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Brain Drain: Highly Educated & Top Pakistanis Leave Country | Accelerated 3 Times to go abroad | Pakistan's brightest leaving the country

It pains me to say it, but I support them getting out of the country and establishing a better future for themselves and their family. People always go to greener pastures. Better elsewhere than to rot uselessly in this soil.

One of my relatives was a physician in South Punjab. It's a sad story he told me about the mentality of people in Pakistan. He was called to a wadera's farm and went there under the assumption he was seeing a human being, but it was the landlord's cherished horse. My relative told him he couldn't see the horse because he had no medication or expertise in seeing animals.

The response, while surprising, is not so surprising; the Wadera said, "Putar janwar or insan ma kya farak ha? Hamara pass dil ha unka pass dil ha, hamara pass dimak ha unka pass dimak ha."

He administered whatever shot he had and jetted out that shit hole of a Wadera's territory. He confined himself to his library for a few days, left the country, and is now a medical director at one of the GCC countries' hospitals.

The problem with the Pakistani mentality is looking, talking, and seeing cheap. @MastanKhan and I said it many times with JF-17 stop talking about affordability and talk about capability. Instead of advertising it as a Lexus, they turned it into a Suzuki, and the results are in front of you. The only major export is Nigeria and Burma due to affordability.

Besides managing the family business office, I consult in the insurance industry. I see physicians of Pakistan and Indian origins try and cut whatever corner they can on a $ 5,000 policy for their practice but have no issue paying $ 500 for a new car per month and $ 200 per month for car insurance (a bullshit policy for a physician). One time a liability suit happened, and this physician lost everything house, cars and practice, and several other properties. He cut so much coverage to be "affordable" that he had me endorse the policy to add defense costs within the limits of liability. In his case, the defense costs erode the limitations of liability. He, in the end, tried to come after me, but I have all my records and had him e-sign every change with a warning of what can happen if he doesn't have this and that coverage. I won the case within one week once it was in front of the jury in Cook County Court; at that time, I told him you cried for $ 5,000; I'll show you what a $ 35,000 annual policy (mine) will do, and that's just for my consulting business; I have a $ 15,000,000 liability policy for a personal vehicle.

We in the region find value in useless thinking.
What you said about insurance and desis (in USA anyway) is hilariously true. My brother runs a car insurance agency and often tells me how the most expensive cars are owned by desis who then try to get cheap liability coverage on it instead of fully covering the brand new car just because they are cheap.
They should leave .
What you said about insurance and desis (in USA anyway) is hilariously true. My brother runs a car insurance agency and often tells me how the most expensive cars are owned by desis who then try to get cheap liability coverage on it instead of fully covering the brand new car just because they are cheap.

Your brother is 100% on point! On top of that, they have no loyalty. That's why there is such a failure in desi communities. We do not adequately utilize the tools this country offers to mitigate "transfer" risk. I have desi strip mall owners with no building coverage and just premises liability only; they tell me it burns down they have enough cash to rebuild; I tell them you have $ 2,300,000 money to rebuild this, why purchase a $ 1,000,000 liability policy you have enough to cover that as well. Lol.

All desi's are food stamp people who have no ability or motivation to work or succeed in life, and they have begharat children who teach them these useless "tricks" they call to scam the system.

Kasam sa, I don't know what my soul did in Barzakh; whereas I was born a desi, there is no worse punishment than this and that to a Pakistani. But I guess it's better than being an Arab. Just look at them celebrating Morocco when the Israeli ex-Intel Chief said they received advanced warnings about what the Arabs were planning from Morocco.
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Your brother is 100% on point! On top of that, they have no loyalty. That's why there is such a failure in desi communities. We do not adequately utilize the tools this country offers to mitigate "transfer" risk. I have desi strip mall owners with no building coverage and just premises liability only; they tell me it burns down they have enough cash to rebuild; I tell them you have $ 2,300,000 money to rebuild this, why purchase a $ 1,000,000 liability policy you have enough to cover that as well. Lol.

All desi's are food stamp people who have no ability or motivation to work or succeed in life, and they have begharat children who teach them these useless "tricks" they call to scam the system.

Kasam sa, I don't know what my soul did in Barzakh; whereas I was born a desi, there is no worse punishment than this and that to a Pakistani. But I guess it's better than being an Arab. Just look at them celebrating Morocco when the Israeli ex-Intel Chief said they received advanced warnings about what the Arabs were planning from Morocco.
It's even more moronic given that insurance cost is a 100% tax write off.
I think they prefer a brain drain. Less competition. The politicians look like low IQ thugs. They will chase away anyone competent and intelligent.
Your brother is 100% on point! On top of that, they have no loyalty. That's why there is such a failure in desi communities. We do not adequately utilize the tools this country offers to mitigate "transfer" risk. I have desi strip mall owners with no building coverage and just premises liability only; they tell me it burns down they have enough cash to rebuild; I tell them you have $ 2,300,000 money to rebuild this, why purchase a $ 1,000,000 liability policy you have enough to cover that as well. Lol.

All desi's are food stamp people who have no ability or motivation to work or succeed in life, and they have begharat children who teach them these useless "tricks" they call to scam the system.

Kasam sa, I don't know what my soul did in Barzakh; whereas I was born a desi, there is no worse punishment than this and that to a Pakistani. But I guess it's better than being an Arab. Just look at them celebrating Morocco when the Israeli ex-Intel Chief said they received advanced warnings about what the Arabs were planning from Morocco.
I work in an insurance industry as well. Some of my extended family members think insurance is haram. So there you go. Life insurance haram, general insurance haram, haram haram haram.

Regarding, being born a Pakistani and being a punishment, I contemplate the same thing. But what can one do. I detach myself from all desis here and focus on my job and family.
Great news for GHQ and their corrupt tolla , they dont want educated people , they are dangerous for their 70 years old hegemony
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good luck people . BTW please do not forget to not send remittances until thieves ruling us
too many negatives in your sentence :undecided:
I think they prefer a brain drain. Less competition. The politicians look like low IQ thugs. They will chase away anyone competent and intelligent.

Less IQ individual is easier to control and manipulate.
Pakistan would keep failing, falling and flailing unless these Generals, only a couple of hundreds stops political meddling, stops politcial engineering, and refrain from being the stooges and the snitches of the US, and work steadfast for the country and people.

So simple and yet so elusive. Blame this on the powerdrunk, hotheaded, dumb and narcissists Generals.

As of Feb. 29, there were 411 one stars, 299 two stars, 139 three stars, and 37 four-star active generals and admirals, with several more appointed recently.
Oh who would have thought?

Let's have a look at the major organizations in Pakistan.

For the MNC's, Unilever, P&G, RB etc, you need to be from LUMS, GIK, NUST, or any of the other big name universities.

If you are an engineer, then the options are pretty limited. For fertilizer you have the FF group, Fatima, Engro (usually takes from the top universities), Pak Arab. For petro, you have the usual refineries. For power generation you have a few options, but they are far and few in between.

If you want to get into production, you have IMC and Honda etc., which either take applicants only from Karachi (and pay 100k, so relocation is tough) or want a pawwa (Looking at you Honda). Don't know about Suzuki.

The rest of the smaller enterprises, like Rastgar etc. pay a pittance.

For governmental organizations, we all know the problems there. Almost zero career growth, bureaucratic rot, and so on.

For OGDCL, you give a test (top it), and then in the interview they tell you sorry hamara quota poora ho gaya hai (true story).

For FF group, you need to have a fauji pawwa, and these days it needs to be from a 2 star and above, not below. A lower one can get you an internship.

Don't blame anyone looking to move away.

Our pathetic culture of putting seniority above all else and having the usual 2 foot darhi walay babus at the top needs to stop.
What you said about insurance and desis (in USA anyway) is hilariously true. My brother runs a car insurance agency and often tells me how the most expensive cars are owned by desis who then try to get cheap liability coverage on it instead of fully covering the brand new car just because they are cheap.

A sad things about insuring cars.

It’s not really the car you are protecting with good coverage it’s yourself and your assets (like your medical license) should anything you do with that car cause. As for the actual day to day car, especially in a large American city, best to drive the cheapest non-descript econo-box that will blend in with all the other cars, so it’s less likely to get jacked or have its catalytic converter stolen.

Same thing with Malpractice insurance, one bad case and you could be out a million easily. Get good coverage and keep a lawyer you have good experience with, on retainer.

That’s the life that awaits professionals (or just plain hard working people) and their children if they make it out, and they still keep coming because it’s more stable the what’s offered “back home”.

But maybe that kind of mindset develops when you’ve grown up in a litigious society. I can see why people in Islamabad would be the least likely to want to move abroad; many of them, especially the most affluent, live in a bubble or have very sturdy blinders on or have bet it all on Islamabad come what may.

As for remittances, which is claimed to be the silver lining of the brain drain; as the cost of living goes up abroad, people don’t have the means to remit as much.

Over time, as the immigrants and then their children and grandchild of these immigrants become alienated from Pakistan, they won’t want to even visit Pakistan, much less remit. These people should not be taken for granted.
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Brain drain is better than Brain in the Drain.

The country has been turned into a big Drain, always clogged and overflowing with sewer by the braindead Generals and the Establishment, all the political Mafias.
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