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Bangladeshi protesters burnt Pakistani flag outside HC in Dhaka

Not that it is 'significant' but I just wanted to point out that two of the banners behind the guys has the word 'Hindu' in it....one of them(saffron one on the LHS of the pic) says 'Hindu Songhoti' which means 'Hindu Solidarity'.........let the games begin!:devil:
I have a question for you, just you or any other Bengali. Indians please dont even bother.

You guys have a substantial hindu population in your country. How involved are they in politics. And how possible is it that they are part of these shenanigans that are taking place?

I am asking this, as I know many a Bengali's here, and sweet people. They seem to get along with Pakistanis just well.
But there are some regulation on not interfering to other countries internal mater too .keep that in mind .

LOL.... That does not give Bangladesh carte Blanche to not avoid Art 22 and 27.

Would you do or not do this to those people who recently declared your soldiers as "unmartyrs" and martyrified Shri Hakimullah Ji?

Did you see us do that to them on the street... Then there is you answer!
Well as expected there weren't more than 500 + shabagis gathered in front of PAK embassay yesterday. :lol: Not even 1000s as reported by daily star. And consider the fact that 20% r police guarding surrounding them. These r the typical indo-awami shabagi extremist clan who are bought out when there is any need to divert attention and when u have 100% controlled media u turn a molehill into a mountainous issue.

The complete overview:

পাকিস্তানের সঙ্গে কূটনৈতিক সম্পর্ক ছিন্ন করতে শাহবাগিদের আলটিমেটাম : গুলশানে হাইকমিশন ঘেরাও
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I have a question for you, just you or any other Bengali. Indians please dont even bother.

You guys have a substantial hindu population in your country. How involved are they in politics. And how possible is it that they are part of these shenanigans that are taking place?

I am asking this, as I know many a Bengali's here, and sweet people. They seem to get along with Pakistanis just well.

There r some 10% hindus in BD most of who have close relatives in India too. And thus they have a natural loyalty to India. Majority hindus vote for AL and this time many high profile AL ministers involved in mega corruption scam were hindus. Over the last 5 years there have been disproportionate amount of hindus in the bureaucracy & police regardless of merit . The media is also run from delhi now, the major ones. Civil institution have been awamized with corrupt thugs (both hindus & "muslims"). They r very much involved in AL politics, the well off ones. The SHabag circus clowns r are directly indian backed.

BTW hindu houses and temples have been burned to ashes by AL cadres to blame the opposition but then most such cases get unreported in english dailies, all of which r owned by AL.
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Anyways, Bangladesh has much more Muslim population. Hindus are reduced to very small percentage. I don't know why people are dragging BD Hindus. They are already scared and hiding because of Jamaat supporters.

Shouldnt matter to us if the razaakars and jamaatis and pakistanis in this forum want to blame hindus.

Most of the war crimes were commited on Hindus in BD i Have heard, so the BD Hindus need to come out and make sure all the jamati and pakistani razakar scums get maximum punishment like their dear rapist and murderer leader got the noose a few days ago.
Nothing fascist, the only fascist bigots were the jamaatis and pakistani state in 1971 these people are speaking out against. Hindus were particularly targetted by Pakistani Army and razakars and jamatis from what I have read about 1971. Its time the whole world knows about it, and these Hindus are doing a very good job.

Good on them, may more mullahs like the one a few days ago hang and rot in hell for their crimes :tup:
Tomatoes tamatos, who gives a fucks.
We fully support the Bangladeshi people and will help them defeat the Indian invasion, however our support has to be covert. Indians will have to pay...one way or another.
yeah yeah we'll pay. you want check or cash
Well clearly you and a bunch of your pakistani friends, else why are you in this thread :P
This is a Pakistani Forum & we don't need any bhariti to tell us where we should be or where we shouldn't :coffee:
@Anubis do tell me these guys are hindus too
My comments were specifically about that picture...that showed an organization called Hindu Samhati from Kolkata burning Pak flag but was attributed to Bangladesh ....Nowhere did I mention that the people burning flags in BD were all Hindus..I am tired of explaining this to retards!

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