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Bangladesh protest against women's rights left one dead


^Why are they wearing the white lab apron?

Abir babu these are some man made act but show me where in hindu scripture it has been allowed for the woman to inherit property. No where. .... same also for bible...

Now please do not come up with argument like universe has been created has destroyed several time.... so hindu scriptures law can also be changed and for saying this I have committed sin and in the next life I will be cat or rat or similar.
Abir babu these are some man made act but show me where in hindu scripture it has been allowed for the woman to inherit property. No where. .... same also for bible...

Now please do not come up with argument like universe has been created has destroyed several time.... so hindu scriptures law can also be changed and for saying this I have committed sin and in the next life I will be cat or rat or similar.

Why would I care? I'm agnostic and quite happy that Republic of India doesn't follow 2000 years old scriptures word by word.
what is your point? In 2004 BD male literacy was 50% and female literacy was 31%.

What sort of cheap shot you are trying to make by posting this backdated data.....

As of 2008 Bd has a litteracy rate of 49 percent where boys are 48.6 percent litterete and females are 49.1 % litterate. In 2009 litteracy rate stood 54% and after 2010 it stood 63%.

Literacy rate rises to 49pc

Not only that female enrollment rate is higher in Bd then the boys.... womans litteracy rate compared to boys is higher which is unparalleled in south asia. Woman are well represented and respected in all segment of the society unlike pakistan or india.... where in one case womans are restricted to go to school on the other hand female child are aborted even before birth... this just shows the prejudices against woman from the time even they were not born.
No my friend ..u are wrong..the rape laws in Pakistan u are talking about were introduced by Zia Ul Haq, they were not according to Sharia...Musharaf modified them in the women's protections bill..its not the same any more.

According to a few jurists, the 4 witnesses are not required when a woman complains about rape to the athaurities, rape known as (Zina-Bil-jabr) is punishable by death.
4 witnesses were required for normal adulterers .. applicable during old times when u could find 4 pious and truthful persons whom whole of the society respected (really difficult today in cosmopolitan cities) and it was necessary that they see the intercourse as clearly as u see a thread passing through a needle (which is again highly impossible even during old times)..and if the person accusing the girl and guy can't bring those 4 witnesses he would be given the same punishment (in order to deter random people from accusing others)...so i think this law is more of deterrence against having extra marital relationship rarther than being an actual punishment because of the extra conditions being attached to it.

A question may arrise in ur mind, that if there are such harsh (nearly impossible) conditions for these punishments to actually take place then why to extremists like taliban give these punishments without any hinderance?
Sir because the taliban dont even follow sharia, what they follow is a ancient local culture Pukhtunwali , a tribal tradition in which if u are suspicious on a girl and a guy, the jirga can take a decision to execute them to protect the honour of tribes but unfortunately they call it sharia, thats why ISPR said taliban's sharia is terrorism

Hope this helps
Before you quote literacy rate you should include the definition of literacy as wel.
In BD its 5th standard and 15 years and above age group but in India its only reading and writing above the age of 7.
This nothing for a backward country like bangladesh , there is no right for women. :P

:rofl: stop talking garbage!!!! In BD Prime minister, opposition leader, Foreign minister, Home minister all are female!! and you are saying no right for female!! hahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahha . . . . . . I dont want to talk about Pakistan !! Dont make me open my mouth!!
Before you quote literacy rate you should include the definition of literacy as wel.
In BD its 5th standard and 15 years and above age group but in India its only reading and writing above the age of 7.

'Literacy rate' the world over implies ability to read and write. So if your government chooses to follow some random procedure it's not our fault. Link me to a source for your info please

---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

:rofl: stop talking !!!! In BD Prime minister, opposition leader, Foreign minister, Home minister all are female!! and you are saying no right for female!! hahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahha

That is hardly what defines rights for women. In the end we talk about the woman on the ground not the powerful elite
I think everybody here will agree that there should be equal rights for men and women,irrespective of the country.
What amazes me is how these people manage to face their mothers and sisters once they get home. Conversation at the dinner table would be like, "Mother: So how was your day son", "Son: Oh great mum just went to protest against equal rights for women", "Mother: Oh cool son, here have some more Haleem" . Pathetic, I would shoot each one of them if it was up to me.

With dew respect , you have no idea about a muslim family!! Girls women are even more religious than male counterparts!! And please i consider you all high educated....kindly take the note those guys are protesting to save laws of Quran.... there is no relation of women's rights here!!
Abir babu these are some man made act but show me where in hindu scripture it has been allowed for the woman to inherit property. No where. .... same also for bible...

Now please do not come up with argument like universe has been created has destroyed several time.... so hindu scriptures law can also be changed and for saying this I have committed sin and in the next life I will be cat or rat or similar.

I'm an atheist but you have no right to insult someone's religion. You'll start dancing naked on your canadian bed with rage if I said something snide about Islam.
Show me where hindu scriptures prevent women from inheriting?
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