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Brace for two-front war, Indian Army told

A war, if started by India with China and Pakistan, no one in their right state of mind is going to come in to help India. Yes intervene, UN ceasefire, but don't expect Russians to come. I mean what will they come in with and how far they are? China and Pakistan, allies and Two enemies of India.

Doesn't it sound dangerous to deal with both of them with war rather than nice diplomacy?

1)russian came during 1971,there ships came in bay of bengal
2)in kargil war ,israel helped india giving the lgb's.

penumbra ji,distance dont matter 4 frnds.my i rupee is with u.
Two front war is never a good idea.

Germany tried it and failed badly, currently USA is engaged in two weak countries and look at what is happening to them.

But if you want it, why not.
Two front war is never a good idea.

Germany tried it and failed badly, currently USA is engaged in two weak countries and look at what is happening to them.

But if you want it, why not.

The examples you quote are both offensive adventures. No doubt that one was thoroughly defeated while the other is mired in a sort of stalemate.

The Indian military doctrine calling for bracing for a two front war is a defensive one. Add to that the home field advantage. Now get the idea?
Two front war is never a good idea.

Germany tried it and failed badly, currently USA is engaged in two weak countries and look at what is happening to them.

But if you want it, why not.

india will not start it .this is guaranteed.if imposed,then we will have to do.this is defence policy which is currently told to army.u can say it's as an making mindset so that it doesnt create problem
Although the timing of the news release is rather ill thought of, Pakistani members' reaction here is frankly a bit over the top.

What the Army is trying to do is to prepare itself for an eventuality for a two front war, which given the alliances between our esteemed neighbours could be distinct possibility. In fact the actions are clearly aimed at neutralizing China' numerical and technological superiority on the Eastern Front. In fact the article mentions Pakistan only in passing.

But again, releasing this news at this juncture could surely have been avoided and nerves could have been calmed.
Have someone heard that joke involving Karachiates (especially the bhaiyas) - with due respect where it says something like; eebkay mar k daikh....

india has been doing the same since it unveiled its two-front-war doctrine (even if that can be called a Doctrine- oooo, i am already shivering).

See, the bark-bite thingy....

The Chinese will mostly probably ignore this news (as they have been doing) as they know it's just another (usual) bickering from a chauvinistic kid, and Pakistan would probably respond with a face-palm statement by tomorrow and that's it.

Things would go back as they were, with just an exception that india once again proved:

That it can be played by international players

That it is always itching for war

That it has nothing else (better) to do, despite that fact that it can 'waste' these energies on other important issues.
What amazes me is the sheer hypocracy of members who just don't want to leave any opportunity to defame India ...

These are the words of Mr Xeric on a similar thread in PDF


Well the history would have been quite different if Pakistan had attacked india in 62. One of the obvious reason for this lapse could have been the fact that we Pakistanis don't stab in the back, as our worthy neighbor(s) have done quite frequently.
Now again the fact remains that although it would not have been a simple decision to join hands with China as it might have exerted a pull towards both USA and USSR. Nevertheless, i feel it would have been better if Pakistan had unfolded this option.

Enough of fair plays!


In short he himself support the view that GOP should have attacked India during Indo-China conflict(for whatever logic - back stabbing and what not).....In many thread our Pakistani friends openly sing songs of how China would have attacked GOI had we tried to seriously attack west pakistan like east in 71 war.....and here when GOI says prepare for such a possibility all logic has been thrown out of window...kewl!!!

Then some weird logics....

India cannot match China because her GDP is twice that of India....However Pakistan can defnitely match India even though her GDP is way less then even half of India's....

Comon guys...its logical....Russia is no USSR...Though our relations are great but they may or may not choose to help in case there is any two front war....There is no treaty(atleast in public domain) that makes us count on them....Geo-Politics have changed....India and Chinese interests are going to clash/ing....If both countries remain pragmatic its well and good....However you need to be prepared...Official confirmation only means that things would now be fast tracked....Otherwise as pMukherjee said our forces were always keeping reserves for China....They did this way back in 1971 what makes you think we will not do in 2010????

Lets be pragmatic in supporting/criticizing the news...... Yes talks are on but that doesn't mean our defence preparedness can be compromised....Remember when you(Pak) buy anything its India written all over it however we have to think about Pak and China....So w.r.t to our security we need to do a lot more then just contain Pakistan....
1)russian came during 1971,there ships came in bay of bengal
2)in kargil war ,israel helped india giving the lgb's.

penumbra ji,distance dont matter 4 frnds.my i rupee is with u.


I refute your analysis.

First, 1971 was peak of Coldwar, Americans and Soviets looking for proxies to show off their strength. Soviets came after USA dispatched it's carrier battle group. No fights took place. It was like, USA sends it's fleet, Soviets did too to track and tail em.

This is not 1971. No more cold war. Actually Russian navy is in pretty pathetic shape than it was in Cold war.
Go search up.

About Israel, they didn't come to your help, but in fact you bought weapons from them because you faced a military defeat at Kargil. They wanted money. They will help anyone with selling weapons. Cunning they are.

My conclusions for you,
a future war of India with Pakistan and China would NOT be in Kargil and Certainly not in the era of Cold War.
Have someone heard that joke involving Karachiates (especially the bhaiyas) - with due respect where it says something like; eebkay mar k daikh....

india has been doing the same since it unveiled its two-front-war doctrine (even if that can be called a Doctrine- oooo, i am already shivering).

See, the bark-bite thingy....

The Chinese will mostly probably ignore this news (as they have been doing) as they know it's just another (usual) bickering from a chauvinistic kid, and Pakistan would probably respond with a face-palm statement by tomorrow and that's it.

Things would go back as they were, with just an exception that india once again proved:

That it can be played by international players

That it is always itching for war

That it has nothing else (better) to do, despite that fact that it can 'waste' these energies on other important issues.

Pretty immature post for a "Member".

Talking of humor, the frayed nerves and shitting in the pants is pretty evident by the hue and cry raised by Pakistani members in the 5 pages of this thread!
Then for fcuks sake, dont tell us to move troops from our eastern front to fight in our tribal areas!

Accept it that you are a PIA of the entire region and 'like-and-try' to bully around despite the fact that you yourself live in a glass house.

Its defensive move, we feel we can be attacked by China and Pakistan, however we do not have any plans to attack Pakistan.
Hey smart-azz, dont quote me out of context!

BTW, it is unethical to quote somewhere, even if we leave the 'off-topic' bickering on a side for a moment.

But seriously what exactly you wanted to prove by diving so low? That i am worst then india? If that is the case, you phailed!!

I refute your analysis.

First, 1971 was peak of Coldwar, Americans and Soviets looking for proxies to show off their strength. Soviets came after USA dispatched it's carrier battle group. No fights took place. It was like, USA sends it's fleet, Soviets did too to track and tail em.

This is not 1971. No more cold war. Actually Russian navy is in pretty pathetic shape than it was in Cold war.
Go search up.

About Israel, they didn't come to your help, but in fact you bought weapons from them because you faced a military defeat at Kargil. They wanted money. They will help anyone with selling weapons. Cunning they are.

My conclusions for you,
a future war of India with Pakistan and China would NOT be in Kargil and Certainly not in the era of Cold War.

Penumbra, there will be no war in the future neither with Pakistan or China alone or with both of them together. Simply because, India and for that matter the other two parties can hardly afford one. None of the countries are developed nor are their economies insulated enough from events of war. Pragmatism will definitely prevail.
You dont understand regional politics, do you?

And you dont understand reality do you, whether you like it or not Pakistan is immune to any threat from India militarily. This is not my opinion, this is the opinion of the Pakistan Army. Whenever India has threatened Pakistan with surgical strikes or a war, has Pakistan Army ever backed off. Stop thinking from an Indian perspective and start thinking from a neutral perspective, trust me it will do you a world of good :rolleyes:. This laughable statement of fighting a two front war with China and Pakistan is nothing more than chest thumping.
Pretty immature post for a "Member".

Talking of humor, the frayed nerves and shitting in the pants is pretty evident by the hue and cry raised by Pakistani members in the 5 pages of this thread!


You guys seriously need a guud lesson on sarcasm..!!

i think you need to go through those threads that were created when india shyted out this two-front-wishful-concept for the first time. It was more of a thread in 'Member's Club' rather than a professional one.

Two front war - hey, it's 21sth century!
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