made of sandbags.

Amid gunfire, masked students rampaged toward paramilitary force positions, occupied and set fire to two of them, forcing them to retreat. The markets and streets around the mosque turned into a battlefield when hundreds of local residents joined the students in their rebellion and threw stones at the building where the security forces were positioned.

During the clash, clerics used loudspeakers to exhort the students to defend the mosque and prepare to carry out suicide attacks.
Both of you cool down please.

My apologies LahooriJi, This is the only way for these kind of zealots, especially the kind of one's who treat other people from inferior to them even if they are from the same religion. He started with keys cuz he had a liberal outlook, He talks to me in a very idiotic and demeaning way. i will not keep quiet on that.

I have had it with the people like these. Who just cant live with other's who have different point of view or even religion. My outburst though i have my difference with Islam and organized religion in general has nothing to do with you, I am demeaning his version of islam and not yours. My apologies again and I cant let him get away with it time and time again
At the time of creation of pakistan jamate-islami was against it.they didnt want to seprate.
And Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah wanted a secular pakistan.


:pakistan: :smitten:

It will be a lengthy debate to analyse the speeches of Jinnah in details what the meaning is, but to your question the dreams of the muslims masses and the then leadership in subcontinent were to stablish a state essentially in the form of Islamic state close to the Khilafah stablished by companions of Prophet (PBUH) and not any false ideology fabricated by jews e.g. secularism, communism etc.
Well the drama appears to be winding down but it was an episode of hogwash!
Well the drama appears to be winding down but it was an episode of hogwash!

The best part was the self proclaimed I will die and be martyr person being caught in a Burqa..lol..Classic.. Wish I could see the faces of the security forces when they caught him..I would have fallen down and laughed till i cried..lol

Well Done Musharaff!!!!
OK, Kiddy ask themselves.
But I can not say upto what time you will be a Pakistani lover.
Great, the biggest well wisher of Muslims and Pakistanis in today's world.


I am nobody to wish well for Pakistan or muslims, I am an individual and not an entity. I dont reperesnt anything. People like you threaten my individual freedom, and they dont. I dont care what they believe in They can embrace Islam, Christainity, Buddisim , Table worshipping I DONT CARE, but i care what you believe in or likes of you from ALL religions, cause you are a head-ache and meance to the society...Your kind of people are the reason they cant live peacefully and the way they want as well as people of other faiths!!!!....You are friggin scum.Difference!!!!
cool down Adux....I hope you know you are at a minority here...if you know what I mean
and kbagdadi's Allah is my Allah too....all muslim share the same Allah...so if you mess with his Allah, you mess with mine...and I will not stand for it
get back to topic
Adux, chill man, it seems you wanted to type in a hurry !

@ bobloblaw: Being in minority does not mean being wrong.
Adux, chill man, it seems you wanted to type in a hurry !

@ bobloblaw: Being in minority does not mean being wrong.

I mean exactly what I said, I am really steamed at these kind of idiots, who keeps on judging others, and worse even their own kind. He had the audacity to tell Keys that he is not someway a true muslim, and then keeps demeaning me, and talks about his friggin higher calling.I dont care, These kind of people are the reason muslims get double checked and harrased in airports, I get harrased in airports cuz i am brown and look like these idiots!!!!

They have to be stopped and there are no two ways about it.
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