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Brahmins the new untouchables of India

Nair saab

Nov 23, 2010
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Its Really sad that more then 55% of Brahmins are living below Poverty line ... just because they dont receive Job for being belonging to the Upper most caste ...

Soon Brahmins and knowledge of Vedas and Poojas will be extinct in India ... Apart from a few Temples most of Temple priest work for free or very less salary while the income of Temples goes directly to the Government ...

While reform in Caste system is necessary as is still continuing in Hindu society, no work is put down to teach Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads and re-substitute the Brahmin class with new members from other Hindu caste ...

If the Brahmins becomes extinct, so does knowledge of Hinduism and so does the Hinduism itself...

And I am not a Brahmin ...

Wow check those Indian white skin, blond hair, blue eyed Aryan Brahmins.
Wow check those Indian white skin, blond hair, blue eyed Aryan Brahmins.
Has any one claimed Brahmins have white skin and Blue eyes ...

It again proves Aryan Invasion theory is a Fail...
Good riddance, if only my "biradri/brethren" would face the same treatment- got to love natural justice.
Since reservation is directly related to vote bank politics after 1989 mandal commision, the plight of brahmins and other left out so called forward castes is going to be worse both in jobs and educational institution
I am a Brahmin

Karma doesn't imply we present day Brahmins should face consequences of some wrong doings of our ancestors

as a matter of fact,me too(I'm Bhattacharjee,one of the highest brahmins out there apart from Chatterjee,Banerjee,Mukherjee and Mishra).. :hitwall:

and as for "Some Wrong Doing",my family occupation is practicing Homoeopathy,and my last 4-5 generations are doing the same.I wonder what "wrong Doings" my ancestors performed on lower casts apart from treating them when they were sick..

I want to give a simple example how cast based "reservation" is a poor logic.

my very next door neighbours belong to SC,who are quite successful businessman and belongs to higher middle class while the next one belongs to general and their occupation is "Pulling Rickshaws".but what a wonder,the son and daughters of SC gets thousands of rupees for persuing a grad degree while the general has to pay his father's hard earned money for higher education.

the reservation should be based on income,not cast.by implementing cast based reservation,politicians are making cast more interesting.now we see dharna to include some cast into SC/ST/OBC but not general.what an idea sir ji...

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