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Blast in Quetta kills 84 Shias, injures 200

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Why would Iran benefit from destabilizing Pakistan?
Haven't we gave enough blood and lives of Iranians for Jundallah, the terrorist thugs who were hiding in Pakistan's Baluchistan?
Since their leader was arrested and executed, their hands are cut from Iran.My point is, Iran loses the most from a destabilized Pakistan, same as India, Afghanistan.

lovely, you remember they are hiding in pakistan but forgot how Pakistan helped you extensively in catching these elements.
How many hits have shia taken so far and not hit back

Again all those countries u mentioned look at who is on receiving end so if i was to go by your logic then victim counts should be even on both sides yet all we see shia on receiving end day in day out.

This means one country(Iran) is getting the blame for it but not really active cause other wise attaching bombs to water tankers and blowing them doesn't take a genius. while the other country(Saudi Arabia) is fully active and providing full support to its Members.

My friend one cant stick a finger up locals a.ss and say why aren't they happy wrong has been done to balochs for a very very long time.we should recognize it and fix it .

please don't come back to me and tell me its complicated Its not.

I already told you in past - in your blind hate you disrespect Shia's who are part of forces & agencies. I don't think i can have any rational debate with you.
Its not the fault of anyone of us. This is the gr8 game to put mess in Pakistan. Lots of Positive vibs about Pakistan is not digestable to most of our enemies. Peace related deals with Taliban, TAP/IP, Gawadar, Abu Dhabi Investment, all these positive news are hurting them badly. And they are trying their level best to put China away from the region and also put conflict between Shia Iran and Sunni Pakistan. So don't get fooled.. and start telling whole world the unity steps formed by our forefathers, where Aqeeda explains your religion and Fiqa only tells the practice.. not otherway around which our enemy want to impose into our minds..
Shia, Sunni, Barvelli, Salafi all are different types of Same Religion and that is ISLAM... And we all are proud to be Pakistani Muslims ...
@Era_923 I told you. :enjoy:
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Its not the fault of anyone of us. This is the gr8 game to put mess in Pakistan. Lots of Positive vibs about Pakistan is not digestable to most of our enemies. Peace related deals with Taliban, TAP/IP, Gawadar, Abu Dhabi Investment, all these positive news are hurting them badly. And they are trying their level best to put China away from the region and also put conflict between Shia Iran and Sunni Pakistan. So don't get fooled.. and start telling whole world the unity steps formed by our forefathers, where Aqeeda explains your religion and Fiqa only tells the practice.. not otherway around which our enemy want to impose into our minds..

Shia, Sunni, Barvelli, Salafi all are different types of Same Religion and that is ISLAM... And we all are proud to be Pakistani Muslims ...

Did you intentionally forget to add Sufi and Ahmadia?

Anyway if all belongs to the same religion then why there is targeted genocide of minorities since 1947 specially Shias and Ahmadia??

Why do you always put blame on "others" when issues lies inside Pakistan? The BIGGEST issue is that Pakistan ignores to recognize the real issue and thus issues aggravates.
You told Era about this plan? You planned it? Why?:what:
I told him that there are many people who will blame external factors and call it a conspiracy against Pakistan, instead of blaming their security agencies which are failing over and over again.
I told him that there are many people who will blame external factors and call it a conspiracy against Pakistan, instead of blaming their security agencies which are failing over and over again.

It is not one or the other, but both factors: conspiracies of foreign powers, plus failures of the security agencies, that is letting the situation get worse and worse.
When both KSA & Iran are to lose from destabilized Pakistan than who can be possibly supporting them? I just want to listen your rational point of view and no way i am shifting blame on others, because it's actual people who are executing this plan are Pakistan and it's responsibility of Pakistan to secure and maintain it's integrity.

Why do you think there is necassarily someone supporting them from outside?Who brought Taliban to Pakistan?Your own government,because that time they served your interests I suppose.
Those terrorists are brainwashed ideologically, I don't see why there should be some foreign country to blame.
I don't know about Sunni groups much, Shias have pick up arms in some cases to defend themselves.Not all of them are righteous, but do they attack regular citizens usually?

lovely, you remember they are hiding in pakistan but forgot how Pakistan helped you extensively in catching these elements.

You got me wrong.I didn't say Pakistan is supporting them and you may have helped us defeating them.no denying in that.But do you agree with me that they were abusing situation and instability in Baloochestan region in Pakistan to carry out attacks against Iran?
Why do you think there is necassarily someone supporting them from outside?Who brought Taliban to Pakistan?Your own government,because that time they served your interests I suppose.
Those terrorists are brainwashed ideologically, I don't see why there should be some foreign country to blame.
I don't know about Sunni groups much, Shias have pick up arms to defend themselves,do they attack regular citizens usually?

The amount of military grade firearms and explosives available to the terrorists indicates that they have outside government-level support. The Taleban escaped into Pakistan when USA invaded Afghanistan.
Anyway if all belongs to the same religion then why there is targeted genocide of minorities since 1947 specially Shias and Ahmadia??.

Are you id10t or trying to be one? The Sectarian mess started in Pakistan in 80's during zia ul haq...which genocide are you talking about? Shia & Sunnis are still brothers & live side by side...,a common Pakistani on the streets of Pakistan can confirm this & not to mention that both Sunni & Shia Ulemas & Leaders have denounced these attacks & stated that these attacks are totally against Islam & are terrorist acts.

Did you intentionally forget to add Sufi and Ahmadia?

Sufiesm is not a sect you f00l.:lol: A Sunni can be a Sufi(just like i'm Sunni Sufi) & a Shia can also be a Sufi.

Ahmadi is different religion & not a sect of Islam.
We all know the problem, the thing is there seems to be no one who talk of solution & take steps to stop this menace.

You are 100% right sir. The solution is very complex and simple and the same time. What is lacking is the political will. As a keen student of history I have read a lot about Shia/Sunni differences for a long time. The following is the Fatwa from Sheikh Mahmood Shaltoot issued in 1959.


Head Office of al-Azhar University:
Text of the Verdict (Fatwa) Issued by His Excellency
Shaikh al-Akbar Mahmood Shaltoot,
Head of the al-Azhar University,
on Permissibility of Following "al-Shia al-Imamiyyah"
School of Thought

His Excellency was asked:
Some believe that, for a Muslim to have religiously correct worship and dealing, it is necessary to follow one of the four known schools of thought, whereas, "al-Shia al-Imamiyyah" school of thought is not one of them nor "al-Shia al-Zaidiyyah." Do your Excellency agree with this opinion, and prohibit following "al-Shia al-Imamiyyah al-Ithna Ashariyyah" school of thought, for example?

His Excellency replied:

1) Islam does not require a Muslim to follow a particular Madh'hab (school of thought). Rather, we say: every Muslim has the right to follow one of the schools of thought which has been correctly narrated and its verdicts have been compiled in its books. And, everyone who is following such Madhahib [schools of thought] can transfer to another school, and there shall be no crime on him for doing so.

2) The Ja'fari school of thought, which is also known as "al-Shia al- Imamiyyah al-Ithna Ashariyyah" (i.e., The Twelver Imami Shi'ites) is a school of thought that is religiously correct to follow in worship as are other Sunni schools of thought.

Muslims must know this, and ought to refrain from unjust prejudice to any particular school of thought, since the religion of Allah and His Divine Law (Shari'ah) was never restricted to a particular school of thought. Their jurists (Mujtahidoon) are accepted by Almighty Allah, and it is permissible to the "non-Mujtahid" to follow them and to accord with their teaching whether in worship (Ibadaat) or transactions (Mu'amilaat).

Mahmood Shaltoot.
The above Fatwa was announced on July 6, 1959 from the Head of al-Azhar University, and was subsequently published in many publications in the middle east which include, but are not limited to:
1. al-Sha'ab newspaper (Egypt), issue of July 7, 1959.
2. al-Kifah newspaper (Lebanon), issue of July 8, 1959.
The above segment can also be found in the book "Inquiries about Islam", by Muhammad Jawad Chirri, Director of the Islamic Center of America, 1986 Detroit, Michigan.


You may have noticed that majority of Deobandi Ulemas have not declared suicide bombing as ‘Haraam’ despite a clear cut Quranic verse against killing yourself. Even though the largest numbers of pilgrims from any single Muslim country performing Hajj is normally from Iran; following the Wahhabi line, Deobandis regard Shia’s kafir and tow the Saudi anti Irani stance (killing of Iranian Airforce cadets & Iranian diplomats).

If you can get Deobandis to accept Shias as Muslims; since killer of Muslims is bound for Hell, this along with declaration that suicide is haraam, will definitely have a major impact on the incidence of Shia genocide.

PML-N has been courting the sectarian SSP for political expediency. If you can get Sharif brothers to kick the SSP friend Rana Sana ullah out of the party, sectarian parties’ political influence in the main stream party will be reduced to a large extent.

Finally, one has to prevail upon ISI to stop backing the jehadis. Primarily because ISI has been using the Deobandi Madrasahs and organizations to fight Kashmir war; many in the intelligence services continue to provide support to sectarian parties. What is killing of a few Shias if we can keep the Kashmir on the boil? (If you don’t believe me, hear the bigot Hamid Gul’s views in any TV talk show). Additionally our CJ is also a bigot. Number of terrorists caught by the police but released by the Courts on very flimsy grounds is beyond count. This has to stop.

Does anyone really think that there is political will to take the steps notes above? I can’t even convince my fellow members to denounce TTP & their allies; do you think the religious bigotry can end easily?

Of course not, that is why I believe that Shia genocide will continue unabated.
Why do you think there is necassarily someone supporting them from outside?Who brought Taliban to Pakistan?Your own government,because that time they served your interests I suppose.
Those terrorists are brainwashed ideologically, I don't see why there should be some foreign country to blame.
I don't know about Sunni groups much, Shias have pick up arms to defend themselves,do they attack regular citizens usually?

I was expecting some rational post. Anyway - My view is that KSA & Iran both are not providing any support (now) to these terrorists - because both have something to lose. However Ideological support is there from both side. Defiantly these are brainwashed terrorists but still they are getting logistical support - from whom that's a question mark.

Anyway - I will support capital punishment for hate speech against any sect or religion in Pakistan and hang all extremist leadership and dismantle all political and religious armed wings - this is the only effective approach to rollback the things. And to protect Hazaras Baluchistan needs to be divided into 3-4 provinces - because ethnic conflict will be there even if we kill all religious terrorists.

Pakistani leaders have to become brave and make real sacrifices; not the one used for political mileage.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raijun

RIP to the innocent who the state has failed..

Quetta attacks

Since January 10, more than 204 people have died in attacks in the southwestern city. The majority of the victims have been from the Shia minority.

January 10: 117 killed, over 200 injured Alamdar Road
January 12: 2 killed on Brewery Road
January 15: 3 killed in Bakra Mandi
January 19: 4 killed in Khameesa Khan Bugti area
January 21: 3 killed near Saryab Road
January 23: 1 killed in fighting
January 24: 2 barbers killed
January 25: 7 bodies found outside Quetta
February 7: 3 killed in Archar Road gunfight
February 9: 1 killed in Kachlak
February 16: At least 84 killed in Hazara Town

Some of my fellow Pakistanis seems to think they are doing it without the help of the So Powerful and mighty PA and ISI or the members of these institution.. All I can say is its good that Im outta Pakistan!
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