What you and me need to do is find out how they can "attach" to Indus when almost all of them are hundreds if not thousand miles. this like Pakistani's try to "attach" to Mesopotamia in Iraq. If you can find this thing they use to "attach" then we can make superglue out of it trust me it will have best bonding abilities than any other glue.
You know seriously I must admit I have to scratch my head at this delusion. Here is Bengali's, Maratas, Tamils, Orrisans and the rest who have no idea of what the Indus region looks like, have never now or in the past ever gone near it somehow have dreamed up they have some connection with our land. Before Urdu/Hindi was standarized in recent times and spread non of these people could have talked with our people. They look differant, they eat differant, they dress differant but somehow they want to make us disappear and claim our history.
This is absurd. They have no sense of shame. They are efectively seeing that they are spawns of our ancestors. I mean you realize this means they are disowning their own forefathers. Despite this like dogs that won't let go of a bone, you can kick, you do what you want but they will come back for the bone - the Indus.
The bizzare thing is they entirely overlook their own lands and their own ancestors. Look they worship the Ganga. So how come these Indians who are from the Ganga basin do not build a identity and history based on the Ganga Basin? There are probably over 500 million Indian's living on the Ganga Basin so why not take pride in their land. Be proud Ganga Indians.
Then there is the Dravid Indian's. These guys are even more remote from us. They live entirely in a differant environment which mostly is tropical unlike the semi desert or mountains of Pakistan. These Dravid Indians in South India should be taking ownership of their land and the history of their forefathers. Instead they look far way north to our lands on the Indus and sniff on it and get high. crazy.
And Ganguly I coould ask you what would happen if India imploded. Don't compare with that lump of land separated 1,300 miles from us called Bangladesh. It was not a contigous part of the Indus basin. The provinces that make Pakistan are the custodians of Indus basin as whole. Have a look at the map. In fact why not find out where Indus River is and you will find it is to Pakistan what Nile is to Egypt.
Yes there might be overspill of Indus civilizations to neighbouring regions in Iran, Afghanistan and India near Durand line but no civilization is found in nice little boxes. That way Ancient Egypt had overspill into Nubia in Sudan with some sites even in Ethopia. However the fulcrum was in Egypt. Ditto Indus/Pakistan. Just to refresh your geography have a look at the "I" of IVC or Indus River. You can see how it defines and dominates Pakistan. Not only that it unites all provinces.
And just in case you have illusions look at the Ganges basin and Indus basin. Both are distinct never mind South India. Ganga basin all shit flows east to Gulf of Bengal. Whereas Indus basin flows in differant direction. Sort of south, south west to Arabian Sea.
And here is what is Ganga Basin is. It covers most of North India and home probably to majority of Indians. Eastern Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, North East Rajasthan, Madya Pradesh, Jharkand, Bihar, Bengal, Chattisgarh peoples are all proud Ganga dwellers and should learn to take pride in their own land instead looking far west to feel good about themselves. They need to own their own ancestors on the Ganga.
Below: The Ganga India - New Delhi is in the basin.