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Barbaric Gujrat Massacre - The Truth Behind The Story

They get power after all most 1000 year. And they're using this power to murder by their brother. The Muslim who live in India are they not Indian? I know Indian people are very much emotional people. So their leader can use them very easily.

I request you to learn what comes next after 1000. It has been 60+ years since independence and we are still stuck to same 1000 years. :lol:

I admit this riot is a blot of our country. But it is exaggarted beyond limit as someone posted some links. Also please go through the comments by Indian members which would give a good idea. Few enligntened ones are showing their knowledge about this tragic incidents.

However I am not defending the culprits. Those who are guilty, should be hanged rightaway. Everyone who died was an Indian. This should be prevented at all cost.
Using some non-authoritative website on the internet to justify or deny the Gujarat violence is actually disgusting to say the least. The lack of justice after the attacks even more so.

"Non-authoritative"? Everybody has a right to speak. One can refute it or put up with it.

Nobody is justifying or denying violence. The aim was just to point out some of the more egregious falsehoods being propagated by the so-called secularists and human-rights activists.

See Teesta, NGOs fabricated Gujarat riot incidents: Special Investigation Team (SIT) - The Times of India

Well at least the Congress has publicly apologized for their sikh riots and even have a sikh PM. When can we expect Modi and BJP to do the same, or atleast apologise for it?

Apologies are meaningless. Simply punish the guilty. Why have Tytler and Sajjan Kumar not been punished?
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Apologies are meaningless. Simply punish the guilty. Why have Tytler and Sajjan Kumar not been punished?

Why haven't VHP, Bajrang Dal and RSS leaders been arrested? Why hasnt the Shiv Sena chief been arrested for the 92 riots even though openly admitting that "his boys" killed muslims in Mumbai?
Why haven't VHP, Bajrang Dal and RSS leaders been arrested? Why hasnt the Shiv Sena chief been arrested for the 92 riots even though openly admitting that "his boys" killed muslims in Mumbai?

You tell us. Also, please provide a ref for Thackeray's alleged admission.
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Thackeray's are Goondas..nothing else.... all these politicians needs to be tried and put to jail........it's time now that examples are set.
I am also confident that all the criminals of Gujrat Riots will eventually be accounted for and punished.....act of Omission is also an act of Commission.

No one is leaving the Congress of the hook, so no need to hide behind the Congress. Just because Congress was wrong in '84, that is enough to justify the BJP to do the same in 2002?

Just ponder on this, if the Gujarat govt. had nothing to fear and were honest in all investigations, why did it take until the SC intervention in 2007 to BEGIN the riot cases PROPERLY. Why were there no SITs and fast track cases issued by the Guajrat govt. itself in 2002? Infact, the then Law minister denied the possibility of using fast track cases to try these cases.

Now compare this to Patnaik's Orissa govt. once they parted ways with the BJP. They setup fast track courts soon after the riots in end of 2008 itself . They already have convictions now in less than two years. But it took 7+ years to begin getting justice for the riot victims in Gujarat.

Justice delayed is Justice denied. And no one, including the congress can be excused from that. Here is an excerpt in 2003.

Meanwhile, State Law Minister Ashok Bhatt has ruled out the possibility of setting up special courts to try the riot-related cases. "We will be setting up fast-track courts, but the riot cases cannot be tried in them." He said these cases wold continue to be tried in the regular criminal courts along with the other cases.

The other glaring discrepancy is the number of absconders; 180 of the accused in the riot cases have disappeared. The list of absconders include eight accused in the Naroda-Patia case, 11 in the Gulbarg Society case, four for rioting at Rakhial and two for the murder of a government employee, Devanand Solanki, at Gomtipur.

The police, meanwhile, continue to publish advertisements threatening absconders with strict action like attachment of immovable and movable property. Defence lawyers believe they may finally be declared proclaimed offenders. A lawyer, on condition of anonymity, explained, "Once this happens, the cases will be on weaker ground. The chances of conviction would become slim."
The Gujarat Riots: A year later

Saying that the riots were bad but "not as bad" as Teesta is saying is just reprehensible. If she did fabricate allegations it was stupid of her. Because with the real cases, there was just no need.

I mentioned the apology to show that atleast the Congress considers the violence wrong. Apology without justice is ofcourse meaningless. But do we have any proof that the Modi adminstration regrets the mindless violence in part fueled by members of his administration like Kodani? Have they morally owned up to their responsibility to protect their Gujaratis irrespective of religion and pledged to prevent any such future events? Has Modi devised a plan were in the future if Ex-MPs call him informing about the security situation, he will give a prompt response? Godhra Riots: Another Witness (Roopa Mody) Says Jaffery had Called Modi

The lest the Gujarat govt. (and we) can do is condemn this mindless violence at this level irrespective of religion or race and pledge to prevent this from happening ever again. Instead of fueling minor incidents to take communal advantage for political purposes. Because 99% of such communal riots happen for such political purposes.
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It should be noticed that it was the bunch of Muslims who started the Gujarat riots by burning the train of the Hindu pilgrims in godhra (known as godhra kand) in Gujarat...which provoke the riots b/w the two communities.

No one is leaving the Congress of the hook, so no need to hide behind the Congress. Just because Congress was wrong in '84, that is enough to justify the BJP to do the same in 2002?

Please don't put words in my mouth, I never condoned any violence.

Just ponder on this, if the Gujarat govt. had nothing to fear and were honest in all investigations, why did it take until the SC intervention in 2007 to BEGIN the riot cases PROPERLY.

Saying that the riots were bad but "not as bad" as Teesta is saying is just reprehensible. If she did fabricate allegations it was stupid of her. Because with the real cases, there was just no need.

I don't claim that the hands of all members of the Gujarat government are entirely clean.

As regards Teesta, she alone can say why she has been fabricating stories. She may have felt the need because the real stories were not melodramatic enough.

I mentioned the apology to show that atleast the Congress considers the violence wrong. Apology without justice is ofcourse meaningless. But do we have any proof that the Modi adminstration regrets the mindless violence in part fueled by members of his administration like Kodani? Have they morally owned up to their responsibility to protect their Gujaratis irrespective of religion and pledged to prevent any such future events? Has Modi devised a plan were in the future if Ex-MPs call him informing about the security situation, he will give a prompt response?

Modi has gone beyond the Congress by stating that all those responsible for violence should be punished. On the other hand, the Congress makes meaningless apologies while continuing to look for ways to get the murderous Congressmen off the hook.

That is what Roopa Mody is saying about what Jaffrey told her about what Modi had allegedly told him. Who knows what Modi actually said?

There are many contemporary news reports that indicate that Modi was trying hard to curb the violence. Read the links that I posted.

I am not claiming that everybody in his cabinet had clean hands. Some of the people implicated in the violence were kicked out by the BJP. They joined the Congress and are now walking free as Congressmen.

Secularists need to deeply introspect - how is it that accomplished liars and fabricators like the abhorrent Teesta are being given national and international awards, while the some of the people who committed the violence are walking around as Congressmen?

And it's not just Teesta - there is a whole industry of people who earn their bread by propagating falsehoods about India - read the link about the so-called "sting" conducted by Tehelka on Babu Bajrangi.

These phenomena have occurred many times in recent history. There is very strong evidence showing that Gandhi was assassinated by colonial interests with the complicity of elements of the Congress, using Godse as a useful idiot. The real culprits went free, while RSS was banned in the aftermath. See Assassination of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Also see Rajinder Puri's articles Mahatma Gandhi's Assassination and An Interpretation: Why Gandhi's Silence on Partition? for essential background.

Interestingly, it is the same pattern that is to be seen in the violence that followed the brutal assassination of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati in Kandhamal by Christian factions of the Maoist Party. There was a whole industry of people that was hell-bent on implicating the RSS - but the interim report by the investigating commission makes it clear that the violence was essentially a local phenomenon.
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The problem with the Gujarat riots was, that policemen were seen directing the rioters on where to go, plus they had electoral lists given by civil servants, that showed muslim households to target.

Police were seen either idly standing by, or actively helping the orchestrated 'mobs' to target kill.

This official sanction, and indeed, official complicity in the Gujarat massacres, is what exposes the Bharti establishment generally, and the Gujarat govt. specifically as RSS infiltrated, Hindutva orientated, Sangh Parivar influenced, Saffron wearing, Trishul brandishing criminals that they are.

Without doubt, Bharat is an extremist HIndu State, masquerading as a secular,democratic republic.

Dont say Bharat or India, say Gujarat in that case. Had india be extermist then BJP would not have lost elections so badly and that too with their ally's .. BJP is now narrowed to 2 sates in india out of 31.
Common guys. No need to discuss this on a pakistani forum.

Today's gujarat is india's most prosperous state and even muslims are happier there.

Just think whom are we discussing indias internal problems, with pakistanis. I think they need to learn to wipe their a**s first before advising us on anything.

When hundreds of sikhs were thrown out by taliban, what did the pakistan government do, play 'WAR-WAR" with taliban and fool the entire world.

We have enough national forums to discuss our own issues.

Our judicial system, inspite of its weaknesses, is far far superior to mulla-dominated barbaric farcical judiciary if any in pakistan.

Let Pakistan first become secular by constitution before we discuss anything about secularism with them.
this hindu murder campaign makes me feel disgusted to my stomach ... does any one know when were these secret tapes braodcasted by Tehelka ?
this hindu murder campaign makes me feel disgusted to my stomach ... does any one know when were these secret tapes braodcasted by Tehelka ?

The problem with Pakistani's are that they think only about Muslims that too selectively. Then comes anti Hindu, so if there is any conflict with Hindus with others Hindus are always wrong in their opinion. With this kind of mindset which distinguish bewteen dead bodies based on religion no debate is possible. Why they never discuss Godhra? Because killing of Hindus is fine.
The problem with Pakistani's are that they think only about Muslims that too selectively.
we are a muslim state so fundamentaly we are too think about muslim civilians at priority & FYI the whole idea behind partition was a separate state for muslims so that they can practice their religion and such henious acts like babari mosque and gujrat masacares are prevented. So this Gujrat event is a big time sham for so called "greatest democrazy" and this guys out in the open accepting what they did and none action taken means they are making a mockery of Indian democracy.

Then comes anti Hindu, so if there is any conflict with Hindus with others Hindus are always wrong in their opinion. With this kind of mindset which distinguish bewteen dead bodies based on religion no debate is possible. Why they never discuss Godhra? Because killing of Hindus is fine.i dont know

no civilian human killing is good & its forbiden in Islam.Most of the pakistanis condemn the act commited by Ajmal kasab and his fellas nor the Godhra event was fair if it was conducted by muslims!? If you hear the guys out in the documentary please note as highlighted by some members the morons were saying that it was fully planned. Therefore if we now look at it all was pre-planed and Godhra could be a part of bigger plan by hindu extemists.

Now what you and other indian members have to know and understand + accept it out in the open that like Pakistani extermists Islamic fundos you also have Indian hindu extermists problem big i.e niether one of us are saint and instead of continious ranting on each other we should rather clean up our act and get rid of this giants maniac who is up pakistan now but seems hidden in India. 160 killed in Mumbai and there were 2000 killed in Gujrat = 2160 dead!

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