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[Bangladesh] Trade Gap with Delhi Increases to $2.91 billion

What cockiness? What borders? What GDP?

What a moronic post. The guy told you something about basic economics and instead of agreeing (or refuting) the point, you chose to ignore it, and when I pointed it out, you bring up all this bullshit about 'growth, cockiness' and all that!

Are you autistic, schizophrenic or just plain dumb? You seem mentally unable to connect relevant issues in our posts.

I was referring to the inferiority complex you were talking about, and we all know "you think we should feel inferior because of your GDP growth rate being a little higher than ours!" I've seen that "we are superior..GDP high..hindus the best" crap too many times in Bharat Rakshak already. That's what makes u bunch a little cocky here.

And who was the 'tard talking about persecution? YOU my friend, right? Isn't your BSF having a little too fun in the "border" on the lines of persecution? Can you connect my answers to your question now my simple minded indian friend?

What basic economics did you see in his post? It was all his BS opinion. Don't be vague, try to be specific next time. And if all you want is to win arguments, short trolling posts won't help ya.;)
We will!

But first tell us what competitive items you have to offer to India, (that are cost and quality effective), which is fourth largest economy today.

All our items are way more competitive than indian items. We all know that. Does that help answer your question? You want a little flaming don't you?

Well, on a more serious note, competitiveness can only be judged when similar goods from different parties are competing in level playing field. Governments start putting up trade barriers when they feel threatened that some particular range of items from another country may be more competitive than those produced by domestic industry.

There is a great demand of BD products in Indian NE. A lot of your indian friends here can attest to that. Think about toiletries for instance. Indian and BD would have the same quality (though I would argue ours are better :D) but the indian ones would be more expensive in NE due to transportation cost. From BD, it is way cheaper. But because your gov put up these trade barriers, there's rampant smuggling going on through the borders to smuggle these items into NE.

You might argue that BD industry isn't as advanced as India's. That may be true, but BD's economy has changed drastically since '71, shifting from agro based -> labor based -> transitioning into a manufacturing based economy, and hopefully by the end of next decade, at this pace, we'll have a solid knowledge based economy. There has not been much of an economic proggress in Indian NE, so the demand will simply keep increasing for BD products. Not to mention that there could be demand for BD products in other areas of India, simply because we can produce the same quality at a cheaper price.

I wonder why some people have mental barriers that bar critical thinking. Just because anyone thinks "it would not be competitive" does not mean you have to stop it from being competitive. If you think it would not be competitive, what are you scared of? Quality? Why not test them before importing? That would cost? Well GoI can impose the testing cost on BD companies in that case.

Just wanted to let you know, the land of milk and honey you are residing in right now also imports a lot of BD products, a bulk of them without quotas or trade barriers.

I hope your next question, if there's any, would be more intelligent.
All our items are way more competitive than indian items. We all know that. Does that help answer your question? You want a little flaming don't you?

Well, on a more serious note, competitiveness can only be judged when similar goods from different parties are competing in level playing field. Governments start putting up trade barriers when they feel threatened that some particular range of items from another country may be more competitive than those produced by domestic industry.

There is a great demand of BD products in Indian NE. A lot of your indian friends here can attest to that. Think about toiletries for instance. Indian and BD would have the same quality (though I would argue ours are better :D) but the indian ones would be more expensive in NE due to transportation cost. From BD, it is way cheaper. But because your gov put up these trade barriers, there's rampant smuggling going on through the borders to smuggle these items into NE.

You might argue that BD industry isn't as advanced as India's. That may be true, but BD's economy has changed drastically since '71, shifting from agro based -> labor based -> transitioning into a manufacturing based economy, and hopefully by the end of next decade, at this pace, we'll have a solid knowledge based economy. There has not been much of an economic proggress in Indian NE, so the demand will simply keep increasing for BD products. Not to mention that there could be demand for BD products in other areas of India, simply because we can produce the same quality at a cheaper price.

I wonder why some people have mental barriers that bar critical thinking. Just because anyone thinks "it would not be competitive" does not mean you have to stop it from being competitive. If you think it would not be competitive, what are you scared of? Quality? Why not test them before importing? That would cost? Well GoI can impose the testing cost on BD companies in that case.

Just wanted to let you know, the land of milk and honey you are residing in right now also imports a lot of BD products, a bulk of them without quotas or trade barriers.

I hope your next question, if there's any, would be more intelligent.

I asked you to LIST those items - not 1000 words which you unloaded without merit!

Was it worth a tonne of a task for you?
I asked you to LIST those items - not 1000 words which you unloaded without merit!

Was it worth a tonne of a task for you?

Only if you list ALL competitive indian items within the next 24 hour.

Note: Open up a BS thread in the General forums section if you think you're funny.:hitwall:

Edit: Should have guessed you don't have the intellectual capacity to counter constructive posts!
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ok, One question.. There is trade imbalance with China as well whats your pick on that? and there is trade imbalance with China for almost any country I can think of.
30% increase in overall export in Q1. 41% increase in export in USA only in August. Bangladesh utilised Indian 8mln pieces of quota in the first 5 moths of this yearThats apparel.

Pharmaceuticals exported more than 56 countries including EU, USA Russia and middle east and they meet all the standards.

bicycle exported to EU more than 250 mln dollar last year.

We got the worlds biggest footwear industry in Bangladesh and being exported to EU and other countries.

Ships being exported to Netharlands, Germany, Denmark, Africa, Pakistan etc.

Just few of them.. hope that helps

Iajdani I appreciate your efforts.
You are talking to people with their ears plugged up listening to a pied piper. You might as well talk to a tree.
Interesting how you chose to completely ignore the first part of his post, eh? I am beginning to think that basically you guys suffer from persecution and inferiority complex in matters of trade with India.

Give me a good reason showing Bangladesh is Jelous of India. India had a head start of 24 years, Bnagladesh stared as a war torn country in 1971 with 24 dollars on reserve.
its not about standards but about methodology. Just because you have it does not mean one needs to buy it. Trading regulations do not work like that. Bangladesh has only recently started expanding its industrial base and growing as a whole so only with time and proper trade talks can such barrier be broken down. India has to watch out for itself first, the market with cheaper Bangladeshi goods will devalue the gflooding oods overall and can cause severe problems for the domestic market. Bangladesh currently does not make anything that India does not already have or has access too so does not need to rush with changes in trade regulations. Such regulations are normal, even the US puts trade regulation on Canada in order to protect its domestic market, nothing sinister.

I wonder about the same thing coming from India to USA. It is causing severe problem in USA IT job Market.
@Bangladeshi posters,You are taliking to bunch of Indian posters who has no clue about what BD exports to what country. I know you all would say that Indians are slow, but its okay. We don't live in a perfect world.
flagstaff.. you replied to everyone except me..

BD has an Immense trade gad with China. Whats your take on that?
flagstaff.. you replied to everyone except me..

BD has an Immense trade gad with China. Whats your take on that?

Well china is a complete different story. Most of the Chinese imports are complementary to our own industry besides nobody could resist cheap Chinese goods. China is also aware of that. This year they gave us unilateral duty free access to more than 5000 of our products and that includes all the products we make here. No businessman ever complained about non tariff barrier or any other barrier China intentionaly imposed upon us. Now its our turn to produce products which could compete and find its way into Chinese market. I dont think China could do anything more than that.
If you guys feel India coniders BD a dumping ground stop buying Indian products. Indian companies will run away. As simple as that. You have option to substitute them from China or Thailand. No need to vomit unproved allegation in a forum.

Issue is not stop buying from India. Issue here is Indians always put obstacles in our goods getting foothold in the Indian market. India is supposed to get away with these obstacles. It is an era of free and unrestricted movements of goods and services. India promises and does not deliver. We wonder what kind of mindset is this?
india has a $3bn trade surplus with england. what the big fuss??

India has balance of trade in its favour with England, because the latter is a much much richer country than India. Indians claim, rightly or wrongly, that India is a super developed country. So, we expect our goods to be purchased by India. But, instead, it is only selling its good to a poor country. So, can india be called a developed rich country, or its economic status any better than us?
India has balance of trade in its favour with England, because the latter is a much much richer country than India. Indians claim, rightly or wrongly, that India is a super developed country. So, we expect our goods to be purchased by India. But, instead, it is only selling its good to a poor country. So, can india be called a developed rich country, or its economic status any better than us?
who said, we are super developed economy. if your argument on the basis of these assumptions, then i am sorry. we already have huge trade deficit. we have a trade deficit of $40 bn with china. instead of blaming us, you should decrease your import, who is stopping you??
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