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Behead Zakir Naik, hang his head on tree, get Rs 50 lakh from me: Prachi

You mean 50 fils
175fils sir!for you 2 aed?sounds good?
:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:....modi needs to ductape her mouth, she is becoming a liability and a PR disaster.The commie hindu phobic liberals will now have a new topic to play with.

There are much more crazies on the "other" side.
These Prachi kind of Sanghis are needed to reassure the regular population that there is enough scary crazy looking out for them as well.

Let me tell you a secret. The crazies of the "other" side are very well protected. The "law" can do nothing to them and the politicians are shit scared to offend them.
The reality on the ground is much much different to safety confines of our homes.

Let me tell you something that happened few years back. One of our local RSS heads was called by a famous religious converter and was offered 1 crore rupees on the spot if he converts. This RSS guy asked for couple of hours time. In these 2 hours he made few calls, collected 2 crore rupees to the pastor to convert back. You should have seen the froth that formed in that holy man's mouth or listened to the abuses :D
This did not happen in some remote village. This was a District HQ. Happened in front of quite a few people and no one could do anything to tha pastor because of the "reality"
She is such an ugly fuc*..Both should be beheaded..
175fils sir!for you 2 aed?sounds good?

Jon snow please give me discount and i will let you have the 3 dragons :flame::flame::flame:
What you say :azn:
Zakir Naik did't issue any fatwa with head money if i am not aware of it Kindly let me know.

Yes Zakir bhai ask ppl to do terrorism for free and ask them to collect the fee in afterlife.

if u want videos i'll be happy to share some :)
So she has publicly sanctioned someones murder with a bounty and no action has been taken against her? What a world we are living in......If this isn't violation of human rights(minority in this case), then i don't know what is. Yes Zakir Naik is an annoying person even for me, but this is outright insane.
World's largest democracy at work

Yes Zakir bhai ask ppl to do terrorism for free and ask them to collect the fee in afterlife.

if u want videos i'll be happy to share some :)
you will obviously share his cut out speeches out of context, he has many times himself clarified the propaganda you people make.
World's largest democracy at work

says the one from Pak.. whose PM declared a man martyr, who is from designated terrorist organisation..
What a shame. These brainless idiots.
Yes Zakir bhai ask ppl to do terrorism for free and ask them to collect the fee in afterlife.

if u want videos i'll be happy to share some :)
What a lame and stupid reply, i got you what you are up to.
says the one from Pak.. whose PM declared a man martyr, who is from designated terrorist organisation..
i am not the one calling you names
you yourself claim to be the World's largest Democracy.
while in response you are resorting to calling us names which you just conjured up in your sleep
you will obviously share his cut out speeches out of context, he has many times himself clarified the propaganda you people make

Which can not happen in this case.

only victim can be Zakir bhai :D

World's largest democracy at work

Indeed !!

how do u think religious preachers like Zakir bhai survived for so long here in India despite of his numerous controversial speeches against other religions.
The same country which had Maadni and Owaisi roaming freely after doing what this stupid Prachi has been doing....... So do not go there...... There are rotten eggs in every society......
Wasn't the same Madani and same Owaisi attacked by Hindutva mobs after which they became much more hardline?

We all know who provokes muslims and who is actually responsible for terrorist acts like Sadhvi Pragya and killer Modi. Blaming muslims is a common habit.
Why these idiots are not silenced???? They have no idea how much bad name they bring to this country........ Idiots....
Thanks MR NAIRim not thanking you for you are against our opponents

Anyway than what difference is between these idiots and ISIS

I hope Indian law should be exercised against these idiots

Major Naik teaches truth not hatred thousand times he said Islam is against violance there is no place in Islam who kills innocent people.
After that if anyone does it and blame on zakir Naik it's not zakir mistake zakir has no control on anyone's thinking and doing.
@Zarvan @Jf Thunder @Delnavaz B @haviZsultan

Did you guys forget the head money on kamlesh tiwari for insulting the prophet?
A guy declared he will give 51 lakhs to anyone who beheads kamlesh tiwari, who apparently had already been arrested. poor fellow

And look at this guy, trying to do it in Osama Style

And he is roaming free
@Zarvan @Jf Thunder @Delnavaz B @haviZsultan

Did you guys forget the head money on kamlesh tiwari for insulting the prophet?
A guy declared he will give 51 lakhs to anyone who beheads kamlesh tiwari, who apparently had already been arrested. poor fellow

And look at this guy, trying to do it in Osama Style

And he is roaming free

Free Speeech is only for Sickularsand liberals in India .
The Right Wing should not open their mouth, that's a sin as per these "intellectuals" ;)
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