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BD section moderation

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Holy Moly what an interesting thread!
Missing all the fun being an irregular I see.

Heres a tip, select 3 members of extreme distorted viewpoints,
Eg. M_saint (extreme Jamati to the power of n)
Captain Planet (Extreme Awami Leager)
Idune (extreme BNP')

Make them mods they'd certainly delete anything which conflicts with
their views which on the long run shall clean up 80% of the Garbage.

This way the newbies can breath clean air minus the sh*t storms that goes on.

On a neutral scale though @Loki and @fallstuff might lift a hefty.

**no offense to anyone in particular.
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I believe MBI Munshi would make the best moderator. He is fair and that is the only criteria needed to be a moderator. The awami supporters simply don't want fairness anywhere, they incite hatred and name callings. Therefore it will be most unfortunate if a moderator is chosen according to their wish list.
Where were you when Luffy, alzakir and idune resorted to namecalling?

Munshi isn't fair.
@WebMaster I am not a senior member which one assumes is based on number of posts but if you allow me I will voice my opinion.
Although I have joined this forum very recently I have read the posts in it since its inception and have seen the ups and downs of the BD section. Before I begin let me be clear as anything on such tread can be viewed as self promoting that I am not seeing to be a moderator in any shape or form. I have neither time nor inclination.

However coming back to the issue at hand of selecting a mod.

The name calling is rather childish but a good argument is part and parcel of BD culture.
BDs who join this forum if they hang out long enough find accommodation.

There are two main problems - first the indian false flaggers of hindutva variety who have gotten it into their head that somehow BD should and MUST be India centric. The only time you have flame is when these guys trolls and BD respond in kind.

Secondly the band of RSS Indians who troll for no reasons. They come into a thread and invite like minded fellows to come and derail the thread. The chief architect are Imrankhan et al - I am member of several forums ( moderated a few as well) but I withnessed the most downright degenerate display of racist comments and incredible statements about mothers and sisters that would shame even forums such as stormfront. Imrankhan got a temporary ban and is back to his old ways.

You know the game Indians and false flagging indiand are playing to denegrate this forum. Their activity in BD subsection is just more prevelant because the absence of a mod.

Please choose well but ensure the Mod is BD. I would choose MBI Munshi because it was one of his articles that made me frequent this site more. He has been here a long time and knows the place.

If no consensus is reached I would have to say the so called name calling very rarely is beyond slightly objectionable. When this happens most BD will reach accommodation. The malign influence of Indians and indian false flaggers I would have to say is positive one personally. It allows BD to understand the mentality and attitude that was the raison d'être for the existance of BD. their hindutva supremist views have often been the genesis of detailed response from BD members that are illuminating and educational.

Overall I really do not personally think its that bad. Sure the BD section is not a bastion of civility but so what. A little bit of rough and tumble has not hurt anyone. Leave the status quo but monitor.
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My thoughts.

1. The Bangladeshi sub-forum is in a period of transition and change is always unwelcome by some and may be difficult. I think the fundamental problem is as @WebMaster has said there are 2 groups in the forum. Group A seems to want to effectively silence group B and not allow them to participate in the sub-forum. Fundamentally both groups must accept that both groups have the right to express their views (as in the real world where different political parties are allowed, otherwise it is not a democracy) as long as it is done in a civilized manner. Group A in particular must accept that.

In a minute I will suggest who I think are suitable candidates but before that I propose the introduction of certain rules if they are not already here to help everyone.

1. Making wasting moderator time/frivolous complaints an infractional offence.

There are certain immature people here who see PDF as a playground where they can have different forms of "fun". One of these forms of "fun" is getting posters in to trouble or getting them banned. Reporting posters is fine as long as they are abusive or breaking rules but not when it is done for "entertainment".

In the real world if someone was to phone 999 (USA..911) and call the police and waste their time it could be a criminal offence. Moderators here should be respected and their time should not be wasted. Moderators are completely free of charge giving up their valuable time to help make a site more enjoyable for everyone. They may be married and have children and going online to read and discuss maybe an outlet in an otherwise busy day with work, wife, kids etc. The last thing they need on top of that in what is essentially a leisure activity is an immature moron wasting moderator time with frivolous complaints as a form of "fun" of "trolling" a poster (yesterday one immature poster admitted that he has been "trolling" me).

PDF is a very successful forum and moderators are very generous but some people are abusing moderator generosity by frivolous complaints. I suggest such an act be made an offence with a warning and then issued by an infraction.

2. Seeking to get members banned.

I believe seeking to get members banned should be made an infractional offence. The goal should not be to seek the cyber-elimination of a poster but merely to ensure he expresses himself in a civilized manner regardless of his ideology. I believe that there are certain people here who are trying to ban members whose opinions they disagree with. If a moderator feels that posters are targeting a campaign as part of an agenda to get him banned (as opposed to him just behaving himself) it should be an infractional offence.

3. Lying about posters

In the real world slander or defamation is an illegal offence. On this forum sometimes some people are falsely accused (knowingly) by others of serious things they haven't done. When this is done the offender should be required to bring proof of his accusations. To make this clearer let me illustrate an example. A certain poster was:

- Accused of threatening to report other posters to the Bangladeshi authorities (a total lie).

- The same poster, member A, was later on accused of seeking to get a member B banned when in fact he had not even encouraged others to report but member B had been urging others to report other posters.

Those who made such lies should have been asked to provide the proof or otherwise issue an apology.

I believe this should be made an offence for serious accusations. What is "serious" is perhaps relative and for moderators to discuss. I admit this maybe problematic to enforce, so if admin want to totally disregard suggestion #3 they are more than welcome to since at the end of the day this is an online forum and not a London school of Economics discussion group for doctorate students.

All the 3 above are my humble suggestions which admin are totally free to completely disregard if they so wish to.


I think that only a Bangladeshi or Chinese moderator should be accepted. Here is my suggestions for moderators.

a: Eastwatch
@eastwatch does not belong to either group A or B and is probably respected by most. He has also urged Bangladeshis to limit their political differences.

i: He knows English, Bengali and Urdu/Hindi.

ii: He has lived in both the pre-71 united Pakistan and the post-71 People's Republic of Bangladesh and both are/were living realities for him which he personally experienced including the war (which for example he has said the numbers which we usually here are way exaggerated - an opinion I share too, but that's another discussion).

iii: He knows Bangladeshi politics well and knows the forum members and can see through people's tricks and their agenda.

The biggest problem is that eastwatch would probably not be interested in this role but I strongly urge him to accept my suggestion for the sake of the forum.

b: @PlanetSoldier

A neutral Bangladeshi who does not belong to group A or B and has criticized members of both groups. He also has a strong personality.

c: @apo_mEaTgRiNdEr

He is also neutral and has urged Bangladeshis not to engage in hostile political conflict with each other.

d: @CaPtAiN_pLaNeT

A poster not affiliated to any particular party. An old member with many posts and respected by many Bangladeshis. He has been critical of both major political parties. A strong personality who would ensure no-nonsense compliance with rules and civility.

e: @RiasatKhan

A moderate person who is able to discuss in a civilized manner.

f: A Chinese moderator such as the current one in the forum or maybe @Chinese-Dragon or someone else.

The Chinese are pro-Bangladesh and respected by all Bangladeshis. The current Chinese moderator - whose name with all due respect I can't recall right now - is very good and cracks down on troublemakers well and ensures a good, healthy and pleasant sub-forum.

Certain other members have been proposed here who I do not think are suitable e.g. they have stated things about other members that are not true. I will refrain from saying who they are however.

Thanks for listening to my humble suggestions.
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I think on disciplinary matters there should be a committee of three Bangladeshi members who will decide on bans, suspensions and matters of discipline relating to this section. The fairest and most acceptable to take on this role: Loki, Kalu-Miah and Kobiraaz.
Where were you when Luffy, alzakir and idune resorted to namecalling?

Munshi isn't fair.

Are you very fair? You have no shame giving your opinion when it clearly says that opinions from only senior members are invited. Do you think it is fair to accept the opinions of uninvited guests?
I think on disciplinary matters there should be a committee of three Bangladeshi members who will decide on bans, suspensions and matters of discipline relating to this section. The fairest and most acceptable to take on this role: Loki, Kalu-Miah and Kobiraaz.

Kobiraaz is an active member of one particular Bangladeshi party so as a party activist is not suitable for this role.

The others I do not think are suitable and nor am I suitable. I will go no further as @WebMaster has politely asked us to avoid antagonism.
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Kobiraaz is an active member of one particular Bangladeshi party so as a party activist is not suitable for this role.

The others I do not think are suitable and nor am I suitable. I will go no further as @WebMaster has politely asked us to avoid antagonism.

You're one active jamaat hater, aren't you? So, that makes you a hatemonger but even your name has been proposed by one of your buddies. So, what's your problem if the name of someone you don't like is proposed?
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My thoughts.

The Chinese are pro-Bangladesh and respected by all Bangladeshis. The current Chinese moderator - whose name with all due respect I can't recall right now - is very good and cracks down on troublemakers well and ensures a good, healthy and pleasant sub-forum.

Certain other members have been proposed here who I do not think are suitable e.g. they have stated things about other members that are not true. I will refrain from saying who they are however.

Thanks for listening to my humble suggestions.

I don't think any Chinese member in this forum know or even care about Bangladesh. I find the suggestion to appoint a Chinese mod for Bangladesh rather bizarre.
Holy Moly what an interesting thread!
Missing all the fun being an irregular I see.

Heres a tip, select 3 members of extreme distorted viewpoints,
Eg. M_saint (extreme Jamati to the power of n)
Captain Planet (Extreme Awami Leager)
Idune (extreme BNP')

Make them mods they'd certainly delete anything which conflicts with
thier views which on the long run shall clean up 80% of the Garbage.

This way the newbies can breath clean air minus the sh*t storms that goes on.

On a neutral scale though @Loki and @fallstuff might lift a hefty.

**no offense to anyone in particular.

Thanks for the honor, but I am little busy these days to moderate.

I do think that the following maybe good candidates,
@MBI Munshi

I think all of the above mentioned members can dispense objective moderation.
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Since there is an objection to the initial 3 names let me expand the list:

1. Loki

2. Kalu-Miah

3. Kobiraaz

4. genmirajborgza786

5. CaPtAiN_pLaNeT

6. eastwatch

Apart from myself these are the most senior members who regularly post on the BD section. Decisions on banning, suspension or any other disciplinary issue will be decided by simple majority.

If some compromise is not reached there will never be any result on this. No single member suggestion will please all the BD members here as there are two groups. Although I was extremely reluctant to propose CaPtAiN_pLaNeT and eastwatch I think there is no alternative. The second group will not accept the first three names, however, qualified.

Bloody hell this feels like BD politics .....

All the names proposed may be called Junior Moderators and can become full moderators if the Pakistani admin think their performance is up to the mark.

I could have added Al-Zakir, M-Saint and Idune as well but I know the other group would never accept them and the proposal would get nowhere. Very unfortunate but that is the reality.
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