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BJP to formally invite Yeddy to rejoin party

Ha ha, Swami....Deceased insect....Actually i too did not know about swami earlier....Because he has done most of his work when i was small ha ha

Now that Vajpayee cant speak and move...BJP brought Swami.....

“Advaniji, aren’t there enough Subramanian Swamys in the party for you to want to bring in the original?” - Pramod Mahajan

If Narendra Modi is the present day Sardar Patel, Dr. Subramanian Swamy is the present day Dr. Ambedkar. A Legend.
Same Legend who once called Sonia Gandhi devi Durga....

Why insulting those legends...?

He is a politician and he was banking on sonia to help him form the govt. What did you expect him to say ? That Sonia was an Italian waitress ? LOL.

Ambedkar has made many flip flop in his time too. You are just unaware of history.
He is a politician and he was banking on sonia to help him form the govt. What did you expect him to say ? That Sonia was an Italian waitress ? LOL.

Ambedkar has made many flip flop in his time too. You are just unaware of history.

May be some i am aware...but atleast they were not as cheap as swami.....some honesty was there. They know how to live with their opponents.

By the way, as of now for him Sonia is not Durga..may be again she will become Durga to him, if he is denied any birth.

Ah. So you are one of the Character Assassins of Lashkar e Taiba.

Time to stop taking your seriously.

I took lesson from Swami....
May be some i am aware...but atleast they were not as cheap as swami.....some honesty was there. They know how to live with their opponents.
By the way, as of now for him Sonia is not Durga..may be again she will become Durga to him, if he is denied any birth.
I took lesson from Swami....

There is a story of how the Nanda King insulted Chanakya and how Chanakya untied his sikha (lock of hair on male Hindus), and swore he would only tie it back once the Nanda dynasty was destroyed.

Sonia Gandhi should have read Indian history more before insulting Dr. Subramaniyan Swamy. Rahul Gandhi can now kiss his kingdom good bye. The Gandhi dynasty is as good as destroyed.
There is a story of how the Nanda King insulted Chanakya and how Chanakya untied his sikha (lock of hair on male Hindus), and swore he would only tie it back once the Nanda dynasty was destroyed.

Sonia Gandhi should have read Indian history more before insulting Dr. Subramaniyan Swamy. Rahul Gandhi can now kiss his kingdom good bye. The Gandhi dynasty is as good as destroyed.

Sonia Gandhi is clever and knows where to keep deceased insects.
Sonia Gandhi is clever and knows where to keep deceased insects.

LOL. Sure......all the best. Sonia best pray that if Dr. Swamy becomes part of the govt. , she, her son and her son-in-law do not end up in jail.

Because I am pretty sure, Dr. Swamy is vindictive enough to take matters to its logical end.

And considering how Rabid Sonia was against Modi, I am sure Dr. Swamy will get the PM blessings too :P
LOL. Sure......all the best. Sonia best pray that if Dr. Swamy becomes part of the govt. , she, her son and her son-in-law do not end up in jail.

Because I am pretty sure, Dr. Swamy is vindictive enough to take matters to its logical end.

And considering how Rabid Sonia was against Modi, I am sure Dr. Swamy will get the PM blessings too :P

I dont care even if they go to jail, I dont have any love towards them. By the way...You need to pray that, Both of your legends dont start fighting each other....Who knows may be Swami ends up fighting with Modi. Both are stubborn
I dont care even if they go to jail, I dont have any love towards them. By the way...You need to pray that, Both of your legends dont start fighting each other....Who knows may be Swami ends up fighting with Modi. Both are stubborn

It was Modi who brought Dr. Swamy back into BJP. Dr. Swamy is nothing if not Loyal.

Dr. Swamy's loyalty to Rajiv Gndhi is legendary. He is the only person who continued to support Rajiv Gandhi ever after his death and continued to insist for the death penalty for his murderers, even though sonia gandhi sought clemency for them.

Dr. Swamy will be one of the staunchest supporters of Modi. Of that I am sure. No need to waste my prayers on that. :azn:
It was Modi who brought Dr. Swamy back into BJP. Dr. Swamy is nothing if not Loyal.

Dr. Swamy's loyalty to Rajiv Gndhi is legendary. He is the only person who continued to support Rajiv Gandhi ever after his death and continued to insist for the death penalty for his murderers, even though sonia gandhi sought clemency for them.

Dr. Swamy will be one of the staunchest supporters of Modi. Of that I am sure. No need to waste my prayers on that. :azn:

Welll both cheap legends are good combination. I dont want to travel in future...Swami has proved what he is. lets c what he will do..
Welll both cheap legends are good combination. I dont want to travel in future...Swami has proved what he is. lets c what he will do..

A combination of an OBC Chaiwalal born in a poor family and Harvard educated Brahmin who was much respected by Rajiv Gandhi and PV Narasimha Rao.

It remind me a bit about Chandragupta Maurya and Chanakya. Maybe the stars would favor them. India can certainly do with these two serving her.
Ah. So you are one of the Character Assassins of Lashkar e Taiba.

Time to stop taking your seriously.

We still haven't figured out what you're doing here when we don't want you

If Narendra Modi is the present day Sardar Patel, Dr. Subramanian Swamy is the present day Dr. Ambedkar. A Legend.

First of all, try to read and comprehend what is being read.

There was no 'technical education' that I referred to; read my post again. I referred to

There were laboratories, factories and a host of small scale industries, all of which created an ecosystem. It was this ecosystem that made Bangalore what it was, just as cotton and textile made Bombay what it was, or light engineering made Calcutta what it was.

Second, it was precisely the brain drain phenomenon that led to the rise of private education, as several cohorts of engineers were sucked out of these ecosystems, and fast replacements became necessary: so

Perhaps you didn't notice it because I didn't use sound bites, or catch phrases like "the brain drain".

Thankfully unlike your friend you don't deal in catchphrases or one-liners so I am gonna refrain from their usage as well . Suits me perfectly.

Coming to your points one by one , I am fully aware of the launch of NAL laboratories , ISRO centres etc etc which were exclusively Governmental i.e PSU's in nature. The ecosystem which you are taking about here was in magnitude miniscule --relative to one ongoing in the current economic scenario in Bangalore.

going by your previous post here

Someone remind me what happened to the scientific and technical infrastructure that the public sector brought in; tell me if the growth of private education in engineering and the creation of a critical mass of engineers to replace the ones we sucked out of the public sector was entirely a dream.

This sounds like an oxymoron. No large scale growth of PRIVATE industries to absorb the engineering talent ( which if YOU had read my previous post carefully ) which itself was miniscule in nature compared to the raw talent which Bangalore attracts today in droves from all over the country , and you expect engineering talent not to jump ship to the states which offer them employment , or even abroad ?

Whatever Government units , present here had limited capability to absorb and let me guarantee you , students from Bangalore were very Seldom chosen. They would naturally go for the best --i.e IIT grads , NIT passouts and so on.

Small scale industries do not offer incentives(salaries , working conditions ) attractive enough for a majority of high end Electronics or Computer Science grads ,if they find better offers , they directly move to states where there is a large concentration of "Heavy Industries" , one example would be Tata plants like those in Jamshedpur , Bokaro --Tata Steel etc.

Again, shallow understanding leading to shallow conclusions. Perhaps the complex sentence is a forgotten language in the age of tweeting.

There was no suggestion that the engineering talent I was talking about (where did you get medical talent? thin air?) was a driver of growth in any respect other than to attract the pioneers of outsourcing to Bangalore in the first place, and to serve as a reservoir that was rapidly depleted by us during the 80s and the 90s, right through the millennium in fact. These are important enough, but they led to the growth of the private education industry, which limped along until the appetite of the body-shopping industry gave it muscle.

There is this incredibly uninformed phrase in your post which says:
Here is where the catch is . When "pioneers of sourcing " as you so termed it began to realize the Government of this state is business friendly , with minimum hassles in acquiring land , setting up favorable conditions for Industrial growth etc --which is basically due to the Political climate here , they began to expand creating offices , infrastructure for getting the design aspects of be it Computer applications or Electronic Applications done right here , rather than using this base as just a place for cheap labour.

Now skilled , irreplaceble labor came into the picture which was yet cheap. Rather than mere "presentation end" jobs , we began to see Business end ( core segment ) jobs here .

And thereafter the subsequent growth.

Infrastructure had nothing to do with absorbing talent. They all came to us, asking for 'software' jobs, the civil engineers, the mechanical, the electric, the electronic, the whole lot. Huge amounts of training went into converting them to meet the increasingly larger demand. Talent was scarce, no matter what was done. People got onto planes scheduled for a particular project for a particular client, and were converted in mid-flight. This was the extreme, but I know of half-a-dozen cases of this sort. It doesn't take much more than that to form urban legend, and to drive the market crazy.

Incidentally, you sling around phrases and words at a furious rate, a faster rate than is healthy.

What infrastructure development was needed in the Services sector that was supplied by the private education industry? Hotels and hospitality? Transportation? Government automation? This sounds like that earlier brilliant phrase

By Services infrastructure , I am referring to the three domains of the Indian economy --Agriculture , Industry,Services .

I am using the term as a generalization for the entire IT industry as opposed to heavy Industry. Every industry here even today trains freshers extensively , however today not just freshers are being pulled in but loads of people with myriad experiences having works in several other cities , and in many different roles --managers , analysts , tech support , network security , core electronics etc .

You haven't lost your sense of veiled sarcasm I see --going by "Incidentally, you sling around phrases and words at a furious rate, a faster rate than is healthy."

The drivers of growth were the outsourcing and contracted project management sectors, the chip designers, the software maintenance business, not infrastructure. Infrastructure followed when masses of talent had to be housed in close proximity, and driven in from numerous locations, and the roadways that old Bangalore had proved to be hopelessly inadequate. Infrastructure followed when housing had to be found outside what we had in the 90s and the 80s. Infrastructure followed when in a moment of panic, it was thought that Bangalore itself would fall apart under the relentless pressure of growth in the software industry, and they started expanding the road to Mysore. Infrastructure followed when the roads collapsed under the pressure of vehicular traffic fuelled by increasing numbers of cars bought by highly paid talent - almost all concentrated in software, IT, electronics and consultancy - and a rapid transit system had to be built.

I believe it is quite unanimously agreed that the BJP improved this transport situation.

What case?

This happened decades before the BJP.

Does anything lie under this nonsense other than the desire to make a coherent argument for the BJP having driven growth?

The rest of your post is on par with the bits so far, and I shall deal with it separately. I deserve the break.

Nonsense to you perhaps , but quite relevant to countless other people. You happen to have done the same thing which you just accused me of doing, inadvertently no doubt. :) Not reading my post in its entirety.

The last part of my post was merely a summation of sorts , an attempt to explain my position that at this moment the BJP would be both in the Vidhan Sabha ( which Siddharamaiah is currently occupying) and the Lok Sabha polls.

Laying foundations is one thing , implementing these grand schemes of IT tech park development involves a lot of Government hassles and unexpected circumstances which I can firmly attest happened partly during Kumaraswamy's time ( who was himself propped up by BJP Support , and subsequently under Yedyurrappa .

If you think the birth of this ecosystem or cycle ( Which incidentally happened during SM Krishna's time ) was enough to bring up Bangalore to the premier position of IT development in India as it is now , then you only need to look to your home city of Calcutta .

A very simple way of doing this would be to catch a Duronto Express , land at Howrah and drive your self to the mall in the centre of NewTown Rajarhat. You will find acres of land with half constructed buildings , relics of what Buddhadeb started and Mamata was unable to complete. Industry requires firm Govt support and sound business minds in the cabinet .

Another example would be the East -west metro in Kolkata proposed to connect Howrah to Saltlake .

The rate of Company headquarter buildings or offices or any form of public transport including the metro in Bangalore compared with the rate of development there should be sufficient to tell you the rest , were you to discard your arrogance a bit and realize its never too old to learn.

Ah, the display of impersonal detachment!

I thought it would crop up.

Since I am still engaged with the city, live in Malleswaram on a permanent basis and retain my social relationships among the industrial and commercial CxO set, it is difficult to understand what you mean, except that you want to claim greater authenticity for yourself as being more in touch with the ground realities. A pretty specious way to buttress your own authority to speak on these subjects, but presumably the best card you have to play

That display is not just a display., its a practical approach while discussing meant to keep the discussion civil.

But going by your penchant for displaying condescension , I can make out it is unnecessary.

Since you've mentioned your pincode to me, to be fair mine is 560066 and my area of residence is Whitefield. It is good to hear that you've kept your social relationships intact but given that I am currently in the field ,working( interacting almost daily with senior colleagues ) and have graduated from this place , bringing my credentials into this would probably make me sound more authentic , but that's not the way i put my points across.

Everything I say is what I have observed , read , heard , discussed before and I really don't need to resort to cheap measures ( as per you- cards ) to prove my one-upmanship over you , respected as you are by the forum fraternity.

So lets just agree to have our own perspectives on this issue .

Best regards .

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