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BJP is the largest GOON Party of India.

When You Stand by your Statement, You should able to DEFEND it at all COSTS...........

That i din't find out in this thread.......

Perfect candidate for a PHAIL thread :D
Why only BJP ? Following reasons:

1.BJP preaches about Morals to other parties and project itself as a CLEAN party and PARTY WITH A DIFFERENCE. It has been part of it's election agenda. But simultaneously being the biggest culprit of immoral election practices like criminalisation ,casteism etc.

2. It is hypocrisy and cheats which they are doing in broad day light under umbrella of powerful media houses.

3. BJP's wrong doing is well protected by Indian electronic media which have their own CLASS BIAS and CASTE BIASES.

4. Under disguise of being Nationalists,It ALSO have some ulterior motives to protect and perpetuate historical and structural inequality in the Indian society.

P.S. Who have doubt about casteism and caste Biases of BJP , I can start a seperate thread on that , if you want .

Mate your reasoning is absurd.

1. No , BJP is not the only party which claims so .Every single party which contest elections claim so but we know every single one has dirt in their hands.

2. Media houses supporting BJP .Then you should be living in some another India different from ours .

3. There is a post somewhere in pdf which shows that majority of channels in India have relations to congress and one way or another owned or managed by powerfull congress men. @arp2041 , @KRAIT do you have it , if so please share.I also want to save it for future reference.

4. Do you know who started the caste and religion based reservations which has divided the Indian society to this extent ??
The name starts with a C and ends with a S but I am sure you will find some way to prove that it is CharlesdickenS
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Would you stop writing the word HYPOCRISY again & again??

As I can see, the biggest HYPOKRAIT here are you.

Hypo'KRAIT' , you seem to have lot of problem with @KRAIT. Don't you ?

you say all parties are same, but only HIGHLIGHT BJP.

BJP is the largest culprit of brininging criminals in it's fold. then again it should not be highlighted.

You want to have a debate, but don't have proofs.

From day one, I am quoting newspapers,numbers and facts.

Still that is not fact in your eye , you are behaving like Pak Gov and asking me like "where is the proof of Lashkar and Hafiz Saeed Involement in 26/11?" after sending dozens of dossiers and evidences.

Point is same: You don't want to believe it.

You want to talk about it, but doesn't give replies to a member's Genuine Queries.

Read above.

You din't have answers to my questions so you started personally abusing me & started calling me PROGRAMMED ROBOT.

Yes you are a programmed Robot but why programmed and why robot ? You are programmed from childhood that Look BJP is an angle and rest are GOONS. and Robot because you do not want to see about reality of BJP.

I support BJP,but my posts were never Biased (atleast i think so), i tried to be as rational as possible in my every post.

BJP gene is in you, hypocrisy and lies but difference is BJP is doing intentionally and you are a programmed robot.

Now i had enough, I am out of here.

You can carry on with your selected articles & your visible bias.

You had enough from 2nd post of this thread.Anything against BJP is anti-national,pseudo-secular ,isn't it?

@KRAIT one more joined to your religion ;)

Can you please think of anything without religion ?

Thank You :)
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Again you avoided my question.

I am accepting your notion, now since i have accepted that I need an answer from you as to what are my alternatives & i think i deserve this answer.

+ You even din't reply to my this post earlier:


Again, If your intention is good that you are against goons of all parties, than why target ONLY BJP, why this title, why every post of yours target BJP?? Is BJP the only party in India fielding Goons in elections??

P.S. Please answer my questions, these are GENUINE QUERIES whom i want answers of.

@KRAIT @kurup @nair @anant_s do you agree??

Well even if BJP is the largest goon party as @Jarha claimed what do we have to loose .

It is either NDA or UPA3 .The only thing we have to choose is the lesser between the evil .

Well we have been suffering the devil for the past 10 years , let us give the ghost(according to some) a chance to prove what it's worth .......:D
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@Jarha No brother. He actually give me something which I have explained a lot. And its fastest growing religion.

It has no God, no holy books, no rules, strict or flexible, no rituals.

Will be applying for Copyright.

And I think as Congress is always concerned about minorities, my religion will be helpful in fighting Hindutva demon.

After all its about Secularism. That's what you want after all. ;)

By the way aren't Congress always fight over religion issue.
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UPA may not return to power, but Congress continues to dream | Niti Central

A magic number is floating around in Delhi’s corridors of power these days and that number is: 180. I first heard it in Jodhpur two weeks ago from someone who heard it from a fat lady who is a devotee of the Gandhi dynasty. It was during lunch in the sunny garden of an old palace when a gentleman who was seated at the same table as the fat lady wandered across an expanse of manicured lawn to ask me if I thought that the Congress Party would win 180 seats in the next general election. When he saw the look of astonishment on my face he pointed at the fat lady and said, “She says that the UPA will be back in power after the next election because the Congress will definitely come back as the single largest party with at least 180 seats.”

When I got to Delhi the next day I heard the same figure repeated almost everywhere I went. In a television studio I heard it from a senior bureaucrat who has now become a politician then I heard it again from a diplomat at a dinner party given by the Pakistani High Commissioner to celebrate his country’s National Day. And, then I heard it again from friends who had just arrived from New York who said they had heard it in various drawing rooms and finally I read it in a column in the Asian Age written by a well-known leftist commentator. So I decided to discover the source of this magic number by making some discreet inquiries. It did not take me long to discover that the trail led to Congress Party headquarters where Ministers close to the Gandhi family currently spend long hours pondering over the party’s strategy for the election campaign and worrying about the possible effect that Narendra Modi might have on their calculations.

In the course of my inquiries I discovered that part of the Congress Party’s strategy is a deliberate effort to create the impression that it is because of the advent of Modi that a third term for the UPA is now certain. The truth is that nothing has caused more panic in Congress headquarters than the response that Modi’s recent speeches in Delhi have evoked because until he made them senior Congress leaders had convinced themselves that Modi was incapable of winning a single seat outside Gujarat. When his first speech to students in the Sri Ram College of Commerce was unexpectedly covered by nearly every news channel as if it were a major political event, the first signs of panic began to become evident. But it was after he made his second speech at the BJP meeting that panic buttons really started being pressed and the need for a new strategy became obvious.

The new strategy, according to my sources, revolves around Modi. And, one aspect of it is to spread the rumour, far and wide, that if the BJP declares him their prime ministerial candidate nothing better could happen from a UPA viewpoint because it will ensure that the Congress Party comes back as the single largest party. The objective is to frighten the BJP’s senior leaders into declaring someone else as their prime ministerial candidate and in pursuit of this objective is also being spread the rumour that the BJP led NDA (National Democratic Aliance) will unravel if Modi tries to become Prime Minister. Legion are the number of Congress leaders these days who point to Nitish Kumar in Bihar and say that his objections to Modi are shared by every other NDA ally. So successful has the Congress strategy been that there are many senior leaders in the BJP who openly oppose the advent of Modi on the national stage.

This does not, however, solve the Congress’s own problems. Even the most diehard Congress supporters admit that the Sonia-Manmohan Government has been unpopular in its second term and concede that the party could ‘lose a few seats’. But, they quickly add, that this will not bring the final tally below 180. Why 180 and not 150 or 190? I have not the faintest idea which is why I call it a magic number.

What I do have an idea of is the unpopularity of the Sonia-Manmohan Government outside the cloistered environs of political Delhi. This is not just because of the number of scandals that have tumbled out of the Government’s closet in its second term and not just because of the economic slowdown although these are important factors. In complete contrast to his image before the last general election this time the Prime Minister himself is being seen as a less than credible leader. ‘He is such a weak man,’ is a remark I hear most often even from relatively apolitical people.

Dr. Manmohan Singh’s perceived weakness is blamed for the corruption scandals that have so tarnished his government but he is not the only Congress leader whose image has taken a battering since the last general election. In 2009, Rahul Gandhi’s image was so shining and squeaky clean that it was widely believed that he would make a good Prime Minister. This time around he is seen as a less than credible leader and his frequent protestations about not wanting to ever become Prime Minister are seen as an attempt to escape the accountability of high office. ‘He is just trying to do what his mother has been doing,’ is a remark that I hear often. Last time around Sonia Gandhi’s refusal to become Prime Minister was seen as ‘renunciation’. It is now increasingly being seen merely as a clever ploy to evade accountability while enjoying all the benefits of power.

So then where are those 180 seats going to come from? Why are there so many people in Delhi’s political circles convinced of a UPA 3? The truth is that I do not have a clear answer to these questions but at the risk of having to eat crow if I am proved wrong am willing to predict that I find it less than likely that the next election will throw up either a UPA 3 or 180 seats for the Congress. Meanwhile, everyone has the right to make up magic numbers and dream happy dreams.
Hypo'KRAIT' , you seem to have lot of problem with @KRAIT. Don't you ?

Yes i have, do you have any problem??

BJP is the largest culprit of brininging criminals in it's fold. then again it should not be highlighted.

From day one, I am quoting newspapers,numbers and facts.

still not replying to the argument which i made, that according to your own rule it should be in fact SP & not BJP.

Still that is not fact in your eye , you are behaving like Pak Gov and asking me like "where is the proof of Lashkar and Hafiz Saeed Involement in 26/11?" after sending dozens of dossiers and evidences.

read above

Point is same: You don't want to believe it.

I am open to debate, if you really want to.

Read above.

ok, you too read above.

Yes you are a programmed Robot but why programmed and why robot ? You are programmed from childhood that Look BJP is an angle and rest are GOONS. and Robot because you do not want to see about reality of BJP.

:rofl: :rofl:

Yes, BJP leaders visited my home every day from childhood & made me believe that.

I hail from MP, where in 10 years rule of Diggy Raja, we were a PROUD member of BIMARU rajya, now the recent news MP emerged as the fastest growing state under Shivraj Singh chauhan of BJP, so, whom should i believe??

BJP gene is in you, hypocrisy and lies but difference is BJP is doing intentionally and you are a programmed robot.

@KRAIT @anant_s @Abingdonboy @kurup @samantk @Dillinger

now this is a serious allegation against me :D

do you seriously believe that this is the image i have made here in 1 years time??


You had enough from 2nd post of this thread.Anything against BJP is anti-national,pseudo-secular ,isn't it?

Read again my 2nd post, if you don't understand what was my intention, than i m sorry to say, but you seriously don't deserve a good reply.

Can you please think of anything without religion ?

Thank You :)

NO, problems??

This is unfair !

This is family at war !.. @arp2041 and aunt @Marshmallow fighting out.

Stop being childish, @Marshmallow is a kid & a good friend, i myself told her to remain out of here, stop acting like a FOOL.

@Jarha @kurup @KRAIT @Abingdonboy @samantk here is the link of the post of @Paan Singh:

on media in India.

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@Jarha What makes you think that @arp2041 is not secular or that he is a religious chauvinist? Aisi baat hoti toh woh sabse pehel mere haaton marta! :agree: The point is developmental politics, the BJP does have affiliations with the VHP and the RSS, which I find deeply problematic. It is not the most secular party out there either- but its agenda is well known and easy to counter and it cannot start spouting out anti-minority laws just because NDA comes to power at the center. Contrary to popular belief we do have established checks and balances, the Godhra riots created an environment where a CM got hounded for over a decade- constantly put under the spotlight, wrongly accused or not that's checks and balances for you. A system where public opinion once exercised can back even the most powerful politician into a corner. In how many nations does a man with that much authority get scrutinized with such intensity, this is not 91 yaara- the dynamics have changed.

@arp2041 isn't hero worshiping anyone although he is prone to simplifying his stand so it may seem like he is catering to the lowest common denominator. He's balanced. Here's the thing, in a democracy the voters must intermittently boot a party or alliance out- keep them on their toes- whether by design, coincidence, the misdeeds of the said alliance or party itself or any combination of the aforementioned. It keeps them on their toes. The NDA can do some good work for us at this turn. I would not even **** on the wild and blind supporters of either party if they were on fire. So yes democratic rights and universal franchise should not be practiced based on religious, caste or purely ideological lines but rather in a pragmatic manner. Picking the NDA is about pragmatism, if the Congress can after the NDA's possible next term come up with a better manifesto and prove its mettle as leader of the opposition then we won't be averse to electing them either when the time cones.
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@Dillinger my state (MP) under 10 years Diggy Raja's rule was PATHETIC.

We had every trouble - water, electricity, communal tensions, infrastructure lag & what not.

The electricity issue was so large that once asked about the same to Mr. Diggy Raja, he famously replied - "People in Cities should understand the misery in which People from Villages live in" :rolleyes:

Under 10 years BJP rule, we have topped the charts of Growth rate with 13% Growth rate this fiscal.

I have seen development all around in these years.

What do you think should be my approach??
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Well even if BJP is the largest goon party as @Jarha claimed what do we have to loose .

It is either NDA or UPA3 .The only thing we have to choose is the lesser between the evil .

That is what i'm fearing the most. Mulayam Singh a few days back made a statement that Coalition era is here to stay (stating the obvious) and this is where i feel NDA may not be able to do much different than UPA. Let us analyse this (a bit novice like but pl bear). One of the lowest point of UPA 2 keeping aside the monumental corruption cases have been lack of policy making and implementation despite the fact that congress holds more than 200 seats of required 272 seats. most of the times we find congress either fire fighting on issues or appeasing allies at the cost of petty regional issues. PM Manmohan singh, however lack lusture his performance as PM may be, is not a bad economist and obviously understands the choices on that front. If he couldnot implement some tough decessions, these were primarily owing to populist path taken by UPA and offcourse Coalition Dharma.
Now replace the setup with NDA, there is no reason to believe that Jayalalitha or Nitish would not behave in manner much different from Mamata or Mulayam. Unless BJP wins 250+ seats on its own, the allies will keep on getting more than their fair share of pie and at one point of time to save govt, BJP would have to acceed to unustified demands, most of which would either have detrimental effects on economy or national policies.
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When You Stand by your Statement, You should able to DEFEND it at all COSTS...........

That i din't find out in this thread.......

Perfect candidate for a PHAIL thread

You are not 1st one to pray for dooms for this thread !

It has atleast achieved a success in one area : to find out Programmed Robots. isn't it ? :D
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