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Blasphemy case: Masjid imam offers reward to kill Aasia

...."He sat before the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: Apostle of Allah! I am her master; she used to abuse you and disparage you. I forbade her, but she did not stop, and I rebuked her, but she did not abandon her habit. I have two sons like pearls from her, and she was my companion. Last night she began to abuse and disparage you. So I took a dagger, put it on her belly and pressed it till I killed her. Thereupon the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Oh be witness, no retaliation is payable for her blood.[Sunnan Abu Dawud 38:4348, Sunnan Abu Dawud 38:4361] ..."

Please help me understand: Hearsay from a person with a clear motive to avoid punishment is sufficient to justify the murder of a pregnant woman, without due process or witnesses?

Please note that Mohammad (PBUH) and his wisdom was above everything and I am not questioning his piety or his authority.

My point is that those experiences CANNOT be transplanted today without great care and thought.
i think you are right, the gov might give her top protection, but can the GoP provide this security for every individual facing these threats? she will also apply for asylum in other countries.

sooner you learn that the only ***** they (the government) care about is they own, sooner you would fathom things on aggregate level

The offender has been convicted from courts.
She was found guilty of blasphemy and on technical grounds blasphemy laws are part of constitution, if it is right or wrong is other debate.

We know courts around the world are very unfair to Muslims.... even in sports Muslims are cheated... i wouldn't go any further on this but in Pakistan at the moment their is lot of anger in people due to killings, floods, corruption, inflation, missing electricity and taxation.

Zardari need to pay attention to the real issues and stop bothering about an offender, who actually has provoked Muslims.

word of mouth does not constitute evidence in a court of law
So.. in other words.. as I am to understand the past few posts..
Muslims have the capability to go and verbally abuse a Christan or a Jew..insult his religion..his parents..his beliefs..and then if he/she so retaliates in kind about the Prophet..they can kill him and expect Jannah..

God has given Muslims the right to plunder and pillage all over the world.. on the basis of provocation without accountability.
Suddenly...all these modern Islam revivalists have painted the most unusual picture of islam.. contradicting itself at every turn.
So while we say "Ar-Rahman ar raheem".. it doesnt really mean god feels that way??
And while the prophet reportedly went and asked about the woman's health who used to throw trash on him every day when she did not show up as she was ill.. He would not have problems with somebody murdering a pregnant woman if she abused him?

Are we sure Islam means peace..or pieces in Arabic?
Because as far as most Pakistani's are concerned.. it seems the latter.
..pardon my bluntness..
but the merciful nature of the prophet.. his immense personality.. is left for Qtv and Friday sermons..
God is no longer forgiving ... but a ruthless being who would see all of us burn in hell (with great regret off-course)unless we follow what these Mullah's say...
And people who blindly follow them because they dont even wish to learn.. "ham purane hain" is their excuse...they will inhale hatred spewed by their turbaned leaders against all those they term as Jahilliya..

The end of times is near..
The Quran is with the incorrigible Jahilliya....no longer with the learned man..
And like all great powers...this greatest power..is creating destruction never imagined before.. even secularists could not damage Islam as these people are.
Nobody wishes to speak up and stop them either..
after all.. I dare say..."iman ki kamzoori jo hai".
Abou.. she is got her penalty from courts.
I don't understand.... what is the problem in treating her by laws of Pakistan.
This time around Mullahs are demanding a President to comply to state laws.

I agree it is wrong to declare head money but this is also legal in Pakistan.

I hope you know there is head money on Musharraf and the PTV helped to promot it.
..."Nobody wishes to speak up and stop them either."

Speaking for myself, I will do everything I can to stop the madness that you speak of Santro, till my last breath, and I know that I am NOT alone!
Islam means peace. Islamic people and Islamic acts must hence promote peace.

Me I have a simple litmus test. To me good muslims are peaceful and they make others peaceful as well.

In years gone by there used to be such people. i remember my grandfather, justing sitting in the company of such people would make you feel good. Such was there aura of peace.

Nowadays too many Muslims are restless and they make others restless as well. Surely they cannot claim to be good muslims.
Generaly when a Mullah says that insulting the holy prophet is punishable by death, usually they follow it with some hadith, such as quoted above by Ego Boy and the most common one, like

Narated By Anas : The Prophet said "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind."

Do we have a hadith or ayat where it has been said by holy prophet not to kill if some one insult him?

Honeslty whats the counter argument that can be given to that molvi? for the rest of the world we have alot, like its not moral, its not ethical, its a stone age law not for 21st century etc etc.

For people like me, worldly justifcations are not enough.. its a matter Jannah and Dozakh, matter of accepting the teachings of Islam, brutal it may seems (lashing or beheading) with out any shame or excuses, or not accepting them at all.

Its time to stop living in excuses, or run away from the problem, some one has to find or answe, either we accept it as Islam, either Blasphemy is punishable by death or we have a justified alternate. By justified i mean 'by proper references to quran or sunnah;
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Bhatti condemns threat to Aasia

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Minorities’ Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti on Saturday condemned the announcement of reward for the killing of Aasia Bibi by a cleric in Peshawar.

Bhatti said the announcement made was unjust and irresponsible which should be discouraged in the strongest possible manner, as no one had the right to issue the decree of killing anyone, adding that Pakistan was a civilised state and violation of the rule of law would not be allowed.

The federal minister said that Aasia Bibi had filed a petition in the Lahore High Court against the decision of the lower court but the high court had not yet fixed the date for the hearing. “The matter is subjudice and law should be allowed to take its course,” he added. Bhatti opined that such announcements trigger violent elements in society and instigate them to take the law in their own hands and commit violence. He assured that Aasia Bibi would be given complete protection in Pakistan during the course of the completion of legal process. He said that the blasphemy laws were introduced by General Ziaul Haq to appease some elements in society and to prolong his undemocratic rule. “Every legal and constitutional means will be adopted in the Aasia Bibi case,” he said. staff report

Source: Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

first of all since you highlighted crappy let me define that to first as you seem making a big deal out of it """ by crappy i meant this mullah and alike who offered head money on this women i do not mean to offend any big personalities (N.B) !! secondly i have been through your post it and i will refer to Quran and NO where it mentions saying those who (God forbid) abuse Prohet Mohd(pbuh) and Allah must be killed the only place i noticed some thing i will quote it here::

The punishment of those who WAGE WAR against Allah and His Messenger and do MISCHIEF in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land.) `Wage war' mentioned here means, oppose and contradict, and it includes disbelief...

Now as per ^^ above quote from Holy book death sentence doesnt fit as its applicable to a specific group if you read it for those WHO WAGE WAR or those who MISCHIEF in the land.... also by wrong interprations i meant the defination of both words ! kindly try and read it your self if you have a minute .... most importantly i would also like to see the full Surah or at least summary of the Surah to understand in what context the above is written in Quran.
So.. in other words.. as I am to understand the past few posts..
Muslims have the capability to go and verbally abuse a Christan or a Jew..insult his religion..his parents..his beliefs..and then if he/she so retaliates in kind about the Prophet..they can kill him and expect Jannah..

God has given Muslims the right to plunder and pillage all over the world.. on the basis of provocation without accountability.
Suddenly...all these modern Islam revivalists have painted the most unusual picture of islam.. contradicting itself at every turn.
So while we say "Ar-Rahman ar raheem".. it doesnt really mean god feels that way??
And while the prophet reportedly went and asked about the woman's health who used to throw trash on him every day when she did not show up as she was ill.. He would not have problems with somebody murdering a pregnant woman if she abused him?

Are we sure Islam means peace..or pieces in Arabic?
Because as far as most Pakistani's are concerned.. it seems the latter.
..pardon my bluntness..
but the merciful nature of the prophet.. his immense personality.. is left for Qtv and Friday sermons..
God is no longer forgiving ... but a ruthless being who would see all of us burn in hell (with great regret off-course)unless we follow what these Mullah's say...
And people who blindly follow them because they dont even wish to learn.. "ham purane hain" is their excuse...they will inhale hatred spewed by their turbaned leaders against all those they term as Jahilliya..

The end of times is near..
The Quran is with the incorrigible Jahilliya....no longer with the learned man..
And like all great powers...this greatest power..is creating destruction never imagined before.. even secularists could not damage Islam as these people are.
Nobody wishes to speak up and stop them either..
after all.. I dare say..."iman ki kamzoori jo hai".

The end times is near, the Quran is with the incorrigible Jahillia... ok, when was Quran in the hands of wise and learned people in whole 1500 years of Islamic history they would have dealt with this issue? Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings said one group of my Ummah will never deviate from the right path, in the end times they will be few in number, so no need to frustrate that there’re only Jahillia around.

Once in a battle Hazrat Ali aleh salam was about to kill one enemy he spit on Imam’s face, the Imam stopped his hand and set him free, this was the teaching and practice of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing as mentioned the story of that woman throwing trash. It depended on cases those who were arch and insisted in insulting the Prophet peace and blessings, were exterminated. Kaab bin Ashraf was a poet he used to do poetry for insulting the Prophet peace and blessings. So the Prophet peace and blessings sent Hazrat Muhammad bin Muslimah along with Hazrat Abad bin Bashar and Hazrat Haris bin Owais... he was executed.

Ghazi Ilm Din's shadah occurred on 31st October 1929. When asked if he had any last requests, he simply requested that he be allowed to pray two rak’at nafl prayer.

200,000 Muslims attended the funeral prayer. Mawlana Zafar Ali Khan said ahead of the burial: "Alas! If only if I had managed to attain such a blessed status!" Dr. Allama Mohammad Iqbal carried the funeral bier along its final journey. As he placed the body of Ilm Din into the grave, he tearfully declared: "This uneducated young man has surpassed us, the educated ones." Assi gallan hi karday rai te tarkhana da munda bazi le gia”

The killing of Ilm Din had far-reaching repercussions. A provision was added to the Penal Code, making insult to the religious beliefs of any class an offense. Allama Iqbal’s proposal of a separate Muslim state in 1930 resulted in the creation of Pakistan. The Pakistan Penal Code makes it a crime for anyone who "by words or visible representation or by an imputation or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiled the name of the Muhammad".

It is matter of love and ishq…if today the law is changed and there comes a serious offence, some Ilm Din will stand up and do the job…

Undernet ; View topic - Ghazi Ilam Din Shaheed
Book: Muhammad Rasool Allah -author: Sheikh Muhammad Raza
Pakistan needs secular laws. Blasphemy law is a disgrace, shows pakistan in poor light.

Problem is civilian govt lacks the political capital to repel it, so will take some time for things to get better.
In any decent and respectable country that upholds its laws this man would be in Jail and prosecuted for instigating murder or be in prison for inciting hatred and violence by calling for the death...worse publically advocating death by rewarding someone who does his foul deed...

Why hasn't anyone taken action against him? Why are the law enforcement agencies so pathetic? This is completely unacceptable.. this isn't freedom of speech this is blatant calling out murder and this man needs to be in jail for a very long time.
Ilm Din was a man of dubious character who was riled up by the mullahs to commit the murder of that Hindu publisher. Only religious extremists glorify him and have used him as some sort of example for others to follow.

As for Iqbal and that very peculiar statement, Iqbal had always been contradictory. He would write one thing in the morning and another thing at night.

Though the law to prosecute anyone who insulted a religious figure was just, it included all other religions too, not just Islam.
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