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#BREAKING: Jaish al-Adl releases Iranian border guards abducted months ago

Atlast the incompetent Irani security guards were found and freed in Iran itself....atlast the Mullah Irani regime and its foreign minister were proven to be the habitual liars , totally incompetent and deceptive, diplomatic mouth full of liars, who actually hide the mullah government's failures and inability to take full responsibility of the blunders they made.

..hahahaha.. the guards were freed in Iran, not Pakistan. It was like a slap and humiliation... it thrashed on to the habitual, two face Iranian ministers.

Ohhh call me **** as much as you want....i loved to be called ****..in urdu it means clean and pure !!!

Fact is, in all this Iranian episode and drama....it clearly now looks Pakistan had not committed any wrong against a fellow neighboring country.

The only diplomatic gesture expected from Iranians is a big thank you to Pakistan...which is still awaited...

How is that proved? You are talking as if it's a first terrorist attack from Pakistani side of border against Iran. Rigi and his goons did it for 8 years while chilling around in Pakistan's Baluchestan region. Don't play games please, there is a zero chance that they were in Iran for 1.5 months. They may be able to launch hit and run attacks, but believe me, Iran is not a safe haven for them.
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How is that proved? You are talking as if it's a first terrorist attack from Pakistani side of border against Iran. Rigi and his goons did for 8 years while chilling around in Pakistan's Baluchestan region. Don't play games please, there is a zero chance that they were in Iran for 1.5 months. They may be able to launch hit and run attacks, but believe me, Iran is not a safe haven for them.

Are you telling me that you are t facing an insurgency in sistan?
More than 80% of all violent incidents in Sistan were related to cross border attacks or drug cartels trying to infiltrate Iran and domestic violence is almost non existent after Rigi was captured and executed.

Drug cartels operate from afghanistan and sometimes use Pak route... and in the past even our soldiers have sacrificed their lives in such operations... as for domestic violence... if there was no domestic problems you wouldnt have had to save such terrorist attacks/acts etc... here is a pic i found of your soldiers:
More than 80% of all violent incidents in Sistan were related to cross border attacks or drug cartels trying to infiltrate Iran and domestic violence is almost non existent after Rigi was captured and executed.
Dont forget if it was not for Pakistans help u would still be dealing with Rigi, and where is the proof other then the word of ur gov officials who I am sorry cant be trusted even on their death beds. Are there any videos of these guys with ur ambassador in balochistan. While they crossed the border. While they were handed over to ur authorities on the border. Come on now they didnt just teleported out of ur embassy to the iranian side.
Atlast the incompetent Irani security guards were found and freed in Iran itself....atlast the Mullah Irani regime and its foreign minister were proven to be the habitual liars , totally incompetent and deceptive, diplomatic mouth full of liars, who actually hide the mullah government's failures and inability to take full responsibility of the blunders they made.

..hahahaha.. the guards were freed in Iran, not Pakistan. It was like a slap and humiliation... it thrashed on to the habitual, two face Iranian ministers.

Ohhh call me **** as much as you want....i loved to be called ****..in urdu it means clean and pure !!!

Fact is, in all this Iranian episode and drama....it clearly now looks Pakistan had not committed any wrong against a fellow neighboring country.

The only diplomatic gesture expected from Iranians is a big thank you to Pakistan...which is still awaited...

This is what happens when mullahs rule, no diplomacy just useless bragging without any power behind it so world just laugh at you. Hell they were even threatning to send forces to liberate them lol I just wish they could have gone to UN, and humiliated on world stage later on.
ملي‌پوش شميشربازي به گروگان گرفته‌ شد

شمشيرباز تيم ملي ايران توسط اشرار به گروگان گرفته شد.

حامد صداقتي، ملي‌پوش شمشيربازي اسلحه اپه ايران توسط اشرار استان سيستان و بلوچستان به گروگان گرفته شد.

به گزارش ايسنا، ملي‌پوش شمشيربازي که ديشب با دو همراه خود به نامهاي محمدعلي غفاري و مهدي حسيني با يک دستگاه خودرو در حال سفر به سمت چابهار بودند، مورد حمله اشرار قرار گرفته و به همراه مهدي حسيني به گروگان گرفته‌ شده است. نفر سوم همراه آنها توسط اشرار کشته‌ شده است.

در اين گروگانگيري محمد علي غفاري به دليل اصابت گلوله به ناحيه سر جان باخت.

فضل‌الله باقرزاده،‌ رييس فدراسيون شمشيربازي با تاييد اين خبر،‌ گفت: سفر صداقتي به چابهار شخصي بوده است.

ملي‌پوش شميشربازي به گروگان گرفته‌ شد | ورزش 3
ملي‌پوش شميشربازي به گروگان گرفته‌ شد

شمشيرباز تيم ملي ايران توسط اشرار به گروگان گرفته شد.

حامد صداقتي، ملي‌پوش شمشيربازي اسلحه اپه ايران توسط اشرار استان سيستان و بلوچستان به گروگان گرفته شد.

به گزارش ايسنا، ملي‌پوش شمشيربازي که ديشب با دو همراه خود به نامهاي محمدعلي غفاري و مهدي حسيني با يک دستگاه خودرو در حال سفر به سمت چابهار بودند، مورد حمله اشرار قرار گرفته و به همراه مهدي حسيني به گروگان گرفته‌ شده است. نفر سوم همراه آنها توسط اشرار کشته‌ شده است.

در اين گروگانگيري محمد علي غفاري به دليل اصابت گلوله به ناحيه سر جان باخت.

فضل‌الله باقرزاده،‌ رييس فدراسيون شمشيربازي با تاييد اين خبر،‌ گفت: سفر صداقتي به چابهار شخصي بوده است.

ملي‌پوش شميشربازي به گروگان گرفته‌ شد | ورزش 3

Abductors Release Iranian Fencing Champion

TEHRAN (FNA)- The unknown assailants who had abducted Iran's fencing champion Hamed Sedaqati and one of his friends in the Southeastern Sistan and Balouchestan province over three months ago have released them, Sistan and Balouchestan Governor General Ali Awsat Hashemi announced on Saturday.

"The two have been released as a result of the efforts made by intelligence department of Sistan and Balouchestan and local influential people," Awsat Hashemi wrote on his Facebook page.

Hashemi did not mention if anyone has been arrested in the case or if any ransom has been paid by Sedaqati's family. The abductors had asked his family to pay USD 4 million.

The Iranian Intelligence Ministry also confirmed Sedaqati's release in a statement minutes ago.

The statement said "a number of outlaws were arrested and ...Mr. Hamed Sedaqati, the Iranian fencing champion, and Mr. Mehdi Hossein Qaralri, a lawyer, were released and returned to their families".

The Intelligence Ministry did not reveal details of the operation, but said security forces identified the group and released the two as a result of "complicated operations against the outlawed and anti-revolution group in an eastern province".

In late April, Sedaqati and one of his friends were abducted in Sistan and Balouchestan province.

"The two have been abducted on Khaash-Iranshahr road," a provincial official said then.

Khaash Governor Mohammad Akbar Chakerzehi said the identity of the abductors was unknown. "Investigations are already underway into the incident," he added.

Sedaqati and two of his friends were driving on the road to the provincial capital city of Zahedan when they came under attack by unknown assailants.

Other reports named the second abductee as Mehdi Hosseini Qaralri, a lawyer.

"The third person has been killed by the kidnappers," officials said in late April. Media reports named the third man as Mohammad Ali Qaffari, who had been killed by a shot in the head.

Meantime, Iranian Fencing Federation President Fazlollah Baqerzadeh also said in late April that his federation was pursuing the case through law-enforcement officials.

Hamed Sedaqati won the 3rd place in Asian championship in 2006.
Really? Sounds more like your wishful thinking. I have never been called that word in my entire life nor have i ever been confused for a Pakistani. People are not so stupid as you think. We are nothing similar to Pakistanis. Ignorant people often think of Iranians as Arabs, nobody confuses us for one of you tho.

OTHO, i have heard Indians and Pakistanis being called "****" by Blacks, Jews, Kurds/Turks, Chinese, Arabs and other minorities. I remember once many years ago a group of about 4 or 5 Blacks chasing after a much bigger group of Indians or Pakistanis and beating down some of them while calling them "pakis". I found this dislike of South Asians generally quite common in many countries. Things like this dont happen to Iranians.

And you obviously have never been to Greece, Italy, Spain or Germany to name a few. Ordinary Greeks in particular, especially in Athens, are squarely anti-Pakistani and casually use the slur "****" when labelling them.
Tell me what led you to hate South Asians and Pakistanis in particular so much. Not trolling just curious.
Tell me what led you to hate South Asians and Pakistanis in particular so much. Not trolling just curious.
I dont hate them, i just find most of the ones i have met to be generally socially awkward. But the ones i usually encounter over the internet i find to be quite ridiculous on the whole.

I dont think i have ever had a normal, straight forward debate with a Pakistani over the internet in like 15 years of on-and-off using discussion forums like this one. I find them generally to be very thin-skinned and dishonest and whenever you disagree with a Pakistani or say something that they feel insecure or upset about then they start throwing a tantrum and hurling unintelligible abuse your way. In particular, the following responses have become all too predictable:

a) They will try to insult your mother
b) They will claim that you are Indian
c) They will start talking about faeces
d) They will start talking about prostitutes, faggots and having sex with girls from your ethnicity
e) They will just start bitching about things that have nothing to do with anything

This is how almost all Pakistanis have always been whenever i have encountered them across multiple forums over the past decade. As such, i have developed a low opinion of them because the above has been the norm, not the exceptions.
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