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Basant is banned for the right reasons

The truth behind the Basant ruling – The Express Tribune Blog

^^ read lets see what you have to say against this ...

ET stuff is almost twisted one with regard to many things. they bring Islam into everything and play on emotions and opinion of foreigners against Islam.

we all know what is the reason behind banning basant its NOT religious at all.

and please dont come up with a blog stuff based on opinion of the writer sans any proofs.

And please read few comments on the blog post. the writer has failed to sell his one sides lie .

here are few comments by readers :

Mystic Feb 24, 2011 - 9:51AM

Death of a single child is not worth all the festivities and tourism!!! Perhaps all those favoring the festival have never lost a loved one to this ‘festivity’.

Regardless of the reasons, unless there is foolproof way to prevent deaths and injuries, kite flying should remain banned.

Amer Feb 21, 2011 - 4:18PM

Oh Please! What rubbish!!
When I see an eight year old with a throat cut by a wire, I don’t think of the clerics or mullahs etc! I think of the barbarians who continue to sacrific the lives and limbs of innocent kids for their cultural pleasures! What’s the use of this culture if it gives us dead children? and please don’t start the argument that people die in car and airplane crashes as well!!! That’s the most illogical argument ever! If people die in car crashes then there are saftey rules for making a car and driving it. Where are the rules for flying a kite and how are they implemented? Was kite flying always banned? No, it wasn’t!!! The reason is that there weren’t children getting killed because of it! Why doesn’t the group who’s much in favor of flying kites do something about ending the illegal use of wires etc?
As long as there are wires that cut throats and people falling from roofs I think the best option is to ban the activity altogether. The government has so many other things to fight against….. give it a break for once! or do something yourself!! I am happy with the ban, if it hurts you so much then stop the practice of killing small children with wires before you start moaning about the clerics etc!!"
if basant is banned due to death of peoples ...... then car driving should be banned,then bike should be banned,then swimming should be banned there are lots of things which i can put on any forum why basant because it gives too much revenue lots of people from over-seas come just to celebrate basant and pakistan should not have any good event which shows pakistan a stable state........what rubbish gemma a break .........damn gunjays they should be kicked out along with PPP ......
if basant is banned due to death of peoples ...... then car driving should be banned,then bike should be banned,then swimming should be banned there are lots of things which i can put on any forum why basant because it gives too much revenue lots of people from over-seas come just to celebrate basant and pakistan should not have any good event which shows pakistan a stable state........what rubbish gemma a break .........damn gunjays they should be kicked out along with PPP ......
Some things are nesescity which cannot be left.and some things are Just for fun .

Do u want anyone to get hurt just because u want fun for a day or 2 .I think taking someone's life is the biggest crime a man can do after Shirk.
Wanna show the positive side of the Pakistan , try to change urself and try bringing change to ur neighborhood , e.g like picking up plastic wrpper and putting them in waste basket , removing things from the road so that no one gets hurts.

U do things fo Allah and u will see Pakistan will be heaven .As for me u might be thinkingi am giving speech to u but i try to do things myself .
and One thing that we as an indivisual and as a nation should develop is that we should develop
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