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Best writer contest 2014

I have title and I challenge readers to snatch it from me:D

Nice to have but not practical.
I believe that it is- b/c those individual who are employee of any newspaper agency are given criteria by management and it is one of it's rule-
I have title and I challenge readers to snatch it from me:D

I believe that it is- b/c those individual who are employee of any newspaper agency are given criteria by management and it is one of it's rule-

lol, no issues, there is always a work around :)

I have title and I challenge readers to snatch it from me:D

I believe that it is- b/c those individual who are employee of any newspaper agency are given criteria by management and it is one of it's rule-
Sir, when does the contest end please?
lol, no issues, there is always a work around :)

Sir, when does the contest end please?
15th January 2015 is the last date:D
It will be fun and entertaining. I expect audience to encourage authors and researchers.

Besides these topics if you are not interested and you want to portray or narrate any warfare (ie battle of Vietnam or any operation ie Operation enduring freedom),then type:
You name:____________
Topic of interest:___________
Fall or against(optional):___________


"Pesudoniyum". I think I learned a new word today. :D

Seriously, this is a good initiative. Good Luck with it Sir.
"Pesudoniyum". I think I learned a new word today. :D

Seriously, this is a good initiative. Good Luck with it Sir.
Pseudonym Or" alias " may sound better:D or whatever!
Why to watch others?step ahead:D
what is the reward?-
Read post no#1
Read post no#1

What will be the reward?
-Your research article will be published in PDF wiki
-you will be inducted for R&D directly.
if you have posted an opinion then it will be published on title cover.

sorry but these are not rewards-
sorry but these are not rewards-
Well if you do not consider this as reward then relax back and enjoy!
Well if you do not consider this as reward then relax back and enjoy!
You are starting or hosting a writing contest-
i expect such a person to know the difference between reward, recognition or incentive-
A reward is either tangible or transnational or both-
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Please kindly send your names in pm to @Oscar.

Most of us plebes have no ability to send PMs even to management unless spoken to first.
You are starting or hosting a writing contest-
i expect such a person to know the difference between reward, recognition or incentive-
A reward is either tangible or transnational or both-

I am sure you are not gonna participate, so doing your quota for trolling today?

Most of us plebes have no ability to send PMs even to management unless spoken to first.

Use the warning msg :P
@Slav Defence @Oscar

My submission will be the following in a few days.

Where to go from here?

After the gut-wrenching horror of Peshawar, much has been said and written about how we found ourselves in this situation in the first place. Rather than looking at the past, this article intends to look at the future with an aim to proposing some feasible solutions to the security crisis facing Pakistan today. While some proposals may be painful or indeed regarded as being against collective and conventional wisdom, at least all of them should make for an engaging debate.
@Slav Defence @Oscar

My submission will be the following in a few days.

Where to go from here?

After the gut-wrenching horror of Peshawar, much has been said and written about how we found ourselves in this situation in the first place. Rather than looking at the past, this article intends to look at the future with an aim to proposing some feasible solutions to the security crisis facing Pakistan today. While some proposals may be painful or indeed regarded as being against collective and conventional wisdom, at least all of them should make for an engaging debate.
Excellent haider,
I am anxiously waiting :D

Most of us plebes have no ability to send PMs even to management unless spoken to first.
[email protected]
Email it to me.

So, @Syed.Ali.Haider is joining in! who else has guts and analytical skills?
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I am sure you are not gonna participate, so doing your quota for trolling today?

Only a seasoned troll like you can call a fact as trolling -
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