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BloodBath in India Mob Lynch 2 Hindu Saints #IkWariFirModi

Please tag me, because from my interactions with them, the discussion has been respectful, and I'm not one to believe simple accusations without evidence.

I also have a problem with people who hurl abuse (especially towards Pakistan) for no reason, as do the mods, which is why we've seen a few people banned on this very thread.

Yes, we should go about it the proper way.

Our hospitality has been abused. Glad to see some action against trolls.

@That Guy @Mangus Ortus Novem

Ever since I met these two Indians on this forum in a thread about Kashmir, they have been targetting me on and off for some time. At first I thought maybe they do this with all Pakistanis, but then I realized that it is something to do with my unabashedly pro-Pakistan ideology, my deep religious convinction, and my views on ancient Pakistan.

So I asked myself, what is with what I am writing that makes a Nilgiri Tamil tag Pakistanis, Euro fascists, Hindutva goons, and others to attack me. I can only think of one answer, it is an attempt to silence me and dissuade me from my views.

They will say things like low quality posts and other such nonsense, but the intention is clear to me. If actually they did not value my input, then simply they would have ignored me totally, but instead they seem fit to attack me and tag others to do the same.

I joined the forum due to two members whose views resonated with my own, @Indus Pakistan and now banned @IndusPriestKing. I very much enjoy the subject of ancient Pakistani history and genealogy.

I have not much interest in engaging with trolls.

Since then I have discovered many great members whose views I share regarding religion, politics, and history. @PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Hakikat ve Hikmet @H. Dawary now banned @paktoon yum and @masterchief_mirza @Itachi

I am sure I am missing a few.

I would hate to see this forum inundated by Indian trolls forming gangs and swarming topics to attack Pakistan and Pakistanis, which we are seeing of late.

Post Feb 27 was the best time I had in this forum discussing topics related to the betterment of my country and the Muslim world at large. Part of the reason was the absence of Indian trolls. The other reason was the galvanization of Pakistanis worldwide.

This issue is part of a much larger problem on this forum.
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Yes, we should go about it the proper way.

Our hospitality has been abused. Glad to see some action against trolls.

@That Guy @Mangus Ortus Novem

Ever since I met these two Indians on this forum in a thread about Kashmir, they have been targetting me on and off for some time. At first I thought maybe they do this with all Pakistanis, but then I realized that it is something to do with my unabashedly pro-Pakistan ideology, my deep religious convinction, and my views on ancient Pakistan.

So I asked myself, what is with what I am writing that makes a Nilgiri Tamil tag Pakistanis, Euro fascists, Hindutva goons, and others to attack me. I can only think of one answer, it is an attempt to silence me and dissuade me from my views.

They will say things like low quality posts and other such nonsense, but the intention is clear to me. If actually they did not value my input, then simply they would have ignored my totally, but instead they seem fit to attack me and tag others to do the same.

I joined the forum due to two members whose views resonated with my own, @Indus Pakistan and now banned @IndusPriestKing. I very much enjoy the subject of ancient Pakistani history and genealogy.

I have not much interest in engaging with trolls.

Since then I have discovered many great members whose views I share regarding religion, politics, and history. @PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Hakikat ve Hikmet @H. Dawary now banned @paktoon yum and @masterchief_mirza @Itachi

I am sure I am missing a few.

I would hate to see this forum inundated by Indian trolls forming gangs and swarming topics to attack Pakistan and Pakistanis, which we are seeing of late.

Post Feb 27 was the best time I had in this forum discussing topics related to the betterment of my country and the Muslim world at large. Part of the reason was the absence of Indian trolls. The other reason was the galvanization of Pakistanis worldwide.

This issue is part of a much larger problem on this forum.
In general - and I know many will disagree with this - I say let the Indians say pretty much whatever they want! We actually seem to ban them too easily. Far better in the long run that they bark freely and expose any bigoted views. Several of them lost all control recently and blanket cursed all Arabs and Muslims in a most shameless manner. When they cross the established red lines on quasi-hate speech, they then get exposed and rightly banned. Simple. Otherwise, even if they swarm a thread, they can be handled with reasoned arguments and a few well placed baited barbs.
Chin up, you! Chin up!

We must and we don't loose the Rope of Allah .... and we also Own OurAncientHeritage and won't let it be stolen in broad daylight...

For the rest I for one have no problems Paks have diverging views... rather good... means braincells are alive....

Regarding, the fancy talkers a couple or more... well, let us see this way.... the more they talk the more we learn!

I am full supporter of let the good Indians come here and show us all their Indianness as it is....

NO Pak will compromise on PakKashmiris or Idea of Pakistan or OurAncient and MuslimHeritage...

Should be choose to enage the Indians we can do so with reaon and logic...some patience.... most of the time it doesn't work then the option of totally ignoring them is the best one.... and of course reporting the WannabeSupermist ....then moving on..

You have many of us to engage and develop our dialouge further... we can challlenge each with affection with only desire to learn from each other and finding strength from eachother....not wasting energies on Hollowness personifiedz...

Chin up, you!

@Mentee and I dont'agree on certainn matters...both of us wish Advancing Pakistan...we differ in approach...but NEVER for once the YoungPak has showed any sign of rudness....for which I am grateful!

We Paks must learn to find strength from eachother...

@That Guy has his own way... and he means the best for Pakistan like all of... many things that both of us disagree..but that doesn't mean that he isn't my strength or otherwise...

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan you are OurStrength remaind focused on the Goal...avoid baits/traps.... build Your PakPositiveNarrative and let other Paks strengthen you!

On shores of CaspeanSea... I do see Paks opening of shop... I wish it to be sooner than later!

You are an inspiration sir. I am indebted to your posts on this forum.

I grow tired of inaction against these two. I rarely speak but today I have let it all out and feel much better. We need a great mod like @Dubious again to come and control these swarms of trolls. It is derailing all topics on the forum.

How long can even the most innocent looking of these Hindu supremacists in disguise keep on the mask? Eventually they slip and reveal themselves. Just as wise-talking Nehru and false piety Gandhi did. Quaid e Azam saw through all their plans and false assurances.

I wish in sha Allah all Pakistanis come together to meet this challenge head on. We are still being manipulated against each other. Until we learn, we cannot become something greater.

Graves of my ancestors, their swords, their blood, and their barakat lie buried in this holy soil of ours. I will continue to fight for Pakistan in all phases of my life, in my medical career, in my home city, and among my family and countrymen.

Thank you for your good advice on ignoring these two. I will continue to do so.

Oqaab is always looking up to the sky, while vultures look down onwards.

Jazak Allahu khair for your good words.
Yes, we should go about it the proper way.

Our hospitality has been abused. Glad to see some action against trolls.

@That Guy @Mangus Ortus Novem

Ever since I met these two Indians on this forum in a thread about Kashmir, they have been targetting me on and off for some time. At first I thought maybe they do this with all Pakistanis, but then I realized that it is something to do with my unabashedly pro-Pakistan ideology, my deep religious convinction, and my views on ancient Pakistan.

So I asked myself, what is with what I am writing that makes a Nilgiri Tamil tag Pakistanis, Euro fascists, Hindutva goons, and others to attack me. I can only think of one answer, it is an attempt to silence me and dissuade me from my views.

They will say things like low quality posts and other such nonsense, but the intention is clear to me. If actually they did not value my input, then simply they would have ignored me totally, but instead they seem fit to attack me and tag others to do the same.

I joined the forum due to two members whose views resonated with my own, @Indus Pakistan and now banned @IndusPriestKing. I very much enjoy the subject of ancient Pakistani history and genealogy.

I have not much interest in engaging with trolls.

Since then I have discovered many great members whose views I share regarding religion, politics, and history. @PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Hakikat ve Hikmet @H. Dawary now banned @paktoon yum and @masterchief_mirza @Itachi

I am sure I am missing a few.

I would hate to see this forum inundated by Indian trolls forming gangs and swarming topics to attack Pakistan and Pakistanis, which we are seeing of late.

Post Feb 27 was the best time I had in this forum discussing topics related to the betterment of my country and the Muslim world at large. Part of the reason was the absence of Indian trolls. The other reason was the galvanization of Pakistanis worldwide.

This issue is part of a much larger problem on this forum.

I read this exchange of posts with initial surprise and then increasing disbelief.

My posts are all there, for all to judge; I have always cleaved to the truth, as I see it, as I interpret the evidence, and always with a view to avoid the virus of nationalism. Those who know me will remember that I follow very eminent authorities in this regard, Tagore and Julien Benda among them. As far as this forum and its members are concerned, I need no certificates from anybody; if it seemed that the moderators or the administration were hopelessly distorting the discussion, I would not be here.

I have several times not been here, earlier, during the darkest period, because of being swamped by khaki chaddis who hate my views on autocrats and bigoted religious factionalism leading to oppression of religious minorities, later, ironically, because of the decision by the administration to eliminate Indian members wholesale and leave the field to the equivalent in Pakistan of the khaki chaddis, hyper-patriots with neither sense nor discrimination, especially those that indulge in unseemly antics on the death of a soldier. After all these, my health has also been a factor, and is a constant reminder now that time is not a friend.

It was ironic to see the invoking of a good enemy, @Indus Pakistan. He is one of perhaps a dozen members with whom a discussion, even a rousing one with radically opposed views, is a prospect that I long for. Unfortunately, on his subject, he is alone, perhaps the doyens of the forum do not normally engage in his particular subject. For the rest, I value members with transparent integrity and a dedication to the truth; for the others, there are not enough hours to wish to engage with them, unless they write something outrageous that needs correction to prevent the conversion of an untruth into a truth simply through constant repetition. To paraphrase one of those I have listed among the doyens, '...as I grow older, my ignore list gets longer.'

"And that is all that I have to say about that."
I read this exchange of posts with initial surprise and then increasing disbelief.

My posts are all there, for all to judge; I have always cleaved to the truth, as I see it, as I interpret the evidence, and always with a view to avoid the virus of nationalism. Those who know me will remember that I follow very eminent authorities in this regard, Tagore and Julien Benda among them. As far as this forum and its members are concerned, I need no certificates from anybody; if it seemed that the moderators or the administration were hopelessly distorting the discussion, I would not be here.

I have several times not been here, earlier, during the darkest period, because of being swamped by khaki chaddis who hate my views on autocrats and bigoted religious factionalism leading to oppression of religious minorities, later, ironically, because of the decision by the administration to eliminate Indian members wholesale and leave the field to the equivalent in Pakistan of the khaki chaddis, hyper-patriots with neither sense nor discrimination, especially those that indulge in unseemly antics on the death of a soldier. After all these, my health has also been a factor, and is a constant reminder now that time is not a friend.

It was ironic to see the invoking of a good enemy, @Indus Pakistan. He is one of perhaps a dozen members with whom a discussion, even a rousing one with radically opposed views, is a prospect that I long for. Unfortunately, on his subject, he is alone, perhaps the doyens of the forum do not normally engage in his particular subject. For the rest, I value members with transparent integrity and a dedication to the truth; for the others, there are not enough hours to wish to engage with them, unless they write something outrageous that needs correction to prevent the conversion of an untruth into a truth simply through constant repetition. To paraphrase one of those I have listed among the doyens, '...as I grow older, my ignore list gets longer.'

"And that is all that I have to say about that."

You do not need to further reply to this kangaroo court joe.

It will just grow in its self-aggrandizement if you do.

Intelligent people discuss ideas. Non-intelligent people get stuck on discussing people. Chip on shoulder etc.

I'll leave it at that for worthies to see which is which.
You do not need to further reply to this kangaroo court joe.

It will just grow in its self-aggrandizement if you do.

Intelligent people discuss ideas. Non-intelligent people get stuck on discussing people. Chip on shoulder etc.

I'll leave it at that for worthies to see which is which.

Sorry, rush of blood to the head.
Non-intelligent people get stuck on discussing people

Not surprising in the least, as I predicted this exact response.

Obsession goes deep. A simple ignore is too easy for such people. They have to fight in gangs or not at all. Passive, aggressive mentality at its finest.

Mask can only last so long. Feign whatever emotion you wish for now.

I am satisfied that many people have realized the hidden trolls and the open ones.

In sha Allah, Allah swt will reveal all. I have no doubt about it.
20 page long discussion.


Must be higher order lynching. Golkunda and Pragyarag lynchings don't make it past the 3rd page
Yes, we should go about it the proper way.

Our hospitality has been abused. Glad to see some action against trolls.

@That Guy @Mangus Ortus Novem

Ever since I met these two Indians on this forum in a thread about Kashmir, they have been targetting me on and off for some time. At first I thought maybe they do this with all Pakistanis, but then I realized that it is something to do with my unabashedly pro-Pakistan ideology, my deep religious convinction, and my views on ancient Pakistan.

So I asked myself, what is with what I am writing that makes a Nilgiri Tamil tag Pakistanis, Euro fascists, Hindutva goons, and others to attack me. I can only think of one answer, it is an attempt to silence me and dissuade me from my views.

They will say things like low quality posts and other such nonsense, but the intention is clear to me. If actually they did not value my input, then simply they would have ignored me totally, but instead they seem fit to attack me and tag others to do the same.

I joined the forum due to two members whose views resonated with my own, @Indus Pakistan and now banned @IndusPriestKing. I very much enjoy the subject of ancient Pakistani history and genealogy.

I have not much interest in engaging with trolls.

Since then I have discovered many great members whose views I share regarding religion, politics, and history. @PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Hakikat ve Hikmet @H. Dawary now banned @paktoon yum and @masterchief_mirza @Itachi

I am sure I am missing a few.

I would hate to see this forum inundated by Indian trolls forming gangs and swarming topics to attack Pakistan and Pakistanis, which we are seeing of late.

Post Feb 27 was the best time I had in this forum discussing topics related to the betterment of my country and the Muslim world at large. Part of the reason was the absence of Indian trolls. The other reason was the galvanization of Pakistanis worldwide.

This issue is part of a much larger problem on this forum.
You don't have to give importance to the so called intellectual trolls.

Yes, they come in gangs, and you don't even know that they have called others through channels outside of this forum.

Don't waste your time on them bro, they mostly pick those who bother them the most. You are, with whatever views you carry about your religion, your country, and countrymen, a pain for them.
No idea what this thread is about but I have been tagged twice. I have 'known' @Joe Shearer for nearly a decade now and i hoild him in the highest possible regard mostly because of his razor sharp intellect. I have enjoyed enormously some extreme bouts with this gent that required every sinew of my brain working all out. It was often the intellectual equivalent of boxing ten rounds with Mike Tyson. Over the years I have got tired and older. Nowdays I just don't have the patience of engaging in long discussions and instead just scoot/shoot then jump out. Sort of cheap thrills type of thing.

I had a medical emergency some years ago and was starved of oxygen for few minutes. It is possible i lost whole bundle of brain fibres but nowdays I do struggle to operate at full gas mode for extended period of time. It's a good thing thing I am now semi-retired.

On wider note I do not fan of banning people unless absolutely neccessary. It's a tool to be used sparingly. I also do not think Indian members or any others from any country should be banned for holding divergent views. One of the joys of PDF used to be being exposed to raucous crowd with views diametrically opposed. The best thing you can do is hold your views up against those who disagree. Only that way can you learn or find out if your arguamant holds water. Removing a forum of those who you disagree is like removing oxygen. It kills good discourse.

For the attention of @Joe Shearer I would say I often act like uber-nationalist. I have to. My dream is a Pakistan that is developed like any other developed country and not trapped in a medieval nightmare. That hurts me. Not because it effects me personally. I have had a charming life and look to more years of pursuit of happiness in extremely comfortable circumstances. However I still have strong connection with my heritage and it hurts me to see my country in the state it is. I also know it's potential. It could match and outdo any western country.

However the curse of religion tied to a corrupt rentier elite kills any chance of progress. The mullah and rentier elite are in cahoots to keep masses of Pakistan shackled in ignorance. The only cure to this is uber-nationalism that cuts across tribe/caste/creed and fires the people into one nation marching toward progress where reason, logic and science are gods.

Out and over ...

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan I appreciate your interest in Pakistan's heritage and many thanks for the positive thoughts you gave to me. The answer to Pakistan's problems is a Bismarkian order that rests around hyper-nationalism centred around our history and heritage.
No idea what this thread is about but I have been tagged twice. I have 'known' @Joe Shearer for nearly a decade now and i hoild him in the highest possible regard mostly because of his razor sharp intellect. I have enjoyed enormously some extreme bouts with this gent that required every sinew of my brain working all out. It was often the intellectual equivalent of boxing ten rounds with Mike Tyson. Over the years I have got tired and older. Nowdays I just don't have the patience of engaging in long discussions and instead just scoot/shoot then jump out. Sort of cheap thrills type of thing.

I had a medical emergency some years ago and was starved of oxygen for few minutes. It is possible i lost whole bundle of brain fibres but nowdays I do struggle to operate at full gas mode for extended period of time. It's a good thing thing I am now semi-retired.

On wider note I do not fan of banning people unless absolutely neccessary. It's a tool to be used sparingly. I also do not think Indian members or any others from any country should be banned for holding divergent views. One of the joys of PDF used to be being exposed to raucous crowd with views diametrically opposed. The best thing you can do is hold your views up against those who disagree. Only that way can you learn or find out if your arguamant holds water. Removing a forum of those who you disagree is like removing oxygen. It kills good discourse.

For the attention of @Joe Shearer I would say I often act like uber-nationalist. I have to. My dream is a Pakistan that is developed like any other developed country and not trapped in a medieval nightmare. That hurts me. Not because it effects me personally. I have had a charming life and look to more years of pursuit of happiness in extremely comfortable circumstances. However I still have strong connection with my heritage and it hurts me to see my country in the state it is. I also know it's potential. It could match and outdo any western country.

However the curse of religion tied to a corrupt rentier elite kills any chance of progress. The mullah and rentier elite are in cahoots to keep masses of Pakistan shackled in ignorance. The only cure to this is uber-nationalism that cuts across tribe/caste/creed and fires the people into one nation marching toward progress where reason, logic and science are gods.

Out and over ...

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan I appreciate your interest in Pakistan's heritage and many thanks for the positive thoughts you gave to me. The answer to Pakistan's problems is a Bismarkian order that rests around hyper-nationalism centred around our history and heritage.

Brother, I tagged you to say that you were one of the reasons I joined this forum to begin with, nothing more. I wish that we can promote ancient Pakistan history on a deeper level on this forum. Look forward to your posts.

The problem I have is not divergent viewpoints, that is all well and fine. It is the incessant targetting by gangs egged on by both, but in particular one of them.

In a thread on the fall of West towards fascism and identity politics, I shared a post which was used by the guilty to bring all manner of Russians, Eurofascists, Americans, and others to attack me. They fight by proxy, they have another source where they arrange it. This is not the first time, but is basically the rule whenever they catch my posts.

I am having to explain myself over and over because this cretin is becoming a mouthpiece for my words, twisting and using it to further his purposes.

I know I am not the only one who has witnessed this.
Ps. Proof of how deep Pakistan is trapped in medieval nightmare can be seen from the recent news on COVID-19. This is global pandemic and across every nation the first action was social distancing and banning large scale public gatherings. Even a mug knows the damned infection spreads people to people in close proximity. Even Saudia Arabia, yes those camel jockeys have restricted places of worship.

Yet mullahs in Pakistan have again raised their igorance. They insist on opening the mosques and the state has backed way. Madness. Madness. The last time the state stood up against this type of medieval sickness was in 1950s during the anti-Ahmediya riots. That was because the British had just left and thier chosen ones were still running the country. But by 1971 the state began to give ground to medieval mullalism when it declared Ahmediya non Muslim. Ever since it has been a slippery slope. The present surrender by trhe state during the COVID-19 pandemic tells us we are still deep in the depths of madness.

Mark my words. Pakistan will never reach it's potential until the day we push religion into the private domain.

I joined this forum to begin with
Thank you. I really appreciate that. No idea if I am your brother or chacha as @OsmanAli98 calls me. Today is my 57th birthday.
You don't have to give importance to the so called intellectual trolls.

Yes, they come in gangs, and you don't even know that they have called others through channels outside of this forum.

Don't waste your time on them bro, they mostly pick those who bother them the most. You are, with whatever views you carry about your religion, your country, and countrymen, a pain for them.

why can't you let ethnic supremacist enjoy a little unity?

why the jealousy
Today is my 57th birthday.
Although today I did 50 press ups in one go. Apparently that would pass USMC training requirements. So felt rather good I must say.

It is the incessant targetting by gangs egged on by both, but in particular one of them.
Strongly suggest you build thicker skin. This is internet. Real life can be 100 times worse. I would worry about you if few remarks on PDF mess your day. You just keep tight and keep slogging on.
Ps. Proof of how deep Pakistan is trapped in medieval nightmare can be seen from the recent news on COVID-19. This is global pandemic and across every nation the first action was social distancing and banning large scale public gatherings. Even a mug knows the damned infection spreads people to people in close proximity. Even Saudia Arabia, yes those camel jockeys have restricted places of worship.

Yet mullahs in Pakistan have again raised their igorance. They insist on opening the mosques and the state has backed way. Madness. Madness. The last time the state stood up against this type of medieval sickness was in 1950s during the anti-Ahmediya riots. That was because the British had just left and thier chosen ones were still running the country. But by 1971 the state began to give ground to medieval mullalism when it declared Ahmediya non Muslim. Ever since it has been a slippery slope. The present surrender by trhe state during the COVID-19 pandemic tells us we are still deep in the depths of madness.

Mark my words. Pakistan will never reach it's potential until the day we push religion into the private domain.

Thank you. I really appreciate that. No idea if I am your brother or chacha as @OsmanAli98 calls me. Today is my 57th birthday.

Pakistan needs to be a Third Positionist state meaning a mixture of Socialistic and some aspects of market realm but on the society front put down reactionary elements under the cloak of religion tbh the founders of the country were not made from tough steel of balls if we had a founding leader like Ataturk,Stalin,Mao,Tito,Nasser to a extent we could have been something else instead we got Anglo Baboons who were lawyers and land owners later on

Although today I did 50 press ups in one go. Apparently that would pass USMC training requirements. So felt rather good I must say.

Strongly suggest you build thicker skin. This is internet. Real life can be 100 times worse. I would worry about you if few remarks on PDF mess your day. You just keep tight and keep slogging on.

Exactly it's the internet deal with it just because they have counter view point from yours sharpen your blade I use to enjoy your posts but all you do @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan is try to shut folks down not mature sigh
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