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Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

Scum that fathered his country as per his own claims! :lol:

Probably not so worthless after all. If an entire shyt book can be written about conspiracy theories of the same RAW!
Scum that fathered his country as per his own claims! :lol:

Probably not so worthless after all. If an entire shyt book can be written about conspiracy theories of the same RAW!

RAW was only the wet nurse. It doesn't have the b****s to be a father. RAW should grow a pair before it thinks of having off-spring.

My book uses primarily Indian sources.
RAW was only the wet nurse. It doesn't have the b****s to be a father. RAW should grow a pair before it thinks of having off-spring.

Who was the father then?

My book uses primarily Indian sources.

So! Are all Indian sources reliable? Do you also believe what they write about Bangladesh?
So! Are all Indian sources reliable? Do you also believe what they write about Bangladesh?

Most Indian sources are involved in propaganda against Bangladesh which shows a particular policy influenced by a RAW agenda. There are also direct admissions by former RAW officers of their nefarious intent concerning Bangladesh.
Prosecuting Gupta would need his DNA samples at a minimum.

It seems India is reluctant to and over Gupta or his DNA samples. Perhaps because it will produce a mismatch to his alleged father.
It's not exactly trolling to suggest that Gupta's DNA samples have not been handed to Pakistan. That's simple facts.

Should they be handed to Pakistan, obviously the mismatch would then occur.

In fact, it would be nice if Flintlock and Vinod paid less attention to my posts instead of responding to them within a minute through their early warning systems.
B’desh admits terrorists may have used its soil to target India

LAHORE: Bangladesh has admitted that its territory might have been used by terrorist groups to target India, a private TV channel reported on Wednesday. “The terrorist attacks that have been carried out within the region in the recent months, even in Mumbai … there is a cross-border linkage among all the terrorists,” Bangladesh Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hassan Memoud said, the channel reported. He admitted that the banned militant outfit, Harkatul Jihadul Islami, continues to function in his country. The minister promised a crackdown on militants saying that terrorists in the South Asian region had cross-border links. The channel quoted him as saying that terrorist outfits such as the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and Harkatul Jihad were trained in Afghanistan and Pakistan before coming to Bangladesh. daily times monitor

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Wonder why India generates such hatred amongst its neighbours. Could stealing land, genociding Muslims over accidental fires, pulling down Mosques, forcing conversions to Hinduism, carrying out Sanjhuta type false flags and killing more Muslims, carrying out terrorist activities in neighbouring countries, raping and pillaging have anything to do with it?
Probably because India is the only functional democracy for more than a thousand miles around in a region marred by despotism and religious and tribal fanaticism.
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