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Breaking: IAF buys 100+ building destroyer version of SPICE-2000 precision bombs

Better puy a pair of balls too.

Dont worry, I can lend you mine.

Spice kits lol.

Heck we can even sell your such kits.
Dude, don't lend him yours...he may lick 'em and enjoy it! after all, gandhi did! :woot:
Ohh don’t speak about balls to me, I know very well how much balls you have:devil:
@DESERT FIGHTER see what I mean? -_-

Gandhi always preached about peace and non violence, But India has turned into the 3rd largest military in the world with very violent yet very successful military endeavours.
shooting your own superior officers + loosing strategic peaks, bombing a crow + getting bombed in brought day light + getting shot down just for the sake of getting a decent cup of tea in spite of having a chai wala as pm + indian soldiers begging for a decent meal = indian definition successful violent military endeavors. :coffee: fantashtik...

now go ahead, post half century old 71 pic to hide your 21st century humiliation. :happy:
Dude, don't lend him yours...he may lick 'em and enjoy it! after all, gandhi did! :woot:

@DESERT FIGHTER see what I mean? -_-

shooting your own superior officers + loosing strategic peaks, bombing a crow + getting bombed in brought day light + getting shot down just for the sake of getting a decent cup of tea in spite of having a chai wala as pm + indian soldiers begging for a decent meal = indian definition successful violent military endeavors. :coffee: fantashtik...:happy:
Celebrating meagre victories while condoning catastrophic defeats is something that can be learned from Pakistanis like yourself.

This is what you get when your expectations becomes very low.
Celebrating meagre victories while condoning catastrophic defeats is something that can be learned from Pakistanis like yourself.

This is what you get when your expectations becomes very low.
We have successfully set an entire state of fire with more states to follow. keep considering it meager you, you, "violent" licker of balls you...:enjoy:
We have successfully set an entire state of fire with more states to follow. keep considering it meager you, you, "violent" licker of balls you...:enjoy:
I think I’ll let you be happy with cheap thrills, cheap happiness and cheap tongue of yours...!
where is that damn AN32 since last three days ?
Tomorrow when you guys lose an aircraft.. should I ask the same question as you did...?

Or you believe yours aircrafts will never fall from the sky...!
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