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BGB on alert on Myanmar border

BGB turns away Muslims fleeing Myanmar

TEKNAF, June 11 (AFP): Bangladesh border guards Monday turned back eight boats carrying more than 300 Rohingya Muslims, mostly women and children, fleeing religious violence in Myanmar, a border guard said.

Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) and coastguard patrol teams, which have been ordered to prevent an influx of refugees, intercepted the boats on the Naf river that separates the two nations, BGB Major Shafiqur Rahman said.

"There were more than 300 Rohingya in the boats which are coming from the Myanmar city of Akyab (Sittwe). They were carrying mainly Rohingya women and children, many of whom were crying and looked extremely anxious," he told AFP.

"All eight boats have been pushed back to Myanmar territory," he added.

Akyab is the former name of Sittwe, the capital of Myanmar's western Rakhine state where sectarian violence flared last week, leaving at least 17 people dead and prompting the authorities to declare a state of emergency.

An AFP photographer at Teknaf in Bangladesh, near the border with Myanmar, saw smoke billowing from houses believed to be burnt in villages during the sectarian violence.

BGB men handed out water and food to the Rohingyas on the boats before they were turned back, Rahman told AFP.

Security has been stepped up along Bangladesh's 200-kilometre (125-mile) border with Myanmar to stem the influx of Rohingya refugees.

"We have been asked not to allow any illegal entry of Rohingya in Bangladesh. The authorities are concerned that their could be large-scale Rohingya entry from Myanmar," coastguard officer Badruddoza, who uses one name, told AFP.
Border guards push back 500

Tuesday, June 12, 2012Front PageRestive Myanmar
Border guards push back 500
UN evacuating staff from Rakhine state
Dwaipayan Barua, from Teknaf

Bangladesh border and coast guards yesterday pushed back 11 boats carrying around 500 Myanmar nationals as they tried to enter Bangladesh through Cox's Bazar for refuge from sectarian violence in Rakhine state.

In the face of the deadly clashes between Muslims and Buddhists, the United Nations have also been evacuating their staff from its Maungdaw base in western Myanmar, reports AFP.

It evacuated the first batch of staff to the Myanmar capital on Sunday followed by the second batch on Monday, said Ashok Nigam, UN resident and humanitarian coordinator in Yangon.

The Myanmar government on Sunday declared a state of emergency in Rakhine to deal with the violence.

Meanwhile, the intruders, who were denied entrance to Bangladesh yesterday, were mostly of Muslim Rohingya families.

Out in the sea for the last few days, these panic-stricken people had very little food and water with them and were intensely unwilling to go back.

Members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) intercepted three engine boats carrying at least 182 Myanmar nationals in the Naf River, about one kilometre from the BGB Shah Pori Dwip observatory post in Teknaf, around 7:30am and sent them back, said Maj Shafiqur Rahman, second-in-command of 42 battalion.

Most of the intruders were women and children, he added.

Failing to cross the border the three boats headed towards the St Martin's Island later when another boat with refuge seekers joined the fleet. But they faced resistance from the coast guards.

Station officer Lt Badroddoza of Bangladesh Coast Guard, Teknaf told The Daily Star that they had pushed back the four boats around 12:30pm.

“We came to know that the boats had landed in Nakhunda area of Myanmar,” he said.

Around 1:30pm, BGB men and coast guards chased away four more engine boats as they tried to intrude into Bangladesh crossing the Naf. Two of the boats carrying around 90 people were pushed back from near Shah Pori Island border.

The other two boats carrying 64 passengers managed to enter Bangladesh territory but were intercepted by BGB and coast guards near the Teknaf border.

BGB second-in-command Maj Shafiqur said the two boats were brought to Shah Pori jetty area and the passengers were provided with some bread, water and fuel in the face of requests from locals.

Mohammad Yusuf, 27, said miscreants had attacked their locality in Akiyab city Sunday afternoon and opened fire at the residents. He and his grandfather fled the house and got on a boat. They had been in the sea for the last two days with the hope that they would find shelter in Bangladesh.

Ailing mother Rehana Begum, 21, was so eager to get the BGB permission to stay here that in her approach she was paying no heed to her six-month-old hungry baby, who was crying for milk.

Approached, she burst into tears and said miscreants had burnt down their houses and been trying to kill them. She was desperate to stay away from the violence and avoid barbaric death.

Rashida Begum, 40, and Syeda Khatun, 42, of Jaliapara of Akiyab were found shocked and crying. They said Muslims were being tortured in their localities and they definitely did not want to go back then.

Around 3:30pm the Myanmar nationals were escorted out of the Bangladesh territory. But the air became heavy with their screaming for shelter and protection.

Three more engine boats carrying around 100 Rohingyas were intercepted by BGB at Gular Char of Shah Pori Dwip area around 10:00pm. These boats were too driven away from Bangladesh territory by border guards.

BGB Chittagong Sector Commander Col Golam Farooque Chowdhury, who visited Shah Pori Island yesterday, said they were keeping watch so that Myanmar nationals could not enter Bangladesh with the help of their relatives here.

He said security had been beefed up at nine BGB posts along the Teknaf border.

Maj Shafiqur said four additional platoons had been deployed along with 400 BGB men at the outposts for round-the-clock surveillance.

Human movement and trades between Bangladesh and Myanmar through Teknaf land port and Kaiukkhalia Transit Ghat had come to a halt since Friday, said Upazila Nirbahi Officer ANM Nazim Uddin.
Allah is watching you. You are turning your Muslim brothers back. Learn from Indians, we have given them refugee status and probably will send them back once things calms down..
I think, you are very wrongly opinionated about SAARC. Are you the only intellectual in the entire country to pronounce SAARC as India. President Zia was the initiator of this organization. But, anyway, Zia was also a frredom fighter who had also to kill Razakars. So, anything he did is not liked by people like you. Do not please propagate your personal agenda in this forum. You guys want BD-Burma Bhai Bhai friendship by alienating India that makes Burma happy? Do you think, Burma is a small immature kid like you? You may however create one thread on this subject.

Since you bring this up, you still have not answered the question what is your home district in Bangladesh. Why are you not willing to provide this information? In every district, there is millions of people, so its not really a personal information that people can use, unless of course you have something to hide.

You are calling me razakar and immature kid, fine, but I don't think you even understood the concept of regionalism that I was talking about, it just flew right over your head I think, unlike many people from other nations. And SAARC is dead as it will never end up as a political union, ask Indians. At the most it can be free trade area, but it will never be a union. You can thank Indian majority Hindu's nervousness and Islamophobia resulting from history for that and I don't think it will change any time in the foreseeable future. Also, you cannot have a viable regional union when you include China or India, they are union of nations by themselves dominated by a single majority group. Any other group is at a disadvantage in that group. It would be viable if partition did not happen in 1947, now it is 65 years too late. Too much water under the bridge as they say.

And it is not just me that wants to join ASEAN, it is Bangladesh as a country in its official look east policy that wants to join ASEAN, which I have showed evidence of many times. President Zillur Rahman thanked Laos Ambassador for supporting ASEAN observer status of Bangladesh. Why do you hate South East Asian's so much? There are racist everywhere, but Indians are a special breed. Myanmar will improve with time and will progress more quickly than Indians, like other South East Asians, once they have a proper leadership in place.

Myanmar and its Rohingya problem is not a big issue, compared to the issue we have with India, so it will be solved in time, in my opinion. But considering their current activity, we will follow other Myanmar's neighbor's policy of supporting ethnic minority insurgency that are close to their border, so they can fight the Burman's and create a safe enclave if needed. This much I will agree with you.
Since you bring this up, you still have not answered the question what is your home district in Bangladesh. Why are you not willing to provide this information? In every district, there is millions of people, so its not really a personal information that people can use, unless of course you have something to hide.

You are calling me razakar and immature kid, fine, but I don't think you even understood the concept of regionalism that I was talking about, it just flew right over your head I think, unlike many people from other nations. And SAARC is dead as it will never end up as a political union, ask Indians. At the most it can be free trade area, but it will never be a union. You can thank Indian majority Hindu's nervousness and Islamophobia resulting from history for that and I don't think it will change any time in the foreseeable future. Also, you cannot have a viable regional union when you include China or India, they are union of nations by themselves dominated by a single majority group. Any other group is at a disadvantage in that group. It would be viable if partition did not happen in 1947, now it is 65 years too late. Too much water under the bridge as they say.

And it is not just me that wants to join ASEAN, it is Bangladesh as a country in its official look east policy that wants to join ASEAN, which I have showed evidence of many times. President Zillur Rahman thanked Laos Ambassador for supporting ASEAN observer status of Bangladesh. Why do you hate South East Asian's so much? There are racist everywhere, but Indians are a special breed. Myanmar will improve with time and will progress more quickly than Indians, like other South East Asians, once they have a proper leadership in place.

Myanmar and its Rohingya problem is not a big issue, compared to the issue we have with India, so it will be solved in time, in my opinion. But considering their current activity, we will follow other Myanmar's neighbor's policy of supporting ethnic minority insurgency that are close to their border, so they can fight the Burman's and create a safe enclave if needed. This much I will agree with you.

You will remain a stupid Razakar until you die. I am not here to answer your post. But, do not post all the links any more where you have contributed and do not say of ASEAN+20 in every thread. Those should be discussed in their proper thread.
You will remain a stupid Razakar until you die. I am not here to answer your post. But, do not post all the links any more where you have contributed and do not say of ASEAN+20 in every thread. Those should be discussed in their proper thread.
Calling Kalu Bhai's type of gentleman and a man of letter, a stupid RAZAKAR doesn't make you look sane to others. He is nice enough to apologize but you're too arrogant to reciprocate it. If you think that you can carry on with your patronizing voice then I'VE news for you. I would shut your fukcing mouth in a way that the fukcing commie, coward wouldn't have gotten it otherwise in eternal hell. Your baboonish character, lies are well known and been exposed by numerous times but we are showing leniency here because sometimes you make sense and this is one of those threads that we, the rational patriots are cautiously giving in but don't test our patient too hard and try to patronize us as you possess no moral high ground after shamelessly advocating for bastard MUA's acts.
Those who here intend to bring MUA issue too frequently, I would like to add some details about MUA for them.

Moyeen U Ahmed was made Chief of Army during BNP government bypassing 6 senior officials those who were ahead of him. If he was reallt a b*****d then just wondering how and under which consideration BNP government made him COA??? If it was to get benefit from him during caretaker government then no party should expect such from any government officials be it BNP or BAL...

BAL did the same during 2001 and later accused the then Army chief... This should not be the case by any political parties.

If BNP would have let Ershad participate in the election then MUA/FUA would not be able to come into the power and BAL would not get chance to do all the anarchy.

I have many of my relatives and family friends those who were or are in Army or Air Force...I personally do not wish to hear bad word for their profession as they highly patriotic. They are not for any corrupt parties like BAL/BNP or Jammat. It does not a matter what a root less person say about them.

???? ?????????? ????? ???? - ????? ???

সূত্র জানায়, বর্তমান তালিকা অনুসারে জ্যেষ্ঠতার দিক দিয়ে ছিলেন সশস্ত্র বাহিনী বিভাগের প্রিন্সিপাল স্টাফ অফিসার (পিএসও) লে. জেনারেল আব্দুল ওয়াদুদ। তারপর একে একে আছেন ন্যাশনাল ডিফেন্স কলেজের (এনডিসি) কমান্ড্যান্ট লে. জেনারেল মোল্লা ফজলে আকবর, কোয়ার্টার মাস্টার জেনারেল (কিউএমজি) লে. জেনারেল ইকবাল করিম ভূইয়া। তৃতীয় শর্টকোর্সের মাধ্যমে ইকবাল করিম ভূইয়া ১৯৭৬ সালে সেনাবাহিনীতে যোগ দেন। তিনি বাহিনীতে নিষ্ঠাবান, দক্ষ ও পেশাদার বলে পরিচিত।
সেনাবাহিনীর তথ্যানুসারে, সেনাপ্রধানের ক্ষেত্রে এবারও জ্যেষ্ঠতা লঙ্ঘিত হলো। তবে সেনাপ্রধান শুধু নয়, প্রশাসনের যেকোনো শীর্ষ পদে নিয়োগের ক্ষেত্রে জ্যেষ্ঠতা একমাত্র মানদণ্ড হিসেবে কখনোই বিবেচিত হয়নি। অতীতেও এ ক্ষেত্রে জ্যেষ্ঠতা লঙ্ঘনের ঘটনা ঘটেছে। রাজনৈতিক সরকার সব সময়ই তাদের পছন্দের একজনকে সেনাপ্রধান হিসেবে নিয়োগ দিয়েছে। তবে রাজনৈতিক বিবেচনায় সেনাপ্রধান নিয়োগ দিয়েও কোনো সুফল পায়নি সরকারগুলো।
স্বাধীনতার পর মেজর জেনারেল সফিউল্লাহ জ্যেষ্ঠতার তালিকায় জিয়াউর রহমানের চেয়ে এক ধাপ নিচে থাকলেও তাঁকে সেনাপ্রধান করা হয়। এতে জিয়াউর রহমান অসন্তুষ্ট হয়েছিলেন। পঁচাত্তরে বঙ্গবন্ধু নিহত হওয়ার পর তিনি সেনাপ্রধানের দায়িত্ব পান। পরে জিয়াউর রহমান সেনাপ্রধান করেন এইচ এম এরশাদকে। আর এরশাদ তাঁর বিশ্বস্ত লে. জেনারেল আতিকুর রহমান এবং পরে লে. জেনারেল মোহাম্মদ নূরউদ্দিন খানকে সেনাপ্রধান করেন। নব্বইয়ের অভ্যুত্থানে শেষ পর্যন্ত এরশাদের পাশে দাঁড়াননি লে. জেনারেল নূরউদ্দিন।
১৯৯১ সালে বিএনপি ক্ষমতায় এসে নূরউদ্দিনকে আস্থায় নেয়নি। ওই সময় প্রধানমন্ত্রী খালেদা জিয়া প্রতিরক্ষাবিষয়ক সব সিদ্ধান্ত নিতেন তৎকালীন প্রতিরক্ষা গোয়েন্দা মহাপরিদপ্তরের মহাপরিচালক মেজর জেনারেল নাসিমের পরামর্শ অনুসারে। ওই সময় সেনাবাহিনীর ভেতরেও বিভক্তি দেখা দেয়। এরপর সেনাপ্রধান হন লে. জেনারেল আবু সালেহ মোহাম্মদ নাসিম। ১৯৯৪ সালের জুন মাসে দায়িত্ব পান তিনি। কিন্তু নাসিম সেনাপ্রধান হওয়ার পর দুই কর্মকর্তাকে বাধ্যতামূলক অবসর দেওয়ার ঘটনা নিয়ে অভ্যুত্থানের চেষ্টা করেন। এ ঘটনায় তাঁকে গ্রেপ্তার এবং ১৪ জন কর্মকর্তাকে চাকরিচ্যুত করা হয়।
২০০১ সালের সাধারণ নির্বাচনের আগে শেখ হাসিনার নেতৃত্বে আওয়ামী লীগ সরকার লে. জেনারেল হারুন-উর-রশিদকে সেনাপ্রধান নিয়োগ দেয়। ২০০১ সালের নির্বাচনে আওয়ামী লীগ পরাজিত হলে ওই দলের তীব্র সমালোচনার মুখে পড়েন সেনাবাহিনী ও সেনাপ্রধান।
এরপর জ্যেষ্ঠ ছয়জনকে ডিঙিয়ে বিএনপির আস্থাভাজন হিসেবে জেনারেল মইন উ আহমেদকে সেনাপ্রধান হিসেবে নিয়োগ দেন খালেদা জিয়া। কিন্তু জেনারেল মইনের আমলে (২০০৭-০৮) একেবারেই ভালো কাটেনি বিএনপির। মইন ২০০৫ সালের ১৫ জুন থেকে মোট চার বছর দায়িত্ব পালন করেন। এর মাঝে ২০০৮ সালের জুনে তিন বছরের মেয়াদ শেষ হওয়ার পর জরুরি অবস্থা ও সেনাবাহিনীর অবস্থানের কথা বিবেচনা করে তাঁর মেয়াদ এক বছর বাড়ানো হয়। ২৯ ডিসেম্বরের নির্বাচনের পর পুরস্কার হিসেবে জেনারেল মইনের মেয়াদ আরও এক বছর বাড়ানো নিয়ে নানামুখী জল্পনা-কল্পনা ছিল। কিন্তু শেষ পর্যন্ত আর বাড়ানো হয়নি। বর্তমান সেনাপ্রধান জেনারেল মুবীনকেও নিয়োগ দেওয়া হয়েছিল জ্যেষ্ঠ কর্মকর্তাকে ডিঙিয়ে।
Those who here intend to bring MUA issue too frequently, I would like to add some details about MUA for them.

Moyeen U Ahmed was made Chief of Army during BNP government bypassing 6 senior officials those who were ahead of him. If he was reallt a b*****d then just wondering how and under which consideration BNP government made him COA??? If it was to get benefit from him during caretaker government then no party should expect such from any government officials be it BNP or BAL...

BAL did the same during 2001 and later accused the then Army chief... This should not be the case by any political parties.

If BNP would have let Ershad participate in the election then MUA/FUA would not be able to come into the power and BAL would not get chance to do all the anarchy.

I have many of my relatives and family friends those who were or are in Army or Air Force...I personally do not wish to hear bad word for their profession as they highly patriotic. They are not for any corrupt parties like BAL/BNP or Jammat. It does not a matter what a root less person say about them.
It wasn't Siraj's fault that his appointee/Gen, Mir Jafar back stabbed Bengali, Bihari and Orissans; for which they had to stay as slaves for 190 yrs. Similarly, it wasn't Khaleda's fault to appoint MUA as COAS by superseding 6 others in order to put up with Blair and Bush's indirect pressure (Who were earlier convinced by Indians) through Anwar Chowdhury and Pat. Butenis. She had to do it because of the timing and prevailing hysteria of WOT at that time. But if MUA didn't sell his soul at the first place to conspire and connive with the war criminals and Bharatis to destroy patriotic, nationalistic forces then BD wouldn't be in today's dire straight, period.

He was a commie jackal acted as sheep in front of Khaleda like Mush had done in front of Nawaz. It was solely his responsibility to stay loyal to state instead of bringing traitors to power by engineered election. So, he had failed morally, institutionally and put himself next to Mir Jafar, period. He is a bastard with no genetic trace to my nation. And his type has taken the country back by at least a decade, so he is a traitor without any arbitration, period.

And don't call Jamaat a corrupt party as your ghoti arse doesn't have any freaking clue about it or conveniently ignore its purity. Even all commie fukcers in army couldn't discover a single mishap of Jamaati by magnifying glass, so spare your ranting against them.
So good to see Bangladeshis are cursing each others, feels my heart with joy. :)
M_Saint Bhai, thanks for your support and kind words. May be I was a little insistent about my enquiry, because I am always curious about why people hold certain opinions and how their background affects them. So it is possible it made our comrade eastwatch a little upset. Also he does not like my regional union ideas. But that's okay, we are all entitled to have our different opinions. I do not doubt his sincerity and the love for his country. Lets appreciate people for their good qualities. He has a good knowledge of our history which very few in our country actually do, due to Kolkata Bengali Renaissance brain-washing since 1757. In the end, we are all in the same team, despite our differences of opinion, if we can work in our own ways to help our country, that is what matters most.

About MUA, yes his bad decisions took the country backwards, in principle interference in a democracy is bad, regardless of how bad the democracy is. He should not have held onto power for 2 years running his own dictatorship, 3-6 months was enough. But people are so tired of corrupt politicians that they always want a shortcut, which people thought MUA would provide them, unfortunately there is no shortcut.

My support of BNP to kick out Indian influence is such a short-cut which I have agreed to, for which I am being called a rajakar, but during 1971, I was below 10, so I could not possibly be a rajakar. Nor was any of my immediate or extended family a rajakar. Fortunately, none of my family and friends got killed, although I did see dead bodies floating down the river while escaping by boat from Dhaka. So even after seeing all this in 1971, I can still be objective and have an open mind about 1971 to insist on the uncovering of truth from both sides, of Indian-Awami massacre of Bihari's along with the killing of Bengali's. May be that is why I am being called a rajakar.

If many of us knew each other personally and had the opportunity to share views in person or on the phone, may be some of these confusions and misconceptions would be removed, so these are some of the limitations of internet communications, which we should keep in mind.

yaar forgive them in bangaliyoon ke pass koi or bad example nhi they use pakistan in every bad term :rofl: we did nothing to them .if they use indian names you know how hard they kicked here and in real life by india:D

Mush has lost his credibility to jamatis after his drive to talibans. After all wasn't it a favourite dialog of jamatis that 'Amra sobai taliban, bangladesh hob afghanistan' (we all are talibans, bangladesh will become afghanistan).
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