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Bangladesh Webs Hacked by Indians

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As far as any critical govt sites and information most of these are already infiltrated by indians through stooges. So indian hacking will not get anything more than what already provided by stooges.

But indian business operating in Bangladesh are different story. Starting Bharati airtel options for obstructing their business are plenty.
This indian hacking opened the door for hacking any and all important indian business and govt website. Indians has lost any ethical arguments if and when table is turned. Bharti airtel is running their business in Bangladesh now and there are plenty of options to disrrupt airtel business. All these are legit actions as indians has brought it upon on themselves.

Another interesting thing to notice is that hindu fundamentalism has reached such an extreme that even average indians directly or indirectly support terror acts of their country and countryman.

:lol:why do we want to hack the little guys what good is it for us we dont get anything do we:what:
:lol:why do we want to hack the little guys what good is it for us we dont get anything do we:what:

Haccking by indians is not for gaininging anything significant but thats how hindu fundamentalist get sense of accomplishment from their destructive work and rest of fundamentalist cheer from sideline.
For those who came in late, or those who would never ever come, here are a few steps into how it is done:

1. Reconnaissance (Active/ Passive)
2. Scanning
3. Gaining Access (OS Level/Application Level, Network Level, Denial of Service)
4. Maintaining Access (Uploading/ Altering etc)
5. Covering Tracks

The above points are each a huge topic to discuss it here anyway, so kids, spare me the pain.

To Bangladeshis - prove that it was done by Indian Hackers substantially or do not whine.

If someone from India hacks some Sri Lankan Govt. websites and puts up a couple of these lines:

"Amar shonar Bangla,
Ami tomae bhalobashi

Chirodin tomar akash,
Tomar batash,
Amar prane bajae bãshi"

Will this then mean Bangladeshi hackers hacked those Sri Lankan websites?
Haccking by indians is not for gaininging anything significant but thats how hindu fundamentalist get sense of accomplishment from their destructive work and rest of fundamentalist cheer from sideline.

dude are you insane????
why do you see everything with religious glasses.........
kudos to whosoever did your brainwash.... perfect job!!

btw for your information we are 1.2 billion Hindu + Muslim + Sikh + Christian + Jew + Buddhist + Jain + ....... strong INDIANS!

i am a Hindu and i hate when anyone call my nation a hindu state....

we have our own religion ...... INDIANISM!
we have our holy book ' Constitution of Republic of Union of India'

India is our fundamental .... and yes we are fundamentalist!

Jai Hind!
BD should be worried about the safety of its govt and military communications system. Computer/internet itself is not that secured. One with a proper cyber knowledge can even hyjack the screen of another computer, can see it instantly.

As far as I know, Israel has tried very hard even to enter into the softwares the Iranians install to operate their missiles. I just do not know how it is possible. But, somehow, Iranians suspected this and have devised a lock system to outskirt Israeli intrusion.

Well most of the computers which stores sensitive information regarding national security is not connected to the internet. We had hard time selling a solution to one of the law enforcement agencies in Bangladesh and they did not want to be connected through internent. They maintain their own network to connect their different servers in different office location.
For those who came in late, or those who would never ever come, here are a few steps into how it is done:

1. Reconnaissance (Active/ Passive)
2. Scanning
3. Gaining Access (OS Level/Application Level, Network Level, Denial of Service)
4. Maintaining Access (Uploading/ Altering etc)
5. Covering Tracks

The above points are each a huge topic to discuss it here anyway, so kids, spare me the pain.

To Bangladeshis - prove that it was done by Indian Hackers substantially or do not whine.

If someone from India hacks some Sri Lankan Govt. websites and puts up a couple of these lines:

"Amar shonar Bangla,
Ami tomae bhalobashi

Chirodin tomar akash,
Tomar batash,
Amar prane bajae bãshi"

Will this then mean Bangladeshi hackers hacked those Sri Lankan websites?
'Indian' IP address detected
The Prime Minister's Office says it has traced an Indian IP (Internet protocol) address used for hacking 20 district portals of Bangladesh on Saturday.

"We have initially detected an Indian IP address that belongs to Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited, one of the largest Internet service providers in India," said SM Akash, media manager of Access to Information (A2i) team of the PMO, yesterday.

Professional hackers however use various methods to hide their real IP address and location, he said.

The Bangladesh government will ask VSNL for details of the IP address and the hacker's location, said the media manager.

Twenty district websites operated by the PMO were hacked on Saturday.

The hackers claiming to be Indians threatened Bangladesh with a cyber war if any Pakistani terrorist enters India via Bangladesh.

Home Secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikder said they restored the websites on Saturday night.

Some Hindi letters and "JAI HIND!" were posted on the hacked websites
'Indian' IP address detected
'Indian' IP address detected
The Prime Minister's Office says it has traced an Indian IP (Internet protocol) address used for hacking 20 district portals of Bangladesh on Saturday.

"We have initially detected an Indian IP address that belongs to Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited, one of the largest Internet service providers in India," said SM Akash, media manager of Access to Information (A2i) team of the PMO, yesterday.

Professional hackers however use various methods to hide their real IP address and location, he said.

The Bangladesh government will ask VSNL for details of the IP address and the hacker's location, said the media manager.

Twenty district websites operated by the PMO were hacked on Saturday.

The hackers claiming to be Indians threatened Bangladesh with a cyber war if any Pakistani terrorist enters India via Bangladesh.

Home Secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikder said they restored the websites on Saturday night.

Some Hindi letters and "JAI HIND!" were posted on the hacked websites
'Indian' IP address detected

proxies? :D :taz:
The websites were generally informational in nature. The concern of actual data loss or theft is low.

The issue I see is the hostilities of the average Indian. The constant feeding of unhealthy dosage of false information is trickling down to every Hori and Krishna. Which in turn fostering extremism in the general population.

The unabated BSF shootings on the border. If you have enough support in the general population for border shootings, however despicable that maybe, will go on.

I was quite taken by the level of hostilities shown by a segment of the Indian posters. I hope this is not a true representation of the common Indian folks.

The constant drumbeat of the media is causing a common individual to take on the acts of web vandalism.

The real issues of India been around long before BD came into existence. BD has nothing to do with Kashmir, NE insurgency, and Maoism. However, every time something happens in the NE, someone in the media will write the story with a side of "terrorist finding refuge in the neighboring country."

Maoism is an Indian home grown issue that was exported to Bangladesh SE neighboring West Bengal. i don't hear media talking about that.

The media is constantly telling the folks don't look at NE, the real problem is they are from BD. Don't look at the Naxals, its BD folks coming in by the millions.

I don't think the Indian attacker is aware of whats going on in India or at least the magnitude of the issues.
As far as I know, Israel has tried very hard even to enter into the softwares the Iranians install to operate their missiles. I just do not know how it is possible.

A little basic of the Trojan horse used by the hackers to take over the control of remote PCs.

It’s very easy to hack for the hacker if the victim’s PC does not maintain security e.g. firewall, AV (Anti-virus) etc. Any hacker can take the full control of a remote PC by just using a Trojan Horse/backdoor. Trojan horses are designed to allow a hacker remote access to a target computer system. Once a Trojan horse has been installed on a target computer system, it is possible for a hacker to access it remotely and perform various operations. The operations that a hacker can perform are limited by user privileges on the target computer system.

Operations that could be performed by a hacker (without knowing the victim) on a target computer system include:

  • Use of the machine as part of a botnet
  • Data theft (e.g. passwords, credit card information, Keyboard’s activity etc.)
  • Installation of software (including other malware)
  • Downloading or uploading of files
  • Modification or deletion of files
  • Viewing the user's screen
  • Wasting computer storage space
  • File Manager, that along with browsing victim's directories could upload, download, delete or execute any file at will
  • Remote Registry Editor
  • Screenshots and Webcam capture utility
  • Services, Applications and Processes Managers, providing the ability of terminating or executing any of these
  • Clipboard tool that could get currently stored strings, and a Passwords tool capable of recovering any stored passwords in the victim's computer
  • Power Options (e.g. shutdown, reboot, logoff, crash etc)
  • Some tools mainly for creating nuisance (e.g. mouse locking, taskbar hiding, CD-ROM operator and locker, URl opener, wallpaper changer etc)
  • Chat client providing communication between the attacker and the victim
  • Other tools such as a Remote IP scanner, offline logs downloader etc
  • Server Controls (e.g. server deleter, updater, terminator, info provider etc)

So if once a hacker can create a Trojan horse program then hacker can gain access to the computer by installing that in victim’s PC. The purpose of creating the program is to give the hacker the ability to steal the user's personal information, such as credit card numbers or passwords that the user enters. Hackers can also modify files locate on the user's computer and take the control of other softwares.

Feature and the two parts of a Trojan horse:

  • Client (the part that belongs to hacker).
  • Server (the part that belongs to victims).

Most Trojan horse programs have two parts. One part is called a server, and the other is the client. The server part is the one that actually infects and invades the victims’ computers. The client part of the program is the one that allows the hacker the ability to invade the infected computer. The hacker uses the client part to send requests to the server part when performing a scan on the Internet. When an infected computer is found, the server part replies to the request of client part from the victim’s PC, and then the hacker links to the infected computer (link between client part and server part in victim’s PC remotely thought Internet ) and invades it and takes the control the victim PC by using the client part.

So we can see that it is very easy to take control of a remote PC by just putting the server part of a Trajan horse in victim’s PC. But the main problems are here that the hackers’ have to face is the server part of most Trojan horses is detected by the victim’s PC Antivirus and the outgoing signals of server past is blocked by the firewall. So the hackers’ have to use different strategies e.g. encryption of the server part by various method e.g. hex codes editing to avoid detection by AV. And this encryption process is the most challenging part of hacking and thus hacking is getting tougher day by day. So if the hacker can make his server part undetectable in victim’s PC somehow (very tough) then hacking is very easy.

How to avoid becoming a trojan horse victim-

  • run a good firewall program such as Zone Alarm or like those outlined on the Firewall page of this website. Also, use software made specifically to sniff out trojans like The Cleaner and don't forget to keep it updated.
  • don't download an executable program just to "check it out" - if it's a trojan, the first time you run it, you're already infected!
  • be aware that downloading blindly from people or sites, whether you know about them or not, is risky.
  • you must be sure what the file is before opening it if you decide to open it at all
  • beware of hidden file extensions
  • if you have programs that give options to automatically open or get files, don't use them
  • don't be lulled into a false sense of security just because you run anti-virus programs-many don't check for trojans and you must constantly update them
  • keep up to date at Dark-e.com on the latest threats and how to keep them off your computer

Ways to get rid of trojans-

  • you may have to do a clean reinstall of your operating system or have someone do it for you
  • maintain and update a trojan sniffer like The Cleaner which can be run, finding the trojan, and usually cleaning it from your system.
  • use a commercial anti-virus software program
  • use a shareware anti-virus program
  • check sites on the net for help and instruction. (check the "Tools and Links" page)
  • load a good firewall program to tell you if someone is attempting to access your computer-check the Firewalls page for more.

What is Spyware?

Spyware is often referred to as data-mining, aggressive advertising, Trojans, dialers, malware, browser hijackers, and tracking components. This rather comprehensive listing of the varying types and degrees of sypware is from the Lavasoft website who produces one of the best as well as free detectors, Adaware. This type of annoyance enters your computer through vulnerabilities which could include email that's not monitored by virus programs, popups, or by just going to certain sites and logging on. Many are nothing more than data miners which look for advertising information such as what part of the world you live in etc., to those that will brand your programs with information and steal your browser's homepage. Some have the capabilities of telling your computer to dial certain numbers automatically.

Data miner

The application is designed to collect information about the user and does so actively. This may or may not include transmission of the information to a remote server, but the server is owned by the company producing the detected application and more importantly, the information collected is disclosed to the user via privacy policy and/or licensing.


These are malicious software designed to do harm to a user's system or to other systems that is not specifically a VIRUS.

Monitoring Tool

This category includes remote access Trojans (RATs), Root Kits, etc.
The application employs the use of system and/or security vulnerabilities to install on a system and to operate.


This category is for use with applications that do not fall within the other categories but are noteworthy for the user due to matching criteria listed in the TAC. The criteria however do not point in the direction of a specific detection category.


The application is designed to change the user's DUN (Dial Up Networking) settings to dial numbers that the user does not know about, to connect to a number in stealth, and/or to avoid being detected by the user such as dialing expensive connections where the user has not authorized the connection.


This is a self-replicating virus, Trojan, and/or virus designed to propagate across many systems and/or networks. While Ad-Aware does include some well know virus, Trojan, and worm content, it is not an antivirus or antitrojan solution so it is important to make sure that you have a specific solution installed on your system and/or network.


This is a listing of the Most Recently Used lists stored in your registry. They are harmless and consist only of things such as the most recent document you opened. They are included in Ad-Aware due to requests from users and to highlight the fact that they are harmless where some antispyware applications will list them as being potentially harmful in an attempt to appear to detect more content than they actually do.


These applications collect information, may or may not install in stealth, and are designed to transmit that information to 2nd, or 3rd parties covertly employing the user's connection without their consent and knowledge. The word defines the actual intent; this is software (ware) that is designed to collect information in secret (spy).


This is content that is designed to display advertising to the user that may not be expected or wanted. While some also categorize advertising applications that may include tracking features or capabilities as Adware, we place them within more descriptive categories such as Trackware or Data Miner to provide more information to the user. Most often included in freeware bundles or as additional (and/or required) content with shareware. Adware is generally innocuous and consumers may want to remove this content if they no longer wish to receive the advertising content. They may wish to keep them though if the programs are required for the use of a host application.


This category is separate from Data Miners in that it is passive in nature. This category can and does include content such as tracking cookies and those that collect only anonymous information like GUID's and/or sites visited, etc and does not include personally identifiable information.


The application employs the use of a software or system exploit to install and/or operate.


This is a special type of Adware that causes an excessive number of popups/popunders, is designed to force advertising even when not connected to the internet, can cause noticeable system and/or bandwidth slowdowns, and in general is intrusive to the point of frustrating the system user.


These applications are designed to hijack the user's home page, HOSTS file, browser favorites, chosen search engine, and/or system settings.
'Indian' IP address detected
The Prime Minister's Office says it has traced an Indian IP (Internet protocol) address used for hacking 20 district portals of Bangladesh on Saturday.

"We have initially detected an Indian IP address that belongs to Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited, one of the largest Internet service providers in India," said SM Akash, media manager of Access to Information (A2i) team of the PMO, yesterday.

Professional hackers however use various methods to hide their real IP address and location, he said.

The Bangladesh government will ask VSNL for details of the IP address and the hacker's location, said the media manager.

Twenty district websites operated by the PMO were hacked on Saturday.

The hackers claiming to be Indians threatened Bangladesh with a cyber war if any Pakistani terrorist enters India via Bangladesh.

Home Secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikder said they restored the websites on Saturday night.

Some Hindi letters and "JAI HIND!" were posted on the hacked websites
'Indian' IP address detected

I hope you have heard of Trojans and Backdoors. Now what I can possibly do with them:

1. I can get access to the trojaned system as the system
goes online on the internet.

2. By way of the access provided by the trojan, I can
stage attacks of different types:

Remote Access Trojans
Password Sending Trojans
Denial Of Service (DoS) Attack Trojans
Proxy/Wingate Trojans
FTP Trojans
Software Detection Killers

Ever heard about Netcat or SubSeven

Or I can even use a Sniffer.

Masking IP is a topic, way out of your league, which I will not discuss openly in a forum.


A little basic of the Trojan horse used by the hackers to take over the control of remote PCs.

It’s very easy to hack for the hacker if the victim’s PC does not maintain security e.g. firewall, AV (Anti-virus) etc. Any hacker can take the full control of a remote PC by just using a Trojan Horse/backdoor. Trojan horses are designed to allow a hacker remote access to a target computer system. Once a Trojan horse has been installed on a target computer system, it is possible for a hacker to access it remotely and perform various operations. The operations that a hacker can perform are limited by user privileges on the target computer system.

Operations that could be performed by a hacker (without knowing the victim) on a target computer system include:

  • Use of the machine as part of a botnet
  • Data theft (e.g. passwords, credit card information, Keyboard’s activity etc.)
  • Installation of software (including other malware)
  • Downloading or uploading of files
  • Modification or deletion of files
  • Viewing the user's screen
  • Wasting computer storage space
  • File Manager, that along with browsing victim's directories could upload, download, delete or execute any file at will
  • Remote Registry Editor
  • Screenshots and Webcam capture utility
  • Services, Applications and Processes Managers, providing the ability of terminating or executing any of these
  • Clipboard tool that could get currently stored strings, and a Passwords tool capable of recovering any stored passwords in the victim's computer
  • Power Options (e.g. shutdown, reboot, logoff, crash etc)
  • Some tools mainly for creating nuisance (e.g. mouse locking, taskbar hiding, CD-ROM operator and locker, URl opener, wallpaper changer etc)
  • Chat client providing communication between the attacker and the victim
  • Other tools such as a Remote IP scanner, offline logs downloader etc
  • Server Controls (e.g. server deleter, updater, terminator, info provider etc)

So if once a hacker can create a Trojan horse program then hacker can gain access to the computer by installing that in victim’s PC. The purpose of creating the program is to give the hacker the ability to steal the user's personal information, such as credit card numbers or passwords that the user enters. Hackers can also modify files locate on the user's computer and take the control of other softwares.

Feature and the two parts of a Trojan horse:

  • Client (the part that belongs to hacker).
  • Server (the part that belongs to victims).

Most Trojan horse programs have two parts. One part is called a server, and the other is the client. The server part is the one that actually infects and invades the victims’ computers. The client part of the program is the one that allows the hacker the ability to invade the infected computer. The hacker uses the client part to send requests to the server part when performing a scan on the Internet. When an infected computer is found, the server part replies to the request of client part from the victim’s PC, and then the hacker links to the infected computer (link between client part and server part in victim’s PC remotely thought Internet ) and invades it and takes the control the victim PC by using the client part.

So we can see that it is very easy to take control of a remote PC by just putting the server part of a Trajan horse in victim’s PC. But the main problems are here that the hackers’ have to face is the server part of most Trojan horses is detected by the victim’s PC Antivirus and the outgoing signals of server past is blocked by the firewall. So the hackers’ have to use different strategies e.g. encryption of the server part by various method e.g. hex codes editing to avoid detection by AV. And this encryption process is the most challenging part of hacking and thus hacking is getting tougher day by day. So if the hacker can make his server part undetectable in victim’s PC somehow (very tough) then hacking is very easy.

How to avoid becoming a trojan horse victim-

  • run a good firewall program such as Zone Alarm or like those outlined on the Firewall page of this website. Also, use software made specifically to sniff out trojans like The Cleaner and don't forget to keep it updated.
  • don't download an executable program just to "check it out" - if it's a trojan, the first time you run it, you're already infected!
  • be aware that downloading blindly from people or sites, whether you know about them or not, is risky.
  • you must be sure what the file is before opening it if you decide to open it at all
  • beware of hidden file extensions
  • if you have programs that give options to automatically open or get files, don't use them
  • don't be lulled into a false sense of security just because you run anti-virus programs-many don't check for trojans and you must constantly update them
  • keep up to date at Dark-e.com on the latest threats and how to keep them off your computer

Ways to get rid of trojans-

  • you may have to do a clean reinstall of your operating system or have someone do it for you
  • maintain and update a trojan sniffer like The Cleaner which can be run, finding the trojan, and usually cleaning it from your system.
  • use a commercial anti-virus software program
  • use a shareware anti-virus program
  • check sites on the net for help and instruction. (check the "Tools and Links" page)
  • load a good firewall program to tell you if someone is attempting to access your computer-check the Firewalls page for more.

Stop copy pasting, and come up with original suggestions. If you know some, enlighten me.
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