There is one thing I learn in life, NOTHING is free. There will be a point in life where you are so dependent on these FREE services that you are practically enslaved to it. Google is now virtually an evil Monopoly doing US bidding. Imagine you challenge US, the next day all Google services is disrupted in your country, by then you can only silently say WE ARE FUCKED. China is the only country ON EARTH free from this stranglehold.
1. Google is a private enterprise, and it is doing well because its products are competitive and/or matchless.
2. US Department of State did not force people to adopt Google. Refer back to point 1 above.
3. Google grants YOU decent level of control in regards to visibility of your personal information on the web; YOU can wipe your entire history clean if you want to.
4. To an outsider, whether applications in use are Chinese or American, potential vulnerabilities are a constant.
In fact, Chinese are notorious for hacking and/or cyber infiltrations. I have experienced this problem firsthand, and one of my cards is no longer accepted on Google consequently.
5. US have a beef with China due to trade-related considerations. Chinese leadership should sort out its problems with Trump administration at earliest.
6. Consumers should be FREE to choose among potential services. Governments should stay out of this matter.
Nobody is stopping you from your addiction to the Google monopoly.
Not everyone would want to have all their data controlled by Google, well known to be conniving with the US government.
My TV programs are free along with their advertisements which is also where GOOGLE get most of their revenue.
Unless you are NAIVE???
See above.
Perhaps you need to dig into following.
1. Chinese espioniage programs.
2. Chinese hacking initiatives*.
*You are not safe even if you are on Western platforms such as VISA. Refer to point 4 above.
As for NSA, it can extract information from your unplugged hardware, let alone your access to WWW. Maybe consider moving to a cave?