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BBC World News blocked in Pakistan

it's our laws and our country, what's it to you or your tiny island country?

media is free to operate in Pakistan -- there is a legit reason why BBC specifically has been targetted. They slander Pakistan and its institutions and they are misinformation which hurts the sentiments of all Pakistanis --many of whom have suffered in this war against terrorism

Like most Islamic countries, you don't have freedom for media. You also can't take criticism and anything negative is perceived as an attack on the country rather than just critical journalism.

The BBC produces programmes all the time that are critical of the UK and other countries.

Yet who are the kind of countries that ban the BBC? the backward ones like Iran and Pakistan.

You're too short-sighted to see that the only ones being hurt by censorship, is you.

We don't ban media from Islamic countries that blame the US/UK/Israel for all the world's ills. We just laugh and get on with our lives.

The ability to take criticism and listen to dissenting views is a sign of intelligence and advancement. You're obviously not ready for it yet.
great going by Pemra, the war is started now through Information systems and BBC clearly showing that...
why the hell they started the series of anti pakistan this shows how they act as a agent for US imperilaist....
WE dont need these british Bullshit crap.
Like most Islamic countries, you don't have freedom for media. You also can't take criticism and anything negative is perceived as an attack on the country rather than just critical journalism.

The BBC produces programmes all the time that are critical of the UK and other countries.

Yet who are the kind of countries that ban the BBC? the backward ones like Iran and Pakistan.

You're too short-sighted to see that the only ones being hurt by censorship, is you.

We don't ban media from Islamic countries that blame the US/UK/Israel for all the world's ills. We just laugh and get on with our lives.

The ability to take criticism and listen to dissenting views is a sign of intelligence and advancement. You're obviously not ready for it yet.

There is a difference between british and pakistan, how many britishers knows urdu? nobody. so those islamist or pakistanis channels dont have a affect on british people but in pakisatan we understand english and it can have a nefative impact on the minds of the people. so it is necessary to stop these bullshits..
Like most Islamic countries, you don't have freedom for media. You also can't take criticism and anything negative is perceived as an attack on the country rather than just critical journalism.

our media is very free; check your facts

for years there's been negative press? Why do u think we'd ban BBC unless they REALLY crossed the line --which this time, unfortunately, they did

i think you're putting too much butter on your crumpets in the morning, it could be having some adverse effect on your thinking.

please dont pull 'facts' (myths) from your arse, thanks
Its the age when TV channels can dictate to the public its behaviour and decide who deserves its compassion. BBC is not a bad source of news but of course the impartiality claim is nonsense. It's as political as any rabid tabloid newspaper/news channel. I don't remember when BBC shown the humanitarian disaster in Gaza after the Israeli attacks. It would be gullible and naive to believe that there is no political bias associated with BBC.

Impartiality may be a noble premise but peoples are often motivated by self interest and this can often cloud their judgement in giving fair coverage within the media world. Television, newspapers, radio and the Internet are all used extensively to feed the minds of people and this does not escape the notice of ambitious politicians who will gladly use the media to achieve their political goals. Peoples should make up their own minds on political issues based on the wide range of information available through a variety of media channels and banning is not the solution :)
Like most Islamic countries, you don't have freedom for media. You also can't take criticism and anything negative is perceived as an attack on the country rather than just critical journalism.

Pakistan is in a state of war, and when a nation is in a state of war then the government has the right to take any necessary measures to safeguard its national interests, as in the case of America and the Patrioot Act.

The BBC produces programmes all the time that are critical of the UK and other countries.

BBC is nothing but a propaganda mouthpiece, just like CNN and Fox news. I have yet to see any documentary from these mentioned News sources that show the war and its impact from the Pakistani perspective other than the usual "Pakistan harboring, supporting, funding, Taliban" rant we hear from BBC, CNN, and Fox news.

Pakistani soldiers were just brutally butchered by NATO and this BBC propaganda mouthpiece has the audacity to make a documentary portraying Pakistan as the guilty party? After all of this and you expect Pakistan not to ban this propaganda mouthpiece?

Yet who are the kind of countries that ban the BBC? the backward ones like Iran and Pakistan.

Wow, more BS, "oh the poor innocent BBC, whoever bans BBC is backwards" lol, give me a break.

The ability to take criticism and listen to dissenting views is a sign of intelligence and advancement. You're obviously not ready for it yet.

What a blatant lie!!! As if western countries even adhere to that. Do i need to prove you wrong???
There is a difference between british and pakistan, how many britishers knows urdu? nobody. so those islamist or pakistanis channels dont have a affect on british people but in pakisatan we understand english and it can have a nefative impact on the minds of the people. so it is necessary to stop these bullshits..

The problem lies with the fact that the British believe they are still great and still have an empire and rule the waves. Sadly most British now find it difficult to control their own household let alone antrhing outside the country. They still believe they can make up stories about nations and because they repeat it 20 times it becomes true. They stole riches from our countries and left the place in a complete mess. Lord Mount Batton was supposed to leave the region in peace - fine person to leave in charge when he couldnt control his own wife but thats another topic. They still leave in a dream land.
They live off the crumbs USA have and under that umberella think they are policing and helping the world - instead the reality is they have an extraordinary ability in raping the coffers of countries like Libya.
The BBC are propaganda specialists and this was created in the Thatcher era of spreading lies about nations the UK wanted to take advantage of. The BBC have portrayed Pakistan in a bad way by lying throught their teeth - now its time to go forth and multiply BBC until you learn to tell the truth!
it's a shame because despite BBC's cheer-leading during the time leading up to 2003 iraq invasion --- it was a FAIRLY objective news source of the west. . .

but as of late, i question their ''sincerity'' (if it ever was there) to give unbiased news...

but let's never fool ourselves; media is just business. And i can assure you that with all the insurections, wars, coups, revolutions evolutions going on nowdays in different parts of the world --- these spooks wont be going out of business anytime soon I could assure you!
There is a difference between british and pakistan, how many britishers knows urdu? nobody. so those islamist or pakistanis channels dont have a affect on british people but in pakisatan we understand english and it can have a nefative impact on the minds of the people. so it is necessary to stop these bullshits..

I think Pakistan also have English news channel like Express Tribune which UK people can certainly understand.
Like most Islamic countries, you don't have freedom for media. You also can't take criticism and anything negative is perceived as an attack on the country rather than just critical journalism.

The BBC produces programmes all the time that are critical of the UK and other countries.

Yet who are the kind of countries that ban the BBC? the backward ones like Iran and Pakistan.

You're too short-sighted to see that the only ones being hurt by censorship, is you.

We don't ban media from Islamic countries that blame the US/UK/Israel for all the world's ills. We just laugh and get on with our lives.

The ability to take criticism and listen to dissenting views is a sign of intelligence and advancement. You're obviously not ready for it yet.

Freedom of speech is good but what about those peoples who use their right to free speech to upset and incite tension in others i.e Example of Danish cartoonist . Freedom of speech don't mean you should favour one group, political party, country and should mock beliefs of religious peoples. How far is too far when we talk about freedom of speech?
BBC -BARKING BUG CHUUTIYA SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN FOREVER these bastards will never learn until kick them from back .
Freedom of speech is good but what about those peoples who use their right to free speech to upset and incite tension in othersExample of Danish cartoonist . Freedom of speech don't mean you should favour one group, political party, country and should mock beliefs of religious peoples. How far is too far when we talk about freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech is freedom of speech. It only stops when it incites violence.

The funny thing is that your country has it the wrong way round. You CAN'T criticise Islam, you can't draw Mohammed cartoons - but you CAN chant "death to America" and give hate speeches calling for killing infidels.

That's how screwed up you are.

Every person has a right to talk freely. Every person has a right to draw Mohammed. Every person has a right to change their religion.

We in the west have to listen to your hatred of us all the time, you don't see us running around fire bombing Mosques. Jews have to put up with your anti-semitism every day. Israel has to put up with "getting wiped off the map" comments everyday from Muslims.

You're a nation of children.
your ''freedom of speech'' means slander against a country that has sacrificed SO MUCH (life, material costs, social costs) in this war against terrorism

so while your cheap tabloid-quality reports (which take little to NO perspective from the PAKISTANI standpoint) have no place in our country

therefore, the ban is welcome and its implemented --and it will remain so for the time-being.

and the emotions and racism are not so disguised in your tone; what are you doing on this forum if you have nothing useful to add here

---------- Post added at 02:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 AM ----------

“We consider that this report is highly biased, it is one-sided, it doesn’t have the version of the side which is badly hit or affected by this report,” Major General Athar Abbas, spokesman for the Pakistani military, told Reuters.
“So therefore, other than that, it’s factually incorrect.”

One Taliban commander, Mullah Qaseem, told the BBC that Pakistan had played a significant role in providing supplies and a hiding place for Afghan Taliban fighters.

Abbas denied the claim, questioning Qaseem’s credibility.
He said the head of Pakistan’s spy agency, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), had already said “not a single bullet or financial support” had been given to groups named in the BBC report.

Pakistan military denies BBC report on Taliban links – The Express Tribune
Freedom of speech is freedom of speech. It only stops when it incites violence.

The funny thing is that your country has it the wrong way round. You CAN'T criticise Islam, you can't draw Mohammed cartoons - but you CAN chant "death to America" and give hate speeches calling for killing infidels.

That's how screwed up you are.

Every person has a right to talk freely. Every person has a right to draw Mohammed. Every person has a right to change their religion.

We in the west have to listen to your hatred of us all the time, you don't see us running around fire bombing Mosques. Jews have to put up with your anti-semitism every day. Israel has to put up with "getting wiped off the map" comments everyday from Muslims.

You're a nation of children.

freedom of speech? my foot go out of your home with this sign and lets see how many kicks you got on your back after 15 minutes .

Freedom of speech is freedom of speech. It only stops when it incites violence.

The funny thing is that your country has it the wrong way round. You CAN'T criticise Islam, you can't draw Mohammed cartoons - but you CAN chant "death to America" and give hate speeches calling for killing infidels.

I disagree with all of the flag burning and hate speech thing, but that doesn't mean that drawing cartoons of Islamic Holy figures is justifiable, especially since that DOES incite violence just as much as chanting violent slogans and burning flags.

That's how screwed up you are.

Every person has a right to talk freely. Every person has a right to draw Mohammed. Every person has a right to change their religion.

No they don't have a right to draw cartoons of Islamic Holy figures because that's just playing with people's religious sentiments intentionally and will incite violent protests and riots.

We in the west have to listen to your hatred of us all the time, you don't see us running around fire bombing Mosques. Jews have to put up with your anti-semitism every day. Israel has to put up with "getting wiped off the map" comments everyday from Muslims.

You're a nation of children.

^^^What complete BS.
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