It's important to understand why Talib killed the Mufti.
Talib are an insurgency isn't that so? They have a strategy.
Army action against the Talib has put them under pressure, they therefore must do actions which create chaos and destabilize society - do you think creating sectarian strife in society will destabilize society??? Do you think doing bombings in different cities will make people think that the talib are more powerful than the state??? Do you think bombing symbols (structures) that connect Pakistani society internally and with the outside world will shake the confidence of the society??
This is their strategy - islamist infiormation operatives onthis forum will try to confuse readers, offer absurd rationalizations, the more absurd the better, it just creates greater confusion.
The more clearly we understand that all insurgencies have a play book, a "how to" , if you will, the better we will be able to get a handle on this islamist insurgency -- regardless of the lable or their professed ideals, all insurgencies have core game plans, that is why they are studied the world over.
What do you think their next move will be??
Soon you will see a peace offensive, individuals and institutions who are their fronts will begin to suggest that the Talib want peace but the state does not, simultaneously they will continue to target those individuals in society who can oppose them on ideological grounds, these actions will then be rationalized, "what choice did we have, the evil Pakistan FAUJ was attacking us"