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Benazir return seems imminent.

She will stop a militant takeover! her ancestor ZAB was about to give the whole nation away to militants! The sort of dissensions h cauzed... Damn her, she can't return cauz we dun want her to show her stupid face in pakistan
Even though she was corrupt & shouldn't have any power. My guess is, under Musharraf she is capable of giving Pakistan benefit to some extent. Power checking will be done by Musharraf as far as i see how it is going. What do the members think about her being in power.
All she thinks about is her party and how only she shud come to power...

she cud always nominate sum1n but shes just like Z.A.B. Power-hungry and corrupt. She has no love for our ppl... this roti, kapra, makaan bakwas is only to gain that power and waste the resources of our country then.
Ben Bhutto will return.

The political situation has been so messed up by the awam leaves very little leeway.

More turbulent times.

More corruption.

And back to the cycle of history!
The top tier of the political system is corrupt. Benazir has found a way to get in through Cheif Justice.

And it seems like Musharraf has no choice but to submit.
I can't we're letting this ***** into our government again! She is no good, I don't like her. Just like Nawaz Sharrif, she's been making idiotic statements about Pakistan; asking the US to stop all aid to it. She clearly cares only about power, no principles. I know you can say that for Musharraf too, but at least he's done a lot of good whereas this woman has had more than her fair share of chances.
The US is apparently behind this whole impending disaster for Pakistan:

US behind power-sharing deal, says NYT

By Masood Haider

NEW YORK, Aug 16: The United States is “quietly prodding” President Pervez Musharraf to share authority with former prime minister Benazir Bhutto as a way to keep him in power, the New York Times said on Thursday.

In an analysis, the paper said American officials had gotten behind the idea that an alliance with the Pakistan People’s Party leader would be Gen Musharraf’s best chance of remaining president.

Bush administration officials had said that they feared that Gen Musharraf could be toppled and replaced by someone who might be a less reliable US ally against terrorism, it said.

The newspaper revealed that Ms Bhutto, who is in New York visiting her husband Asif Zardari, has been holding talks with the Bush administration on the issue, especially with US Ambassador at the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad.

Saying that the Bush administration officials had taken pains not to endorse a power-sharing agreement publicly, so as not to give the impression that the United States was trying to influence Pakistani politics, the newspaper nevertheless noted that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice did discuss the idea of a power-sharing arrangement when she called Gen Musharraf last week at 2am in Pakistan to warn him not to declare emergency powers.

According to the Times, State Department officials had been telling Gen Musharraf for months that he needed to broaden his political base and become less beholden to the Islamic groups that he had courted to shore up his power in the western part of the country. Asked about American support for a power-sharing deal, Sean McCormack, the State Department spokesman, told the Times: “We have met with all parties, and have expressed our support for open and fair elections. We have encouraged the parties to strengthen the moderate centre of Pakistani politics in order to better deal with the problems of extremism.”

Teresita C. Schaffer, a Pakistan expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, also told the newspaper that American officials saw a deal between Gen Musharraf and Ms Bhutto “as a potential lifeline and one that would get him less deeply involved with the religious parties”.

Its such a mess. Anybody who comes to power in Pakistan will toy the US line and US will make sure only those guys comes to power.
Ben Bhutto will return.

The political situation has been so messed up by the awam leaves very little leeway.

More turbulent times.

More corruption.

And back to the cycle of history!
Interesting observation and I agree.

The country has a good leader, but awful followers.

If you look at it, the recent "crisis" is just all of our own doing. Our awaam gets bored easily and is always hungry for some action... I think the blame cannot be solely thrown onto the fact that we don't get good leaders. We aren't good followers either.

Benazir Bhutto is our punishment.
The PPP should be called the Benazir Bhutto Party. the BBP.
Personally, I am worried about the new developments. I was ever since the CJ issue.

They are all hand in glove!

And in India, the Left is gong to pull down the govt because of the Nuke deal!

Instability and apprehension everywhere.
Personally, I am worried about the new developments. I was ever since the CJ issue.

They are all hand in glove!

And in India, the Left is gong to pull down the govt because of the Nuke deal!

Instability and apprehension everywhere.

Left wont pull down the government. They are just shouting for attention, Singh doesnt raise his voice without a reason. If he dared the left to step out, then you can be 100% sure they wont.
if ppp deal is finalise with mush.govt. ppp loose public support and if fair election held then extremists get more support then moderates
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