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Ever heard of jamming?

I did read the article. I can assure you flying over Iran and Pakistan is NO problem at ALL.

lol @ you, you know its only possible as US is controlling the ruling class of Pakistan, otherwise its a big problem, for your information radars are not the only equipment used to detect incoming ....

It was all played drama to show the world. Pakistani army agreed on this based on the promises US made to end the war after this. but they used it for their own reasons, and that is where the Pakistani army and Pentagon relations started getting low and low...

But Americans only see what their media shows them....

Much before Soviet-Afghan war Paksitan was ready to jump in lap of America. SOviet war gave Pakistani opportunity. Many Pakistani generals made Unlimited amount of money, Generals become rich .

American used Taliban and they left them (after soviet retrival), Pakistan kept them alive for Pakistani gain (Read rtd gen Hamid Gul interviews).

Earlier Pakistani Gain..
Now Pakistani Pain...

All terrorists are hatching of Gen Zia-ul-Haq...

read the comment above your post :) that is what you are saying

All Success is mine...
All failures are your....

Precisely, If I am American I will collude with corrupt govt and enjoy the party. America don't care who rule, they only look for there benefit. Today Zaradari Lick American foot, tomorrow some general will...

America don't give a sh!t to democracy or Welfare of Awam... And why should they????

Precisely, If I am American I will collude with corrupt govt and enjoy the party. America don't care who rule, they only look for there benefit. Today Zaradari Lick American foot, tomorrow some general will...

America don't give a sh!t to democracy or Welfare of Awam... And why should they????

yes , that is why people hating america and its policies in this region, We support our army with all its weaknesses
yes , that is why people hating america and its policies in this region, We support our army with all its weaknesses

Who cares?? You keep hating America (and start applying VISA :)) . America will be-freind Army as well, as they did with Zardari. Wait a Minute, Miyan Musharraf was Army.. I remember he pushed u guys in War against "freedom Fighters"..

Wasn't it army who sold ur Afia and many daughters (sons as well) for dollars???

"Democracy is worst form of govt... But there is no alternative of it.: Democracy seek time to mature.. Its a self healing institution". Power and Governance is deadly combination, just like Petrol and fire...
Who cares?? You keep hating America (and start applying VISA :)) . America will be-freind Army as well, as they did with Zardari. Wait a Minute, Miyan Musharraf was Army.. I remember he pushed u guys in War against "freedom Fighters"..

Wasn't it army who sold ur Afia and many daughters (sons as well) for dollars???

"Democracy is worst form of govt... But there is no alternative of it.: Democracy seek time to mature.. Its a self healing institution". Power and Governance is deadly combination, just like Petrol and fire...

lol democracy is the worst system ever. and it cannot work properly where majority is not educated.
lol democracy is the worst system ever. and it cannot work properly where majority is not educated.

So what is the option??? Give me some option with some example... I already said, democracy can't work in a day. it takes time...
Not again.

All those who took part very well know what happend. there is NO mystry

All those who took part were silenced forever. Initial reports were that team who partake in raid was killed BUT when media started to raise eye-brows one of military official introduced new notion that it was different personnel


31 US troops, mostly Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan | NBC News

IMO OBL was just a trophy and sadly Americans got that trophy and our establishment badly humiliated and lost bargaining chip the imp one, please don't go in conspiracy theories accept what world is saying.

How sweet ... :P
lol @ you, you know its only possible as US is controlling the ruling class of Pakistan, otherwise its a big problem, for your information radars are not the only equipment used to detect incoming .... ...............

Please keep in mind that jamming is applicable to much more than radars, Sir.
while reading comments I was laughing to know how simple my friends are. someone said accept what world is saying. ok if you know anything about history than I must say that OBL died 5 times before Abbottabad raid in worldwide newspapers. 3 times of natural cause and 2 times of the actions of US forces. so believe me there are millions of people who believe that OBL died in Torra Bora bombing, millions belive he died because of low health, and now millions believe he died in a raid at Abbottabad. Believe me there are many things to believe if you travel across the world.

Some indian friend said Pakistan preferred US on USSR in Afghan Jihad. simple is the answer, reason belongs to 1971 war of Pakistan and India, when two super powers came on the edge of war because of these two neighbouring countries. So Pakistan took revege during Afghan war from the former USSR. so we had our own interest in the war. Pakistani and US officials both have the same strategy.

All Success is mine...
All failures are your....

there is another who spelled the word "radar jamming", well there are ways to jam radars known as electronic counter measures (ECM) but some few years ago another field of science was introduced known as electronic counter counter measures (ECCM) in which we designed devices to avoid ECM.its very easy now a days to detect any radar jamming so we must know about this field of science before posting any comment. the only possible way to decieve radar is stealth technology, means you have to go in complete stealth mode, enemies can easily detect your communication signals too. its not possible to carry a 40 min operation without notifying anyone just impossible when your helicopter made a crash landing. there are ways to reduce rotor noise but none to suppress it.
All those who took part were silenced forever. Initial reports were that team who partake in raid was killed BUT when media started to raise eye-brows one of military official introduced new notion that it was different personnel


31 US troops, mostly Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan | NBC News

How sweet ... :P

So the Family of Osama Bin Laden and Al qaeda were also in kahoots with the US.Seriously,where do you Conspiracy theorists plan to end.

Osama bin Laden death confirmed in al-Qaida statement | World news | guardian.co.uk

Osama Bin Laden dead: Wife watched him die as White House reveals he WASN'T armed | Mail Online
Al-Qaeda is american puppit which they use to interfare in any other country's matters. and about OBL family, its clear first they were brain washed by the CIA and then by ISI for months and now they are in the custody of Saudi officials. fools believe what ever they are told so don't be a fool, and the rest who dont believe in cospiracies and selfmade stories are called conspiracy theorists. What a funny world you believe someone when what they say is according to your own thoughts and you refused to believe the same source when their views are different than your's. Isn't it funny?
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