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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)


You can take away my key board but you cant take away Munshi frm me.. :disagree:
After 2 years I have peaked your interest!:drag:

There are thousands of references. Read the book!

Yes after 2 years!!!!

First of all, I know your book is lame, so on true reality that we live in, no one is reading it..... So Why should I!!!!!!!
Secondly, I am truly interested in the Indian references that you are providing in your book so we can really discuss this matter in your true reality...........

So the details on India would come from Bangladeshis and pakistanis in this book lol
this munshi is a raw agent i guess because he knows so many details of India's "propaganda" that even Indians are not aware of lol
So you are trying to sell your book in intangible world then the tangible one, whatever the case maybe the book itself is proving dismal results on both worlds....

P.s. Indian reference..


I assume you keep reliable statistics concerning the sale of my book. Unfortunately they do not match the information I have which suggests a spurt in sales and interest just before the visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Bangladesh.
I assume you keep reliable statistics concerning the sale of my book. Unfortunately they do not match the information I have which suggests a spurt in sales and interest just before the visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Bangladesh.

What, from 5,000 to 5,001...........

Again the question is not how many books has been sold, but the INDIAN REFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!
What, from 5,000 to 5,001...........

Again the question is not how many books has been sold, but the INDIAN REFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few more have to be printed regularly to keep up with sales.
India wants an ‘anti-Pakistan’ Afghanistan: Musharraf

WASHINGTON: Pakistan’s former president Pervez Musharraf charged Thursday that arch-rival India seeks to “create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan” as part of a bid to dominate South Asia politically and economically.

Musharraf said Afghanistan sends its intelligence staff, diplomats and soldiers to Pakistan where they are “indoctrinated against Pakistan,” something he said India must stop and the United States should be concerned about.

“In Afghanistan, there is some kind of a proxy conflict going on between Pakistan and India,” Musharraf told a leadership forum sponsored by the Atlantic media corporation.

“India is trying to create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan.” It’s ambition, he said, is to “have a weak Pakistan so that it can be dominated, so that it doesn’t have any confrontationist attitude which doesn’t go well with India’s vision of dominating the region.”

Musharraf said he understood that India does not seek to take over Pakistan militarily, but rather it wants to dominate Pakistan in the area of foreign policy, economic policy, trade and commerce.

“That is how you suppress, you control or dominate another country,”according to the former army chief who seized power in a 1999 bloodless coup and resigned as president in 2008.

“Afghanistan’s intelligence, Afghanistan’s diplomats, Afghanistan’s soldiers, all the army, security people, they all go to India for training,” where they are “indoctrinated against Pakistan,” he added.

While he was in power, he said he personally offered Afghanistan free training but “not one man has come to Pakistan for training.”

He added: “India must stop it…. I would say that the United States needs to understand Pakistan’s sensitivities. I see there is a lack of concern for Pakistan’s sensitivities.”

Musharraf spoke after Afghan President Hamid Karzai signed a “strategic partnership” with India on Tuesday.

The partnership, the first such pact between Afghanistan and another country, deepens already friendly Delhi-Kabul ties and aims to boost trade, security and cultural links between the countries.

Fearful of encirclement by its wealthier neighbor, Pakistan has long focused on Afghanistan, arming warlords against the Soviets in the 1980s, backing the Taliban in the 1990s and hedging its bets in the 2000s.

India wants an ‘anti-Pakistan’ Afghanistan: Musharraf | World | DAWN.COM
India wants an ‘anti-Pakistan’ Afghanistan: Musharraf

WASHINGTON: Pakistan’s former president Pervez Musharraf charged Thursday that arch-rival India seeks to “create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan” as part of a bid to dominate South Asia politically and economically.

Musharraf said Afghanistan sends its intelligence staff, diplomats and soldiers to Pakistan where they are “indoctrinated against Pakistan,” something he said India must stop and the United States should be concerned about.

“In Afghanistan, there is some kind of a proxy conflict going on between Pakistan and India,” Musharraf told a leadership forum sponsored by the Atlantic media corporation.

“India is trying to create an anti-Pakistan Afghanistan.” It’s ambition, he said, is to “have a weak Pakistan so that it can be dominated, so that it doesn’t have any confrontationist attitude which doesn’t go well with India’s vision of dominating the region.”

Musharraf said he understood that India does not seek to take over Pakistan militarily, but rather it wants to dominate Pakistan in the area of foreign policy, economic policy, trade and commerce.

“That is how you suppress, you control or dominate another country,”according to the former army chief who seized power in a 1999 bloodless coup and resigned as president in 2008.

“Afghanistan’s intelligence, Afghanistan’s diplomats, Afghanistan’s soldiers, all the army, security people, they all go to India for training,” where they are “indoctrinated against Pakistan,” he added.

While he was in power, he said he personally offered Afghanistan free training but “not one man has come to Pakistan for training.”

He added: “India must stop it…. I would say that the United States needs to understand Pakistan’s sensitivities. I see there is a lack of concern for Pakistan’s sensitivities.”

Musharraf spoke after Afghan President Hamid Karzai signed a “strategic partnership” with India on Tuesday.

The partnership, the first such pact between Afghanistan and another country, deepens already friendly Delhi-Kabul ties and aims to boost trade, security and cultural links between the countries.

Fearful of encirclement by its wealthier neighbor, Pakistan has long focused on Afghanistan, arming warlords against the Soviets in the 1980s, backing the Taliban in the 1990s and hedging its bets in the 2000s.

India wants an ‘anti-Pakistan’ Afghanistan: Musharraf | World | DAWN.COM

Hehe ! You are a journalist ?? You didnt know that Afghans already hate Pakistanis?? Come on now ! You are supposed to be good at GK !!
Hehe ! You are a journalist ?? You didnt know that Afghans already hate Pakistanis?? Come on now ! You are supposed to be good at GK !!

Yes, that has to be true. The indo propaganda says so!

In reality though, India has a very tainted record in Afghanistan. They've repeatedly supported and backed puppet regimes over there, first the puppet regime the USSR installed(Najibullah govt) and how the puppet the USA installed(Karzai regime). Karzai even got his election funded by the Indians. And India tries to get some role in training the Afghan army as well.

What India's politicians can't seem to understand is, that this puppet regime that you're backing is widely hated by the Afghans. They're fighting a war of resistance to throw out yet another invader(they have a history of throwing out every invader) as well as the puppet regime this invader installed. India's policies of supporting the Soviet-installed President Najibullah flopped pretty badly, "President" Karzai seems to be following suit. Someone once said that madness is doing the same thing again and again, and expecting different results. And India's trying the same tactic again and again, even though it's failed previously.

About the Afghans hating Pakistan. When the US was pressuring Pakistan on coming down hard on the Haqqani group(which is only one of many Mujahideen groups working in Afghanistan, all of which owe allegiance to Mullah Muhammad Omar). Even the US was surprised when the main central Afghan resistance came out to Pakistan's support. Right when the US was blaming Pakistan for aiding supporting the Haqqani group, Mullah Omar's folks issued statements to the effect that they and not Pakistan were responsible for the Haqqani group's activities in Afghanistan. They were trying to diplomatically ease pressure on Pakistan! This unusual move even surprised the western press - they were afraid of the Haqqani group being friendly with Pakistan, they must have had nightmares about the whole Mujahideen resistance being okay with Pakistan like that.

Whatever the Zardari/Karzai soiled politicians do, Pakistan and Afghanistan are brotherly Islamic countries.

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