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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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Well,you could say I'm from a Hindu background,in fact a Brahmin one,but still can't figure out the reason behind such a tremendous level of agitation that you demonstrated!!

So how am I responsible for your ignorance ? ........... take a bit of effort and find out. After all, like you said, this is the age of Internet :P
LOL. What has internet got anything to do with that ? :lol: ............... that is the dumbest thing I have heard today.

By internet,I was just giving you an example about the improvement and stride in science that has made by the human race.Come on,that couldn't have been that hard,could it??
Stupid argument.

Are non-muslims in Pakistan allowed to burn koran, or draw muhammad as a terrorist, or allowed to own a legal copy of Satanic verses?

Doing any of these is not prohibited for non-muslims; So why they are nmot allowed?

A pakistani should staple together his lips before boasting about religious freedom in his country.
Do your country allow to burn her flag.. stupid
By internet,I was just giving you an example about the improvement and stride in science that has made by the human race.Come on,that couldn't have been that hard,could it??

What has science anything to do with Religion ? :lol:

That's a bit like saying Medicine is the same as Engineering.
Hindu Talibanization ??

What do you mean by Talibanization?
We didnt bombed or shoot any one with an intention to kill.
An elected state assembly in a federal democractic system banned something for economy and majorities belifs in their mind.
So how am I responsible for your ignorance ? ........... take a bit of effort and find out. After all, like you said, this is the age of Internet :P

It's actually you who is showing a galactic level of terminal stupidity my FEREND and not the other way round,splitting your hair over a dumb animal and all!! :o:
It's actually you who is showing a galactic level of terminal stupidity my FEREND and not the other way round,splitting your hair over a dumb animal and all!! :o:

LOL ........ I do not need your Character certificate ....... stick it right up your @ss.

Here you are splitting hair over a dumb animal :lol: ..... why not take your own advice and quit ?
What has science anything to do with Religion ? :lol:

That's a bit like saying Medicine is the same as Engineering.

Science has got everything to do with religion.Scientific advancement has made religion redundant.Who in their mind would believe in a flying monkey god or an elephant god (or any god for that matter of fact)!!
Nope trying to shove Religious cultural beliefs down the throat of others by the state.. Talibanization

After all we didnt torture and shoot any language minorities in our nation.That was the realTaliban act ,Right?
They can move in legal way.And this is a decision of elected govt.So your point is not aporeciated here.
I have a job offer in Mumbai, which I wish to refuse politely.

Hope the HR guy gets convinced with this reason. :D
LOL ........ I do not need your Character certificate ....... stick it right up your @ss.

Here you are splitting hair over a dumb animal :lol: ..... why not take your own advice and quit ?

See,now you are getting abusive while I'm being polite!!But I don't blame ya,it's actually the common trait of the religious yahoos all over the world.They would always get abusive when they can not come up with anything of substance or what remotely make any sense (which happens every time by the way since they are just incapable of doing so).
Science has got everything to do with religion.Scientific advancement has made religion redundant.Who in their mind would believe in a flying monkey god or an elephant god (or any god for that matter of fact)!!

LOL. Then you have nothing to worry about do you ? :lol:

After all religion is redundant and logically this means that the law that was passed had some scientific reason for it.

I have often wondered who in their right mind believed in a Zombi prophet rising from the dead :P
Early symptoms of radicalism. Hindutva terrorists are destroying India. they are enforcing their religious rules as mandatory. India is a secular country with beef eating minorities and they cannot stop eating that because virat Hindu aatankwadi wants cow slaughter ban.

We will be eating beef like it was before. RSS cannot enforce what people are eating. With so many cattles roaming around the Indian villages and cities without any use and Gosala's(cow shelters when poor are living in the streets and dying), India is vasting a lot of free nourishment, better to encourage beef eating especially in the central-north Indian states where religious bigotry is- I suspect, is a real problem. Like Sanghi free Chai campaign, spread free Beef and Paratha campaign across North India can overcome this religious taboo. It can create a revolution as breeds that are good for beef (beef cattle) can be raised in every villages across the country. Beef also helps the people grow muscle mass and healthier. Instead of burning, consider this - Beef is much more tastier - Red meat is not poison as these veggies propagate.

do try.
In cities, we have a system of regulated meat shops. Only that meat is legalized, which is slaughtered in government run slaughter houses. There is a stamp on each carcass, whether it is a cow, goat, sheep or camel. So, Pork is out of question because it will not be slaughtered in slaughter houses. Other thing is wild bores are found in our Country but not farmed pigs. Wild bores are found mainly in jungles, which are hunted also. You can find videos on Wild bore hunting in Pakistan on youtube also.
If some minority community like to eat pork or dog or whatever, there is no law to prosecute him. Its only illegal to sell it openly or fraudulently sold to general public.
Like yesterday, there was a thread running about butchers arrested in Karachi for selling dog meat. Yes, thats illegal.
So, if someone is capable enough to hunt a wild bore and then eat it. He is allowed as per Pakistani law. Yes, if he is a muslim, he will come under law if reported.

so one can posses pork in Pakistan but cannot sell or farm? Okay what percentage do you think consumes pork?

Beef was already banned in Maharashtra in 1995, the new act bans the bull and ox meat too in addition to it. How ever water buffalo meat is allowed.
Early symptoms of radicalism. Hindutva terrorists are destroying India. they are enforcing their religious rules as mandatory. India is a secular country with beef eating minorities and they cannot stop eating that because virat Hindu aatankwadi wants cow slaughter ban.

We will be eating beef like it was before. RSS cannot enforce what people are eating. With so many cattles roaming around the Indian villages and cities without any use and Gosala's(cow shelters when poor are living in the streets and dying), India is vasting a lot of free nourishment, better to encourage beef eating especially in the central-north Indian states where religious bigotry is- I suspect, is a real problem. Like Sanghi free Chai campaign, spread free Beef and Paratha campaign across North India can overcome this religious taboo. It can create a revolution as breeds that are good for beef (beef cattle) can be raised in every villages across the country. Beef also helps the people grow muscle mass and healthier. Instead of burning, consider this - Beef is much more tastier - Red meat is not poison as these veggies propagate.

I cant agree with you.I didnt eat beef in my childhood.Tasted for few months in college and ended due certain beliefs and circumstances.But I have 6.1 ft height and 80 kg weight.
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