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Blast in Lahore's Mall road

Sleepers cells of these terrorists are now active in Punjab. We have been shouting since long to launch operation clean up against sympathizers, facilitators and sleeper cells of terrorist but few people from highest level of government always resisted to do so. Punjab safest province of Pakistan is not safe due to false ego of someone. NS and his bro while trying to win title of good governance couldn't protect the lives of citizen. It is the responsibility of the state to protect every citizen. Time of the provincial government is over now. Although it is too little, too late but state to act aggressively against these monsters. Ranger operation in Punjab is over due. All opposition political parties should demand unanimously to safeguard further loss.
Army Chief expresses grief over loss of innocent lives in Lahore blast.
Terrorism had decrease last 1/2 years but this attack is blow to that image. Still long way to go to finish the terrorist. Condolences to victims family.
Sleepers cells of these terrorists are now active in Punjab. We have been shouting since long to launch operation clean up against sympathizers, facilitators and sleeper cells of terrorist but few people from highest level of government always resisted to do so. Punjab safest province of Pakistan is not safe due to false ego of someone. NS and his bro while trying to win title of good governance couldn't protect the lives of citizen. It is the responsibility of the state to protect every citizen. Time of the provincial government is over now. Although it is too little, too late but state to act aggressively against these monsters. Ranger operation in Punjab is over due. All opposition political parties should demand unanimously to safeguard further loss.
What about afghanistan? u can't take multiple hits . mullah fazalullah and other mother fuckers are residing there .go kill them . what is the advantage of being so called powerful Islamic nuclear power and maintaining such a large army if we can't take on weak country like Afghanistan let alone India .
Army Chief expresses grief over loss of innocent lives in Lahore blast.

I Am Sure If The Man In Your Avatar Was Still In Charge He Would Have Done More Than "Express Grief"
Currently TTP Splinter Group Jamatul-Ahrar claims responsibility.
whilst hash tagging #Pray4Lahore please also hash tag #TerroristIndia and #ModiTheTerrorist on your posts on all social networking sites especially with your western friends, let the world know India is the biggest exporter of terror is South East Asia.

India is a terrorist nation being ruled by a terrorist leader. Doval and Modi have too much blood on their hands

Rangers should be deployed in Punjab for security; Punjab police is incompetent and only good for VIP protocol and badmashi.

This is the result of resisting implementation of NAP across the board. May Allah bless those who are opposing with some grey matter to understand that this is the need of the hour.
for f*** sake shut up....this is time of grief..we know who is the culprit as always and its enemy....plz now stop this debate...dunno whats wrong with PDFians always changiong topic of thread...and trollers plz leave..thnx
My prayers for the victims. The episode of terrorism continues our government will condemn it as usual but is condemning enough ? Catching small terrorist and killing them while the real one sit and watch and enjoy
#TerroristIndia strikes again #TerroristModi doing whats he does best, killing innocent people for his political gains.
What about afghanistan? u can't take multiple hits . mullah fazalullah and other mother fuckers are residing there .go kill them . what is the advantage of being so called powerful Islamic nuclear power and maintaining such a large army if we can't take on weak country like Afghanistan let alone India .

Thats the big question??

Whats the use of all those Baburs, Raads, JF-17s and F-16s if we are at the mercy of Mullah Fazalullah sitting in Afghanistan training young kids to do these kind of suicide attacks.

Its a big slap on the face of Pakistan military.

Unless the source is not destroyed, this will continue to happen.
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