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Bangladeshis unhappy over support to Pakistan

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@ Vinod 2070

If Pakistanis are all indian converts and ethinically same then why ur fellow indians themselves say that Pakistanis look different
from indians, i have a bengali friend who says he can tell whether a person is from Pakistan or India just by looking at him/her.
Your argument is so stupid, ur own fellow indians reject that.
Argue with me on these facts...today is world of science..and the world isn't living on
brainwashing and theories as u and ur fellow bhartis do.

Leave aside the features , research shows even the skulls of the majority of two poppulations
are different. Lol

About 70% of Pakistanis are Caucasoid by race, 20% Australoid- Negroid, and 10% Mongoloid in their overall genetic composition. . While the racial features of each ethnic group are not uniform, Pashtuns are the most Caucasoid, followed by Kashmiris, Baluchis, north Punjabis, and then Sindhis, Seraikis, Urdu-speakers, etc. The Australoid-Negroid and Mongoloid racial elements are quite infused within the dominant Caucasoid genes among Pakistanis, however there are some that have retained their distinct racial characteristics.

About 50% of Indians are Australoid-Negroid by race, 35% Caucasoid, and 15% Mongoloid in their overall genetic composition. Majority of Indians are darker in their skin complexion, with wider noses, shorter heights, etc. The Australoid-Dravidoid racial element dominates among the lower caste Indians, South Indians, Eastern and Central Indians, etc. The Caucasoid racial element dominates in Northwest Indians and higher caste Indians. The Mongoloid racial element dominates in Northeast Indians and border regions with China.

[B]I have used pre Islamic, post Islamic history both for the region of Pakistan in the previous post, to prove that Pakistani people are a blend of different heritages, including pre and post Islamic... yet brainwashed people like you still insist on some fantasy which never happened and was never there in the first place.[/B]

Pakistan can be divided into 2 Parts.

West of Durand Line
East of Durand Line

The people in the west Balochis and Pathans can get lost. We don't care about them. They are Afghans with Turkish, Persian or Arab ancestry.

The people to the East are Indic people. That is a part of the Indian Subcontinent. They are Indians in the broader sense.

Infact, people in Afghanistan can trace their ancestry to Hindus or the Buddhists of the Gandhara Civilization long before Islam when it was a part of the Indian Empire.
Pakistan can be divided into 2 Parts.

West of Durand Line
East of Durand Line

The people in the west Balochis and Pathans can get lost. We don't care about them. They are Afghans with Turkish, Persian or Arab ancestry.

The people to the East are Indic people. That is a part of the Indian Subcontinent. They are Indians in the broader sense.

Infact, people in Afghanistan can trace their ancestry to Hindus or the Buddhists of the Gandhara Civilization long before Islam when it was a part of the Indian Empire.

Dude no use explaining all this in all honesty. It's been implemented in most of their brains of God knows what. :rolleyes:
Pakistan can be divided into 2 Parts.

West of Durand Line
East of Durand Line

The people in the west Balochis and Pathans can get lost. We don't care about them. They are Afghans with Turkish, Persian or Arab ancestry.

The people to the East are Indic people. That is a part of the Indian Subcontinent. They are Indians in the broader sense.

Infact, people in Afghanistan can trace their ancestry to Hindus or the Buddhists of the Gandhara Civilization long before Islam when it was a part of the Indian Empire.

How did Afghanistan come into this thread?
How did Afghanistan come into this thread?

He's explaining that Afghanistan was also part of the Gandhara Civilization therefore they too can trace their ancestry as Buddhists. Example the Buddhas of Bamiyan or even the word "Kandahar" which is a corrupted word of "Gandhara"

The name Afghan is believed to be first attested in its Arabic form in the 10th century Ḥudūd al-ʿĀlam. It likely derives from a Sanskritic tribal name, Aśvaka, used in reference to the Kambojas in antiquity. The Arabic Afġān is an adaptation of the Prakritic form अवगाना (Avagānā), as first used by Varahamihira in his Bṛhat Saṃhitā in 6th century CE. Since the Middle Ages, "Afghan" has been used as a synonym for Pashtun, while the native name for the ethnic group is "Pashtun".
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