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Blasphemy case: Masjid imam offers reward to kill Aasia


May 25, 2010
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Blasphemy case: Masjid imam offers reward to kill Aasia

PESHAWAR: Maulana Yousuf Qureshi, an imam of a major mosque in Peshawar on Friday offered a reward for anyone who kills Aasia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death by a court on charges of blasphemy.
Qureshi offered a Rs500,000 reward and warned the government against any move to abolish or change the blasphemy law.
The sentence against Asia Bibi has renewed debate about the law which critics say is used to persecute religious minorities, fan religious extremism and settle personal scores.
“We will strongly resist any attempt to repeal laws which provide protection to the sanctity of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),” Qureshi told a rally.
“Anyone who kills Aasia will be given Rs500,000 in reward from Masjid Mohabat Khan,” he said referring to his mosque.
While Qureshi is not believed to have a wide following, comments by clerics can provoke a violent response and complicate government efforts to combat religious extremism and militancy.
Qureshi, cleric who has been leading congregation at the 17th century Mohabat Khan mosque for decades, later told Reuters he was determined to see her killed.
“We expect her to be hanged and if she is not hanged then we will ask mujahideen and Taliban to kill her.”
In 2006, Qureshi and his followers announced rewards amounting to over $1 million for anyone who killed Danish cartoonists who drew caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that had enraged Muslims worldwide.
After her conviction, Aasia appealed to President Asif Ali Zardari to pardon her, saying she had been wrongly accused by neighbours due to a personal dispute.
Last week, a minister said an initial inquiry into the case showed she had not committed blasphemy. The Lahore High Court last month prevented Zardari from granting a pardon and ruled that the High Court should be allowed to decide her appeal.
“No president, no parliament and no government has any right to interfere in the commandants of Islam. Islamic punishment will be implemented at all costs,” said Qureshi.
Can somebody please tell me what exactly she did to be charged with blasphemy?
why even give these lizard eaters the attention they don't deserve. Ignore these comedian
why even give these lizard eaters the attention they don't deserve. Ignore these comedian

To an outsider like me, he seems like he is an integral part of the fabric of Pakistan. If he is not, then Pakistani society needs to show the world that he is not. He is an "imam" isn't he? He speaks on behalf of Islam, doesn't he? If not, it is time that the "true" followers of Islam find a way to control such pretenders.
i have the luxury of not being outsider. As a consequence, i'm not so gullible as to think anybody growing beard, talking about religion and calling themself imam would suddenly be in authoritative position to declare fatwa or even go so far as to decide who should and who should not live. I'm sorry, i don't subscribe to this bullshit. Islam is religion of compassion which emphasizes forgiveness and utmost justice afforded even to enemy.
it would be prudent to ask, when bal thakeray calls for attacks on Muslims or when indian jingoists call for Ms Roy to be shot (i've seen such attitude even here) does this mindset represent all indian sentiment?
cant this silly mullah be arrested for attempted murder or threatning public order and some bodys life ... i am sure if tried a good no of charges can be filed against this moron mullah .. how can some one make threatning statements to so openly where is rehman malik
cant this silly mullah be arrested for attempted murder or threatning public order and some bodys life ... i am sure if tried a good no of charges can be filed against this moron mullah ..

the fact is that these people use religion about which 99.9% of the people of this country are seriously emotional & by using the divine words from the only book they believe in they can silence majority of Pakistani population & of course there won't be any action against them because after all they are following divine rules :rolleyes:
Had it been any civilized country with a shred or moral values left and even a trace of law still being implemented, this guy would have been arrested for inciting public and attempted murder. but then its Pakistan the land of the pure Mullahs.

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