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Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

Government of the stooge, by the crook and for the crook would naturally give in to crook's demand, compriente?

Selected by the crook? Or opposed by the wicked?

The days of the crook are limited in Bangladesh now. Run as fast as you can.
Selected by the crook? Or opposed by the wicked?

The days of the crook are limited in Bangladesh now. Run as fast as you can.
There Kali goes around to show her implanted boobs but Alas! she doesn't notice that spicy smell of those doesn't actually impress others. Thus her lovers haven't realized that the 'Wicked' would have been defined correctly if Ghoras hadn't given them 'Mighty Bharat' along with 'Might is right' cleverism.
Wonder why India generates such hatred amongst its neighbours. Could stealing land, genociding Muslims over accidental fires, pulling down Mosques, forcing conversions to Hinduism, carrying out Sanjhuta type false flags and killing more Muslims, carrying out terrorist activities in neighbouring countries, raping and pillaging have anything to do with it?

Look at yourselves, unstable neighbours and you would know what ailes you.
The only ones who would disagree are those untouched by any wisdom!

Living in denial and failing to grow beyond a 7th century desert.

It was Islam that brought knowledge and science to the world. For 5 centuries Islam was leading all other civilizations in science, art, government, military tactics, literature and many other things. It exhausted itself as the West is doing now but it can come back as a rejuvenated force.
It was Islam that brought knowledge and science to the world. For 5 centuries Islam was leading all other civilizations in science, art, government, military tactics, literature and many other things. It exhausted itself as the West is doing now but it can come back as a rejuvenated force.

This is one of the most parodied phrase and represents a forlorn hope instead of being based on facts. The world saw how united the Muslim world is recently: The Arabs were reluctant even to attend a summit on Gaza, let alone a common statement condemning Israel. The country that took the strongest action was Venezuela's Chavez by expelling the Israeli ambassador. What did Muslim countries do, other than shaking their heads in disapproval?
Are they taking any steps in moving towards the Islamic rejuvenation that you so confidently predict?
This is one of the most parodied phrase and represents a forlorn hope instead of being based on facts. The world saw how united the Muslim world is recently: The Arabs were reluctant even to attend a summit on Gaza, let alone a common statement condemning Israel. The country that took the strongest action was Venezuela's Chavez by expelling the Israeli ambassador. What did Muslim countries do, other than shaking their heads in disapproval?
Are they taking any steps in moving towards the Islamic rejuvenation that you so confidently predict?

Islam is not only the Arabs.
Islam is not only the Arabs.

Well, they are really the only ones who have the means to effect change in the Islamic world. They have the holy places, they have the oil....and yet they lack the unity, they lack the will, they lack the progressive attitude that made the West great powers. Will Bangladesh lead the Muslim world and rejuvenate it? Where is this elusive great leader or country who will lead you to super-powerdom?
Well, they are really the only ones who have the means to effect change in the Islamic world. They have the holy places, they have the oil....and yet they lack the unity, they lack the will, they lack the progressive attitude that made the West great powers. Will Bangladesh lead the Muslim world and rejuvenate it? Where is this elusive great leader or country who will lead you to super-powerdom?

That leader may be an Indian Muslim ready to establish a new Mughal empire.
That leader may be an Indian Muslim ready to establish a new Mughal empire.

Good fantasy, but let me help you get real....I was serious when I mentioned Bangladesh. The sort of leaders who can help you move forward are those like Prof. Muhammad Yunus, your fellow-citizen and world-renown founder of Grameen Bank. You don't need a messiah, a mullah or a maulvi. You simply need more people like Prof. Yunus. who is not interested in global Islamic dominance, but is simply dedicating his life to improving the lives of impoverished people. His is the power of thought, and of action...produce a few like him in every Muslim country and you will see the first steps towards a resurgent, modern Islam.
Good fantasy, but let me help you get real....I was serious when I mentioned Bangladesh. The sort of leaders who can help you move forward are those like Prof. Muhammad Yunus, your fellow-citizen and world-renown founder of Grameen Bank. You don't need a messiah, a mullah or a maulvi. You simply need more people like Prof. Yunus. who is not interested in global Islamic dominance, but is simply dedicating his life to improving the lives of impoverished people. His is the power of thought, and of action...produce a few like him in every Muslim country and you will see the first steps towards a resurgent, modern Islam.

Prof. Yunus is not the leader that Islam needs. His Grameen Bank charges 35% which is in any language usury or riba i.e. the charging of extortionate rates of interest. He may be a business leader but he is not one for the poor or certainly not for Islam. Why did not all the poor clamour to support him when he floated a political party? He has no place in politics.
Prof. Yunus is not the leader that Islam needs. His Grameen Bank charges 35% which is in any language usury or riba i.e. the charging of extortionate rates of interest. He may be a business leader but he is not one for the poor or certainly not for Islam. Why did not all the poor clamour to support him when he floated a political party? He has no place in politics.

I don't know about his political aspirations so cannot comment on that aspect. I admire the fact that he saved many from penury and a life of abject poverty. He is a Nobel Prize winner, so the world majority thinks he is definitely a person who deserves respect.

Still the larger question remains: Is there anyone out there that qualifies as a global Muslim leader in your view, who can lead the world's Muslims to superpower status? Is there any Muslim country out there whom you admire? I thought Turkey would be a good candidate, but now it wants to join European Union. It's obviously not interested in leading a global Islamic revolution.
It was Islam that brought knowledge and science to the world. For 5 centuries Islam was leading all other civilizations in science, art, government, military tactics, literature and many other things. It exhausted itself as the West is doing now but it can come back as a rejuvenated force.

Get real for a change! Your well parroted rhetoric impresses no one!

Human beings have strived for knowledge long before any religion including Islam and will continue long after. Knowledge is not the "milkiat" of any religion!
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