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Bangladesh protests Pakistan Parliament resolutions


Did this Atheist blogger actually get hacked to death?
Did this Atheist blogger actually get hacked to death?

The loon in the pic is Imran Aids sarkar , the leader of shabag circus shows. He wanted to flee to canada couple of days back but unfortunately for him, the higher ups didn't allow him to jump the sinking ship alone. :lol:

The atheist blogger hacked to death was another. That incident was back in february/march. Most of the organizers r commie/atheist while Imran H is most likely associated with awami doctors association.
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Did this Atheist blogger actually get hacked to death?
Nah.. the one that got killed is Rajib a.k.a. Thaba-Baba..!!
The guy in the pic is Imran H. Sarker, another well-known athiest and anti-Islam blogger. BAL has been ever so careful to protect the two key Self-proclaimed Islam haters like Imran H. Sarker & Asif Mohiuddin after blogger Rajib was stabbed to death. Note that Imran H. and Asif Mohiuddin are also the key influencers of the Shahbagh movement. That should give you a fair indication what Shahbag truly is.
We do watch GEO and ARY, but Star Plus has dominated every Muslim home. Whether it be Pak or BD or even flipping Somalis lol as they seem to know about bollywood more than me

I have heard about Pakistani dramas being popular through DvD and BluRay, but watching those channels makes more sense. Regarding Somali, that's surprised even though i have one Somali friend, more like a brother - down to earth, and yet, i never heard anything about Pakistani entertainment from him. Although, we have shared common interest, praying together.

StarPlus is a bad news. Anyone who watches it get to become dumb and dumber. I am not surprised by the intelligent level of the public in India, as they tune in to watch Indian news spouting brainless report, one-sided argument with a weak source at best. I am afraid Pakistani public is catching the same disease. I am more concerned about the brain-leeching from public than the immorality appearance in StarPlus.
Next Bangladesh will not allow any Pakistani stall in Dhaka International Trade Fair starting from 11th January. Previously there had been Pakistani stalls in Trade Fair.

Next will be ban on Islam b/c Jamat-e-Islami uses Islam :astagh:
Urdu is not understood in BD. Very well placed decision, please NEVER lift the ban. :cheers:
I have heard about Pakistani dramas being popular through DvD and BluRay, but watching those channels makes more sense. Regarding Somali, that's surprised even though i have one Somali friend, more like a brother - down to earth, and yet, i never heard anything about Pakistani entertainment from him. Although, we have shared common interest, praying together.

StarPlus is a bad news. Anyone who watches it get to become dumb and dumber. I am not surprised by the intelligent level of the public in India, as they tune in to watch Indian news spouting brainless report, one-sided argument with a weak source at best. I am afraid Pakistani public is catching the same disease. I am more concerned about the brain-leeching from public than the immorality appearance in StarPlus.

Star plus Yuck....Tho. Its no more popular in Pakistan anymore.
Pakistan has the right to protest as it was agreed between Bangladesh and Pakistan that 'war crime' related cases will not be opened.

In case of Mollah, it was not even a trial. It was a judicial murder by the daughter of the traitor.

So according to you Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a traitor. What does Bangladeshis feel about him??
Aswami League Indian Hindus are taking BD off course and just trying to frame Pakistan
He did a big mistake by declaring Urdu as sole language in Dhaka where 99.9% people couldn't speak Urdu. He said those who oppose his decision are 'enemies' and traitors of Pakistan. So he himself waged war against Bangalis by indirectly calling them traitors when there was a proposal to make Bengali as state language alongside Urdu. Its all part of history.
did he make a mistake or many Bengalis made a mistake? what makes you think 99.9% of Dhaka "couldn't speak Urdu"? do i have to start teaching you now about Urdu or Hindustani's history in Bengal? there is still an entire community in Puran Dhaka, and some of them of course settled in new Dhaka and elsewhere as well, that are Urdu speakers. and these are ethnic Bengalis that i am talking about. i have every reason to believe a bunch of leftists started movements and started crap slogans like "ora amar mukker vhasa kare nite chay". when people distort facts like that, what else do you call them but "enemies"? do you call them "factually challenged" or what "self-respect-deficient" or maybe "nationality-confused"??

Urdu is a subcontinental cross-provincial language and if there was one language that could be state language of United Pakistan, it was Urdu and Urdu alone. but Bengali was unfairly made another state language in 1956 - why? even if you were right - in an extreme hypothetical scenario - that 0.1% of Dhaka "could speak Urdu", because of the extent of it's use in entire subcontinent, there was no problem if Urdu was the only medium for cross-provincial communication and hence it was the only state language. being the only state language, it would only be corroborating a custom that was being followed for a long time and is followed today i.e. Urdu was a neutral language for people with different provincial languages, like a Gujarati person with Bengali person, Punjabi with Sindhi, and so on. and if your fact distortion of "0.1% of Dhaka" was true, works like Dewan, Miftah ul Adab, Siratunnabi, Gulzar-e-Naat, Tawarikh-e-Jahangirnagar, Hayat-e-Sukrat and weeklies and montlies like Ahsan ul Kasas and Jadu wouldn't come out of Dhaka. and this is mostly the colonial period, excluding the time of independent Mughal era, and post-1947 when the Urdu literary works got further boost as non-Bengali migrants from India settled. and these few works i mentioned were just out of Dhaka, not other parts of East Bengal or Bengal. there was a tremendous amount of Urdu work coming out of Calcutta during British rule.

Please stop the misinformation and unnecessary hatred. what's your take on this or if you wanted to add anything
@Syed Naved @Saiful Islam @kalu_miah @genmirajborgza786 @Al-zakir @Skies @Md Akmal
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i have every reason to believe a bunch of leftists started movements and started crap slogans like "ora amar mukker vhasa kare nite chay".

Really this song sounds crap. And use of such words always work on Bangladeshis like charm, like the phrase: Digital Bangladesh. India is far ahead in digitalization and technology than BD, would Indians care if their politicians use such phrase?! Now the new word is being used which is "Shonkha loghu", lol.

Urdu could make the communication easier and then bring more unity between two wings, but these BAL, Many Hindus, and leftists never wanted united Pakistan. I am sure they will not utter a sound if all Bangladeshis start talking in Hindi gradually; they are very mean minded.
Here I wanna add something . Quaid E Azam , never said , He hate bengalis or nobody will speak in Bengali in Pakistan. He clearly said, Urdu Would Be The state language but other provinces people are independent to use their language.there in their province their own language would be that province's Official language or main language. So that means,in Bengal according this theory Bangla is official and mother tongue, in sindh Sindhi is official and mother tongue etc.

So that means he never speak against Bangla. But what AL did is totally a manipulation of Truth.

Jinnah's plan was to use Urdu as a state tongue like Hindi in India.

But India and its collaborator AL present this in a different form in front of people .

So,What Quaid did it was totally right and correct .

Urdu if was common language , it could be easier for two wings to make easy communication between 2 wings. But very cleverly and cunningly Hindu , BAL & India make
change of Quaids speech's real meaning , make false propaganda and make 2 wings separated.

If Hindi which is a minor speaking language could be " Common tongue " of India to connect different parts than what was wrong with Urdu ?
League often said," East Pakistanis don't understand Urdu " . Than let me clear a fact that in Bangladesh Urdu was the language of educated , elite and on many other society. Most of the educated persons language was Farshi during ancient time and later Urdu . Most of the educated persons use to speak in urdu, they were educated in urdu and farshi.Even now on In Old dhaka the Bihari , kutthi & Syed family's speak Urdu & Dhakaia as their tongue.

So If one say , that here nobody can speak urdu , understand urdu than it's a totally manipulation of history .
If people could understand AL & India's cunningness , If Quaid was alive this things would never happened.

Some times we even use to say," How it was Possible to govern !! " . Than let me tell, when there is a house which is so big or covering a miles of area , true at first in a one day it is impossible for us to know that place I.E Disney Park or Great Wall Of China .

Greater India was that type of Biggest Nation .
But we lived together more than 200 or more year. So we are not unknown to each other,we all know which area is which type or not .So neither Eastern nor western wing was alien people to each other.

Again our history of Islam is also same. Here in Bengal Islam spread by Middle-Eastern not just so , many of those people from Iraq[ mostly] , Iran etc settle here , make family and this way Islam was spread.

Peoples of Sylhet,peoples of Old dhaka etc are mainly Middle eastern origin people. So,by origin NWFP of greater India which is now Pakistan and East Pakistan which is now Bangladesh is same .

So, if Quaid was alive, if people could realise conspiracy of enemy against nation , there was no 71 . No misconception.

What was Muzib's real face we observed that in 72 .

So here is no confusion, if people could understand and realize Quaids view , if politicians don't did greed that time , today we were united as World's Largest Muslim Country.
"Quaid E Azam , never said , He hate bengalis or nobody will speak in Bengali in Pakistan. He clearly said, Urdu Would Be The state language"

Did he ask for consent from Bengali speaking people who were the majority in the country? He just announced his decision and made it mandatory to learn. It was proven by the history that the decision was wrong.

"If Hindi which is a minor speaking language could be " Common tongue " of India to connect different parts than what was wrong with Urdu ?[/quote]
First of all Hindi is not a state language of India . Indian constitution declared Hindi and English as "official language". In many states eg Tamilnadu,West Bengal, Odissa etc hindi is not at all taught at school level even today. In Tamilnadu, I found people were not replying on your queries of your question on road direction if you ask it in Hindi. You have to speak English there if you do not know Tamil.

Hindi, not a national language: Court - The Hindu

Further, unlike Urdu, Hindi/English were elected as "official language" and they were not imposed by Nehru or anybody.

Hope you understand how Pakistan and Indian approach to handle local language/culture issues are different. India tried to adopt more pluralistic approach on language than pakistan. Indian approach , although not flawless ( there are resentment) has been proven better than the autocratic approach adopted by Pakistan.
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