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Bombs kill 42 at shrine in Pakistan

That was something which was done decades ago!.. when Americans came in Iraq.. it was a peaceful place for its residents.. Americans came for OIL! nothing else.. It is a universal FACT proven again and again.. and if that killing decades ago is counted as crime then American Government should DIG its own soil for hundreds of thousands of bodies of Indians, DIG out the record of Hiroshima and Nagasaki where millions were killed and still children born their are handicapped by birth.. COUNT THEM and then attack its own country for committing atrocities against humanity!!

Pakistan is suffering these bomb blasts and killing of innocent civilians just because of this so-called WoT.. a self proclaimed righteous war of Americans where b'coz some 2000 people were killed by "suspected" al quida.. they INVADED two countries killing millions..

Do the maths..

In Iraq there was peace but it doesnt mean that people didnt get killed. did we forget the mass killing of kurds? as i mentioned earlier the shias suffered badly and killed in large numbers, it it wasnt sectarianism then god knows what it is.
In Iraq there was peace but it doesnt mean that people didnt get killed. did we forget the mass killing of kurds? as i mentioned earlier the shias suffered badly and killed in large numbers, it it wasnt sectarianism then god knows what it is.

Mass killing is always done by a dominant group to another group.. whatever you want to name it.. in the end it is war to hold the control.. and to enforce the dominating groups ideology.. A hero of one nation is a terrorist for other..

and as for as the people getting killed in Iraq are concerned.. don't you think there are people getting killed every day in America or as a matter of fact any other "developed" country?.. reason might be different but they do.. to base an attack on these bases and then commit killing on bigger level doesn't make it right now does it?
Mass killing is always done by a dominant group to another group.. whatever you want to name it.. in the end it is war to hold the control.. and to enforce the dominating groups ideology.. A hero of one nation is a terrorist for other..

and as for as the people getting killed in Iraq are concerned.. don't you think there are people getting killed every day in America or as a matter of fact any other "developed" country?.. reason might be different but they do.. to base an attack on these bases and then commit killing on bigger level doesn't make it right now does it?

i dont know what you are trying to say, there was disunity and sectarianism in Iraq before the americnas came, shia sunni problerm, arab kurd prolem, off course people do die everywhere but not thousands of them died due to gas attack like iraq.
Shia and sunni problem had already been in Iraq before the americnas came, why do you think Saddam killed shias during his time? there was also ethnic problem as well, kurd and arab.

No, I don't think so. I believe there was never a civil war between shia and sunni, I mean never. The Americans turn up and guess what ? The most sacred shrines to the shia ( incidently to the sunnis also) go up in smoke. Coincidence?

Believe me, its the Americans.
No, I don't think so. I believe there was never a civil war between shia and sunni, I mean never. The Americans turn up and guess what ? The most sacred shrines to the shia ( incidently to the sunnis also) go up in smoke. Coincidence?

Believe me, its the Americans.

i didnt say civil war, i said there was disunity, mistrust and sectarianism, and again, i cant understand how you side step the suffering and masacar of kurds? the shias also suffered badly. now, the americans are not angels, they went to iraq for their own motives, but if we put all problems on the americans and empty our own shoulders from responsibility then it is not good. it was muslims who blew up thier own masjids and shrines and nobody else.
i didnt say civil war, i said there was disunity, mistrust and sectarianism, and again, i cant understand how you side step the suffering and masacar of kurds? the shias also suffered badly. now, the americans are not angels, they went to iraq for their own motives, but if we put all problems on the americans and empty our own shoulders from responsibility then it is not good. it was muslims who blew up thier own masjids and shrines and nobody else.[/QUOTE

What you say about the Kurds is true but irrelevant here.

Who gained the most from a shia/ sunni civil war at the time?

If the Iraqis are fighting each other, nobody is fighting the Americans.

I see the same pattern in Pakistan. The Americans are identifying the fault lines in Pakistani and know this is the easiest way to fragment and destroy the country.

Many explosions in Iraq, blamed on the 'extremists' were actually denied by them. I believe the same is the case in Pakistan.

What do you think hundreds of armed Americans are doing in Pakistan?
Islam really does seem to unite Pakistanis --- in death:pakistan:

Islam really does not seem effected on particular types who reluctant to say their condolence words as united Pakistani----in death :pakistan:
i dont know what you are trying to say, there was disunity and sectarianism in Iraq before the americnas came, shia sunni problerm, arab kurd prolem, off course people do die everywhere but not thousands of them died due to gas attack like iraq.

What i am trying to say is that disunity is everywhere.. even in most developed countries.. and there are always people who'd take arms for their cause.. it doesn't matter if there are few killings here and there.. just to clear.. i am not justifying what Saddam was doing during his reign but that does not give the right to Americans to carry out mass murder in the name of WoT as they claim it to be..

Do you think that only Saddam's army or Saddam hussain was killed?.. Nope!.. the death rate of that regime was not more than 10% of total people who died.. 90% were civilians.. and so is the case in Afghanistan.. that is what triggered the chain reaction of revenge and revenge for revenge..

Hope that helped in clarifying my point..
kick out afghanis from pakistani land to pak this land from their
I think its the Americans.

In Iraq, there had never been any conflict between the shia and the sunnis ; the Americans turn up and, hey presto, instant shia/sunni civil war.

Now the Americans are in Pakistan, and guess what? Sufi/ wahabi bombings.

My guess its blackwater/ Americans.

don't spread illusion and cover the blacksheeps behind backwater/America. Their was no civil war earlier or right now in Iraq or Pakistan. Same wahabi fanatics are attacking on Shias in Iraq , Afghanistan, and Pakistan for earlier before 911.People like you have not learned from history. This was yazid forefather of taliban and Alqaeda who had Martyr the Grandson of Prophet(SAWW) in Karbala. The biggest enemy of Muslims are inside Muslims and they are munafiq/kharji who are growing to captured the world .
I think its the Americans.

In Iraq, there had never been any conflict between the shia and the sunnis ; the Americans turn up and, hey presto, instant shia/sunni civil war.

Now the Americans are in Pakistan, and guess what? Sufi/ wahabi bombings.

My guess its blackwater/ Americans.

Dude !!!
seriously are you for REAL???:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

have you ever heard of what is happening to the people of Parachinar for decades?
have you ever heard what is the purpose of Sipha Sahabha & lashker Jhagvi?

have you ever heard what the Saudi King said about Iran (and begged America and Israel to crush it?)
have you heard in Wikileaks Saudis offered to crush Hizbullah? the only strong Palestinian militants that have faced of Israelis?

have you forgotten how many times Shias and beralvis have been killed in Muharam and Eid Millad by these najadis? even before 911?

they killed shias only in the past so we were all happy and hypocritically silent
now they (taliban kharjis) are killing us and we blame black water?

Is Mullah Fazlullah black water?
Is baithullah Mehsud Black water?
is Mullah Burka Aziz Black water?
is Muslim Khan Black water?

are all those kharjis slitting the throats of Pakistanis on videos blackwater?

are all those Kharjis killing and beheading people in Khuni chouk in Sawat black water?

wake up dude!!!
its not just the matter of Shias or Ahmedis or Christians now

you and your family and friends are also target

these people wont even hesitate to kill anyone dear to you even for a second
just like they wont hesitate to kill me

this is a group which never ever accepted Islam and still wants to avenge the defeat of Badr.

the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH warned us about them too.

yes there are external hands but very little. at this moment they are just watching and laughing at us.

so when next time someone throws acid on school going girls
kills lady health workers, teachers
blows up schools
and then sends a warning to the people then dont blame the blackwater just look at the videos of those devils that are our own who grew up among us but were in fact scorpions and snakes.

how many decades does public of Pakistan need to realise who the real enemies are?

my god there is no hope for some people.

go check video on you tube where these people are Praising Yazid during Moharram procession in Europe and none of them is blackwater

they all look the same as any captured terrorist

and you know what? there are white Christians there too (police) they are laughing)

Dude !!!
seriously are you for REAL???:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

have you ever heard of what is happening to the people of Parachinar for decades?
have you ever heard what is the purpose of Sipha Sahabha & lashker Jhagvi?

have you ever heard what the Saudi King said about Iran (and begged America and Israel to crush it?)
have you heard in Wikileaks Saudis offered to crush Hizbullah? the only strong Palestinian militants that have faced of Israelis?

have you forgotten how many times Shias and beralvis have been killed in Muharam and Eid Millad by these najadis? even before 911?

they killed shias only in the past so we were all happy and hypocritically silent
now they (taliban kharjis) are killing us and we blame black water?

Is Mullah Fazlullah black water?
Is baithullah Mehsud Black water?
is Mullah Burka Aziz Black water?
is Muslim Khan Black water?

are all those kharjis slitting the throats of Pakistanis on videos blackwater?

are all those Kharjis killing and beheading people in Khuni chouk in Sawat black water?

wake up dude!!!
its not just the matter of Shias or Ahmedis or Christians now

you and your family and friends are also target

these people wont even hesitate to kill anyone dear to you even for a second
just like they wont hesitate to kill me

this is a group which never ever accepted Islam and still wants to avenge the defeat of Badr.

the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH warned us about them too.

yes there are external hands but very little. at this moment they are just watching and laughing at us.

so when next time someone throws acid on school going girls
kills lady health workers, teachers
blows up schools
and then sends a warning to the people then dont blame the blackwater just look at the videos of those devils that are our own who grew up among us but were in fact scorpions and snakes.

how many decades does public of Pakistan need to realise who the real enemies are?

my god there is no hope for some people.

go check video on you tube where these people are Praising Yazid during Moharram procession in Europe and none of them is blackwater

they all look the same as any captured terrorist

and you know what? there are white Christians there too (police) they are laughing)


Yes, I understand what you are saying, but these particular events happenning now. When has a sufi shrine ever been bombed in Pakistan?

I am not talking about the s=shia/sunni split generally, just as it relates to Iraq. There had never been a shia/sunni civil war in Iraq in the past, until the Americans got there. And who had the most to gain from a civil war at the time?

They didn't create the conflict, the exasberrated it.

At present they want to destabilise Pakistan, they will exasberrate the sufi/wahabi split ; and the sunni/shia split.

It's in there interest.

I am not saying the guys wearing the suicide vests are blackwater, but blackwater will help and ecourage those elements in Pakistani society who are predisposed to doing this.

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