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Bangladesh starts building first nuclear plant

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Bangladesh will get nuclear power generation. And I am very glad that this will happen. Hasina is using this as a pre-election stunt, but sooner or later Bangladesh have no other way to meet its power generation deficit, other than using this technology.

As for reprocessing and all that, time will solve everything, regardless of what others think.

Time will solve everything. :omghaha:

You really aren't aware of what the IAEA is are you? Or the fact that the Russians are the one's who'll be disposing of the spent fuel, do you even know in detail what reprocessing entails.
@Hyperion definitely Afghan greens.
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Don't have time to teach all here metallurgical engineering and the basics of nuclear engineering! :blink:

@Hyperion Fast breeders baby, fast breeders.

Although someone needs to educate everyone about nuclear matters, there is so much disinformation everywhere (in all sections here).
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Mate, there is absolutely no need of reprocessing to run a network of nuclear plants. Buy the fuel and make others work for you.

Below is for enrichment, NOT reprocessing spent fuel:

Regarding "time will solve", if that's what you think that one day you'll be able to produce the fuel, then try to understand that, it's the holy grail of science, which no country on the planet will give away willingly! NO WAY!

Forget "giving it away", they will actively bomb any "additional" country out of existence that tries to cross that threshold.

Bangladesh will get nuclear power generation. And I am very glad that this will happen. Hasina is using this as a pre-election stunt, but sooner or later Bangladesh have no other way to meet its power generation deficit, other than using this technology.

As for reprocessing and all that, time will solve everything, regardless of what others think.
@Hyperion the MOST hilarious bit is when he says that reprocessing will be taken care of. How does one explain that the very fact that we have to think of reprocessing as the route for getting hands on fissile material which can be diverted itself is a sign of what can or can't be done. After all India and Pakistan don't go about using spent fuel for the purpose. :hitwall:
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They are confused between "feeder" fuel and reprocessing! :blink:

What they want to say is "enrichment" plant! :D

@Hyperion the MOST hilarious bit is when he says that reprocessing will be taken care of. How does one explain that the very fact that we have to think of reprocessing as the route for getting hands on fissile material which can be diverted itself is a sign of what can or can't be done. After all India and Pakistan don't go about using spent fuel for the purpose. :hitwall:
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With due respect I was taught not to talk with outdated and unverified information. Do you know how long ago 2008 was?

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Russia and Burma in nuclear deal

With due respect

Of course! I do have a deep respect to you :smart:

With due respect I was taught not to talk with outdated and unverified information. Do you know how long ago 2008 was?

I don't think that the whole info I brought were unverified and outdated, but once again I respect your opinion though, let's agree to disagree :smart:
That's not a very strong justification to go for nukes.

And no, Bangladeshi leadership will never change. And that's not where it all matters.

Well, the thing is much more complicated that's beyond my ability to explain. Once the US domination is over, the world would change rapidly and the regional powers could just become intolerable. About the leadership, even the Romans were forced to step down, nothing is permanent. People are changing and so are their minds.
They are confused between "feeder" fuel and reprocessing! :blink:

What they want to say is "enrichment" plant! :D

Consider that Russia won't even pass on PUREX. And even primitive methods like PYRO-A will require a decade plus to just get in to leave alone validate. And then what, chug MOX? Now if they had been designing a breeder reactor which can use the actinides then it would make sense for them to try and find some concessions under the IAEA or see how far the rules can be stretched.

That's the issue na, the whole idea that feeder supply can be turned into enriched stockpile is so nutty that my tumor is acting up again, its speaking to me and telling me to murder someone. Enrichment facility kya aasman se tapke ga AND IF you could build one then WHY would you use reprocessed fuel from an IAEA reactor in this day and age?:hitwall:
I told you how sinister they truly are, if there weren't an isolation, they wouldn't have made concessions. However, I'm not convinced yet that they will give up such plans so easily yet.
@Yzd Khalifa

can you post the link of USA imposing tougher sanctions on Mayanmar based on this??

by the way,Mayanmar tried to come clean on this...

www.dvb.no/news/burma-agrees-to-let-in-un-nuclear-weapons-inspectors-burma-myanmar/32540+&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in]Burma agrees to let in UN nuclear weapons inspectors | DVB Multimedia Group[/url]

US welcomes Myanmar signing nuclear agreement with UN atomic watchdog group | Fox News

I don't think USA is covinced.or else,they'd not congratulate them so early..

even if they had plans of making nuclear weapons,I think they didn't pursued it later.

@Loki, @Yzd Khalifa is spot on the intelligence report.

:pop: liar .-.
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Very cost ineffective method to go, unless you have sinister plans such as India / Pakistan. We are already reprocessing using PUREX (pilot scale), all 100% indigenous.

Consider that Russia won't even pass on PUREX. And even primitive methods like PYRO-A will require a decade plus to just get in to leave alone validate. And then what, chug MOX? Now if they had been designing a breeder reactor which can use the actinides then it would make sense for them to try and find some concessions under the IAEA or see how far the rules can be stretched.

That's the issue na, the whole idea that feeder supply can be turned into enriched stockpile is so nutty that my tumor is acting up again, its speaking to me and telling me to murder someone. Enrichment facility kya aasman se tapke ga AND IF you could build one then WHY would you use reprocessed fuel from an IAEA reactor in this day and age?:hitwall:
@Hyperion Anyway how long do you think it would take Pakistan to teach BD how to even get to enrichment? Pass on some centrigues?
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Yes, we heard that about Burma before. But where's the 'real' evidence? From where did @asad71 hear of such?

Institute for Science and International Security › ISIS Reports › Myanmar › Burma Reiterates its
India says Myanmar has no nukes - Hindustan Times
Myanmar developing nukes? We don

And this was how the news of Myanmar developing nukes came around:
Expert says Burma


A defected military officer named Thein-something. I don't know, Burmese names sound all the same to me. They may have a program, but relevant equipment and know-how? The commitment? Nope.

So again I ask you: Why do you want Bangladesh to have nukes? What for? How will it ensure regional stability? Against whom?

1.Although Burma has been denying - and obviously they would, there have been persistent reports of a N Korea - Burma cooperation in this regard. Photos said to be of the sites with underground facilities, have come out many times. US Navy has intercepted N Korean ships several times suspecting they were carrying materials for Burma's nukes.

2. But we need nuke because of the big fat bully next door. Moreover, these days a nation is nothing without nukes. And this is not something we cannot afford.We need the political will.
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Which ones. P1's or P5's? P1's blew up in the face of Iranians! :rofl:

@Hyperion Anyway how long do you think it would take Pakistan to teach BD how to even get to enrichment? Pass on some centrigues?
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Very cost ineffective method to go, unless you have sinister plans such as India / Pakistan. We are already reprocessing using PUREX (pilot scale), all 100% indigenous.

Yaar aur koi option bhi toh nahi hai, same reason we went PUREX. But we have enough unsafeguarded reactors. And Pakistan's stockpile is ample.

Trying to pass off managing a reactor that too with assistance and then equating that too learning how to reprocess and enrich fuel is JUST nutty.

Which ones. P1's or P5's? P1's blew up in the face of Iranians! :rofl:

Anyway, you could pass off an Iran like Tokamak and convince the folks here that it will lead to a 400kt baby.:angel:
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