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Bannu blast 26 security personal Embraced Shahdat.

Some noobie Indians are trolling in this thread too . Time to unleash banhammer on them .
never say that to your motherland :astagh:
look dear i am from indus vally civilization which is here since 8000 years and yes i am from a town which is already some thousands years old . call it pakistan lakistan or takistan its not the problem let humans live or bring some solutions on table . when there was no hindustaan pakistan india even ISLAM and HINDUISM humans were living here with other names . i am not blind worshiper of names and flags . we can't live with river of blood and monsters semi humans we are from land of sufis and sants not mullahs and guns . we merge in pakistan in 1955 nor we were part of British india before 1947 we were free state since 300 years .
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indians,stop fighting on this thread,

man,this is shocking.

RIP to all the deceased.

And what about the unnatural , British drawn , Pakistan-India border then ?
What should be the eastern "natural border" of Pakistan ??

it is a gentleman agreement between jinnah saab and gandhiji,which we ll respect till we ourselves think otherwise.
What its there to look at India? Northen Indian states like Bihar have more population then Pakistan combined and per capita lower then FATA. Yes lower then Pakistan's FATA areas! 74% of Indian punjabis are drug addicts and Indian Punjab is being taken over by Biharis.

Most of development happen in South India and unfortunately we dont have borders with them. So Pakistan don't have to look at India. Most of terrorism happen in Fata and KPK. And in Indian case their Easter states.
so what is our fault why are we suffering ? go to hell FATA and state . we are suffering because in our country there is a part where monsters live and eat humans ? so why not we left this country ? what is the relation between a tribal or pakhtoon and a sariki riyasti ? they are born to fight and fighting is their life . since hundreds of years its their work . they have ni mercy in hearts and killing human is a joke for them . why should we live in a cage with animals ? simply why ?
Nawaz cancels Switzerland visit in wake of Bannu attack
Published: January 19, 2014

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Sunday decided to cancel his visit to Davos, Switzerland in wake of the recent bomb explosion in Bannu, which killed 20 security officers.

Nawaz was supposed to be in Davos on January 21 for the World Economic Forum meet.

“Our nation is united against extremism and terrorism and the sacrifices rendered by our citizens and personnel of law-enforcement agencies will not go in vain”, a press statement said quoting Nawaz.

Earlier, the Prime Minister strongly condemned the attack in Bannu, which targeted a security convoy leaving from a check post for Waziristan.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility of the attack. The group had earlier vowed to step up attacks on security forces after electing Mullah Fazlullah as its chief at the end of last year.
Maulana Sami ul Haq and Gen. Hamid Gul are saying that there is no other solution to this except negotiations. If Pakistan undertakes any operation in North Waziristan the whole Pakistan and particularly Punjab will turn into Waziristan and FATA as this time Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network will also join TTP in the fight if there's any conflict in North Waziristan.
Therefore using force is simply not an option. Talks, Talks and only Talks. Period.
Maulana Sami ul Haq and Gen. Hamid Gul are saying that there is no other solution to this except negotiations. If Pakistan undertakes any operation in North Waziristan the whole Pakistan and particularly Punjab will turn into Waziristan and FATA as this time Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network will also join TTP in the fight if there's any conflict in North Waziristan.
Therefore using force is simply not an option. Talks, Talks and only Talks. Period.
break the country its not something holy book
break the country its not something holy book
sir breaking the country dosn seem like a good option....will only result in unnecessary loss of innocent lives

and pakistan is not a weak country tat needs to be broken into pieces.....all it needs is some political will power....army will do the rest of the job perfectly
Some analysts Dr. Shahid Masood etc are saying that if Army moves inside North Waziristan there's a high probability that the Army might get besieged by the Taliban from all sides and consequently the Army's supply line in SWA might get severed. Stakes are too high and extremely risky therefore sane voices are warning about any misadventure and stressing to find a negotiated settlement. Govt must not ignore these warnings and think over what Maulana Sami ul Haq and Gen. Hameed Gul are warning. They understand the dynamics of those regions much better than the present corrupt rulers.
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