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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

Rohingyas are pretty unfortunate people, they are treated like dirt both in BD and Myanmar. Plenty of them immigrate to East Asian countries where they are treated even worse. I remember couple of years ago Thai or Malaysian authority left a boat loads of Bangladeshi rohingyas in middle of Bay of Bengal to die with no water or food. If it's not for timely intervention of Indian Navy they would have starved to death.
Ok they are treated as dirt in Bangladesh? How is that? They are actually beggars or poors, poor people are treated same irrespective of their ethnicity or nationality!
Rohingyas are pretty unfortunate people, they are treated like dirt both in BD and Myanmar. Plenty of them immigrate to East Asian countries where they are treated even worse. I remember couple of years ago Thai or Malaysian authority left a boat loads of Bangladeshi rohingyas in middle of Bay of Bengal to die with no water or food. If it's not for timely intervention of Indian Navy they would have starved to death.

I was wondering, when a Palestinian dies, Bangladeshis burst into anger and for Palestinians they never recognized Israel, but why are they still having diplomatic relations with Burma when Rohingya have religious, cultural and even linguistic similarity with Bangladeshis. Sounds really wierd. Look at Turks, they conquered half of Cyprus to protect Turks of Cyprus from Greek majority.
Ok they are treated as dirt in Bangladesh? How is that? They are actually beggars or poors, poor people are treated same irrespective of their ethnicity or nationality!

Isn't the fact that most of rohingyas are beggars prove that they haven't been given equal opportunity in Bangladesh?
Lol at Bangladeshis dreams of waging Jihad in Myanmar. Don't forget your own Myanmar border region was insurgency ridden not too long ago. Myanmar will tear you guys a new one if you try such shenanigans.

In the mean time you lots can start treating your fellow Muslim brethren a bit better than this maybe?

Muslim or what, this video has sickened me. May be the guys stole something and were caught and beaten mercilessly. I do not think it is a case with the Arakanese, but there are hundreds of cases in BD whereby thieves and dacoits are caught and beaten to death. There are cases of grouging out their eyes. People do not trust law reifocement groups. So, they take the law in their own hands.

Such a thimnhg is inhumane in the first place, but, it is more unhumane that some Indian saddist is uploading this kind of video for others to, perhaps, enjoy.
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I was wondering, when a Palestinian dies, Bangladeshis burst into anger and for Palestinians they never recognized Israel, but why are they still having diplomatic relations with Burma when Rohingya have religious, cultural and even linguistic similarity with Bangladeshis. Sounds really wierd. Look at Turks, they conquered half of Cyprus to protect Turks of Cyprus from Greek majority.

its all about Al-Aksa... one of the three holy mosques.........
Bangladesh will surely intervene in myanmar after standing on her feet!
as well as in Assam
you are invited to this page...its still in rudimentary stage though We (Bangladesh) love Palestine | Facebook
its all about Al-Aksa... one of the three holy mosques.........
Bangladesh will surely intervene in myanmar after standing on her feet!
as well as in Assam

What next after that Bangladeshi flag on Red Fort. :rofl::rofl:

you are invited to this page...its still in rudimentary stage though We (Bangladesh) love Palestine | Facebook

I have no doubt about your support for Palestine. Al-Aqsa was under Arab control till 1967 but still the Rohingyas never get any support as Palestinians got for non-Arab Muslims from 1948-67.
This country's political establishment has practically abandoned another group of persecuted Bangali in Arakan in order to get a nod from Myanmar on a Ctg.-Yunnan road link. However, no nation trusts another nation who is weak and selfish enough to abandon its own kins for the sake of a road connection.

So, Myanmar does not trust this weak country and will never never allow a link with China. Myanmar is only playing with us. In the one hand it is bullying our own people in Arakan and talking sweet with GoB. It is naive to think Myanmar will ever give us a China link that will diminish its own position with China.

BD govt and military should sit together and chalk out a policy to help arakanese muslim mujahids to fight against the oppressive Myanmar govt.
This country's political establishment has practically abandoned another group of persecuted Bangali in Arakan in order to get a nod from Myanmar on a Ctg.-Yunnan road link. However, no nation trusts another nation who is weak and selfish enough to abandon its own kins for the sake of a road connection.

So, Myanmar does not trust this weak country and will never never allow a link with China. Myanmar is only playing with us. In the one hand it is bullying our own people in Arakan and talking sweet with GoB. It is naive to think Myanmar will ever give us a China link that will diminish its own position with China.

BD govt and military should sit together and chalk out a policy to help arakanese muslim mujahids to fight against the oppressive Myanmar govt.
I myself, Kalu and Idune Bhais to some extents have been advocating Goodman ship with Burmese due to our 'Geo-political survival' and 'Getting out of Bharati's grip' reasons; Which don't mean that we, especially I'm giving up on principle stand on Rohingya's right just to pursue interest. If we do it then there isn't any difference between Bharati Benya and ourselves.
Big country Burma may be, but, a brave people are generous and sympathetic towards the minorities. But, Burmese are mean minded and I do not believe a people with that evil trait are good fighters.

How do you come to that conclusion?
its all about Al-Aksa... one of the three holy mosques.........
Bangladesh will surely intervene in myanmar after standing on her feet!
as well as in Assam

Yes you should stop right there and don´t get ahead of yourselve ,afterall you are just Bangladeshis , know your place in this world. just shut up and humbly accept all the illegal immigrants we and Burma send back to your homeland, that will do tremendous good to your country to ¨stand up on your feet¨ by staying cosy with your bigger and stronger neighbours..
As for my, somewhat biased, Burmese view on all this, I first want to say that I have total and utmost sympathy for the stateless Rohingya people. All peoples, irrespective of race and religion, deserve to have a place to live in peace and prosperity. However, to place the blame at the feet of the Burmese is a little unfair. I do believe that previous Burmese governments have been unjust towards these people but it has to be remembered that they are not seeking integration into Burmese society (which I think is the best solution) but rather seek discord and an autonomous Islamic republic within Myanmar. This has been done in the past through armed conflict and 'jihad' which, to an extent, has been supported by hardline Bangladeshi islamists. There is absolutely no condition in which the Burmese will allow a separate, autonomous, islamic Rohingya state to exist within Burmese borders and that is not just a government line but a consensus amongst Burmese.

What baffles me somewhat in these forums is the call for 'Arakani muslims' to rise up. As a quarter Arakanese myself, the Arakanese themselves are the most hostile towards the Rohingyas; moreso than the Burmese. What also baffles me is that Bangladesh, an islamic, Bengali nation, is completely against allowing the Rohingya to settle in Bangladesh. Rohingya and Bangladeshis have far more cultural and religious ties with each other than with the Burmese, so I don't understand why, in the interests of muslim brotherhood, Bangladeshis are so opposed to letting 1 million Bengali-like muslims to settle in a nation of 160 million Bengali muslims.

Another thing to point out is that it is partially because of military influenced rule that there isn't a bigger problem with islamists in the country. The military government in the past, somewhat counter-intuitively, has protected the rights of muslims to build mosques etc. within Myanmar going against popular opinion. I think this has been becasue they oppose any form of social unreast which could destabalise their rule. So this situation transcends politics into the uglier realm of race and religion.

Anyway, I really hope this issue is resolved peacefully and judiciously but I also hope that Bangladesh becomes more constructive in its approach to the Rohingyas. It's very hypocritical for Bangladeshis to call for 'jihad' on one hand then claim on the other that these people are foreign citizens (technically untrue) and has nothing to do with Bangladesh. I also hope that Rohingyas stop to seek an autonomous islamic republic as that is simply unacceptable and no-one, including the international community, will support this. One last point I like to make is that there are many muslim Burmese citizens who live as integrated members of the Burmese community. They speak Burmese and swear allegiance to the country while practicing their faith and maintaining their values. There is no reason why Rohingyas cannot also do this and few Burmese would oppose them doing so.
I was wondering, when a Palestinian dies, Bangladeshis burst into anger and for Palestinians they never recognized Israel, but why are they still having diplomatic relations with Burma when Rohingya have religious, cultural and even linguistic similarity with Bangladeshis. Sounds really wierd. Look at Turks, they conquered half of Cyprus to protect Turks of Cyprus from Greek majority.

BD still raises this rohinga issue in the Intl arena and the most vocal supporter for rohinga rights.
I agree that rohinga refugees are having a very difficult life we failed at giving protection to them.
We ourselves are dirt poor and don't have any diplomatic muscle but when we stand on our own
2 feet, the rohinga issue will be solved.
Yes you should stop right there and don´t get ahead of yourselve ,afterall you are just Bangladeshis , know your place in this world. just shut up and humbly accept all the illegal immigrants we and Burma send back to your homeland, that will do tremendous good to your country to ¨stand up on your feet¨ by staying cosy with your bigger and stronger neighbours..

and you are indian defecating somewhere under tree..... anyway first send back Muslims from your country, then talk, you big mouth indian.......
What baffles me somewhat in these forums is the call for 'Arakani muslims' to rise up. As a quarter Arakanese myself, the Arakanese themselves are the most hostile towards the Rohingyas; moreso than the Burmese. What also baffles me is that Bangladesh, an islamic, Bengali nation, is completely against allowing the Rohingya to settle in Bangladesh. Rohingya and Bangladeshis have far more cultural and religious ties with each other than with the Burmese, so I don't understand why, in the interests of muslim brotherhood, Bangladeshis are so opposed to letting 1 million Bengali-like muslims to settle in a nation of 160 million Bengali muslims.

Well bro, if the traitorous British didn't gave you arakan, you wouldn't have that place in the first place. You don't want rohinga's, then give back the whole arakan to us.Simple isn't it. Its their
land after all.
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