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Bangladesh Navy

I think it is better to talk in numbers.You post the list of frigates,corvettes and patrol vessels(that can carry VLS or missiles) and i will do the same for our Coast guard ships we have.

Yeah i meant only one destroyer.Let me make it more clear.You will send your patrol vessels + frigates + corvettes and we will send our ships refitted with missiles and VLS.Now the equation looks pretty balanced.(or it may be higher or lower for BD,it will be clearer when we will post no.).Now if any of your corvettes are more powerful than our coast guard ships then we will send our lone Destroyer to take care of that particular ship.Add to that attack helicopters and assets used of searching.These things will give us a decisive edge

Read the above part.
brother, better you tell me about BD Navy fleet stuff, i need to know how much you know about BD Navy :)
brother, better you tell me about BD Navy fleet stuff, i need to know how much you know about BD Navy :)
Not much.All i know is BD navy doesnt have destroyers.You have some frigates,corvettes and patrol vessels and missile boats.You are planning to buy some submarines from China which you will get by 2016 or 18??.
Not much.All i know is BD navy doesnt have destroyers.You have some frigates,corvettes and patrol vessels and missile boats.You are planning to buy some submarines from China which you will get by 2016 or 18??.
bold part: thats the problem :)
submarine: next year :)
Ok,So what now?? Agree to disagree??
ok here is one info, BD Navy has 110 anti-ship missiles (including navy air fleet) ready to fire in current fleet. Now tell me Is your Coast-Guard can take hit of 110 missile hit at a time ? or your one Destroyer ? LOL
ok here is one info, BD Navy has 106 anti-ship missiles ready to fire in current fleet. Now tell me Is your Coast-Guard can take hit of 106 missile hit at a time ? or your one Destroyer ? LOL
Bad comparison.Lets agree to disagree.I also want to get outta this thread before more BD's come and stomp me like an insect by bombarding too many posts on me.
Btw just checked wilkipedia,i think you are right our coast guard is not enough for BD navy.I will read about your BD navy more and then we will debate some other day.Till then you have an advantage.
I think its not about boasting.... its about some strategic realities are aren't totally related to latest military hardware.... e.g. length of sea route, depth of sea, architecture of coastline, neighbouring countries (number of possible fronts to confront), etc..... one may have the biggest navy, but they may also have to protect the longest coastline.... one may have the most sophisticated weapons, but they may be faced with the dilemma of keeping an eye on several fronts, which would divide their forces....

who's winning or who's losing was never under any scrutiny.... what matter is the price to pay for a win.... if winning was the only course to follow, then everyone would've built only weapons..... finding a submarine is like finding a needle in a haystack.... whatever submarine it is.... and the most effective target for a submarine is not heavily-guarded enemy ships.... enemy SLOC, which is much more vulnerable.... thats where the price of winning would hurt the most....

What i say is not about BN must be losing when facing against IN, but what i must made it clear is BN lacking in ASW area, oh no, precisely is currently you don't have any means to challenge IN in undersea warfare let alone going to challenge them vis a vis Submarine vs Submarine. I have see your Navy profile, they are quite good Navy for developing countries with small GDP like Bangladesh. Come on, accept your weakness and give critics to your government to addressing and solving their particular weaknesses. Your Navy need taking a lot of time to building their respective forces, buying submarine is one thing, preparing their infrastructure is another thing, and honing your skill and accumulating experiences in undersea warfare is a whole another thing. Your sailor your Navy your fleets is particularly lacks in everything regarding Submarine or undersea warfare and how to tackle those threats. Tell me, if India suddenly going to war against Bangladesh right now, and their Navy challenge your Navy in this moment can you imagine what kind of fate awaiting your Sailor and your Naval fleets?

For one thing, Naval warfare is quite different with Land warfare, in Naval warfare technological advantage, the number of fleet you have, industrial base output, and in this time you must too taking into account about Air Superiority and Air defense umbrella protection from AAW Destroyer/frigate and fighter squadron, all of those component is mostly will decide the results of any Naval battle. Let alone in C4ISR capability, your armed forces, especially your Navy is severely lacked in any conventional area when compared against India Navy.

on the red bold,
Just let me guess, you are thinking if India Navy facing against your Naval forces, they must protected all of their shore and keeping eye for all of their sea lane? And they will dividing their forces to watching several fronts they intended to keep and check? And you thinking if your Navy operating several Submarine they will give an headache for India Navy and hurt them most when your sub attacking their Sea Lane? Come on, it must be your wishful thinking to think your Navy can challenge them and hurt them the most. Until you have a capable and experience forces like the Pakistani has right now, your Navy and Air force actually cannot deter any Indian Fleets right now.
What i say is not about BN must be losing when facing against IN, but what i must made it clear is BN lacking in ASW area, oh no, precisely is currently you don't have any means to challenge IN in undersea warfare let alone going to challenge them vis a vis Submarine vs Submarine. I have see your Navy profile, they are quite good Navy for developing countries with small GDP like Bangladesh. Come on, accept your weakness and give critics to your government to addressing and solving their particular weaknesses. Your Navy need taking a lot of time to building their respective forces, buying submarine is one thing, preparing their infrastructure is another thing, and honing your skill and accumulating experiences in undersea warfare is a whole another thing. Your sailor your Navy your fleets is particularly lacks in everything regarding Submarine or undersea warfare and how to tackle those threats. Tell me, if India suddenly going to war against Bangladesh right now, and their Navy challenge your Navy in this moment can you imagine what kind of fate awaiting your Sailor and your Naval fleets?

For one thing, Naval warfare is quite different with Land warfare, in Naval warfare technological advantage, the number of fleet you have, industrial base output, and in this time you must too taking into account about Air Superiority and Air defense umbrella protection from AAW Destroyer/frigate and fighter squadron, all of those component is mostly will decide the results of any Naval battle. Let alone in C4ISR capability, your armed forces, especially your Navy is severely lacked in any conventional area when compared against India Navy.

on the red bold,
Just let me guess, you are thinking if India Navy facing against your Naval forces, they must protected all of their shore and keeping eye for all of their sea lane? And they will dividing their forces to watching several fronts they intended to keep and check? And you thinking if your Navy operating several Submarine they will give an headache for India Navy and hurt them most when your sub attacking their Sea Lane? Come on, it must be your wishful thinking to think your Navy can challenge them and hurt them the most. Until you have a capable and experience forces like the Pakistani has right now, your Navy and Air force actually cannot deter any Indian Fleets right now.

oh, come on!.... you're taking the discussion in a different direction once again!..... I said it at the start that its not about winning or losing.... and I've bolded the part where you yourself have said how we are supposed to lose.... my point is not at all about challenging the IN.... our whole approach had always been defensive, mind you.... we sit at the base of the Bay of Bengal, which is like a funnel.... there's no way we can go out into the deep seas to challenge a big navy.... our formulae isn't as simple as you're thinking.... we don't have the economy or budget to build an armed forces to decimate a massive attacking force.... and we don't need to..... its all about calculations of cost..... the price of winning, which I've mentioned already..... that probable price is the deterrent.... don't forget that we have a huge land border and billions dollars of trade with the same country we're talking about..... its not just about going out into the battlefield with powerful latest weaponry.... its about about a national strategy..... remember that battles are fought among navies, while wars are fought among countries....
Bad comparison.Lets agree to disagree.I also want to get outta this thread before more BD's come and stomp me like an insect by bombarding too many posts on me.
Btw just checked wilkipedia,i think you are right our coast guard is not enough for BD navy.I will read about your BD navy more and then we will debate some other day.Till then you have an advantage.

thanks for understanding this.... Hitler also thought that Berlin Fire Brigade was enough for Switzerland....
oh, come on!.... you're taking the discussion in a different direction once again!..... I said it at the start that its not about winning or losing.... and I've bolded the part where you yourself have said how we are supposed to lose.... my point is not at all about challenging the IN.... our whole approach had always been defensive, mind you.... we sit at the base of the Bay of Bengal, which is like a funnel.... there's no way we can go out into the deep seas to challenge a big navy.... our formulae isn't as simple as you're thinking.... we don't have the economy or budget to build an armed forces to decimate a massive attacking force.... and we don't need to..... its all about calculations of cost..... the price of winning, which I've mentioned already..... that probable price is the deterrent.... don't forget that we have a huge land border and billions dollars of trade with the same country we're talking about..... its not just about going out into the battlefield with powerful latest weaponry.... its about about a national strategy..... remember that battles are fought among navies, while wars are fought among countries....

yeah you had your own perspective, but from my point of view as a neutral persons here it is very futile if BN going against IN in any war, offensive or defensive.
yeah you had your own perspective, but from my point of view as a neutral persons here it is very futile if BN going against IN in any war, offensive or defensive.

its definitely good to get a neutral perspective.... big thanks for sharing your views..... everyone's strategic cases are different...... take a look at Sweden.... I always give that example.... they really have a very specific perspective about defending their own country..... they don't care what other countries say about how a war should be fought.... the overall strategic perspective shouldn't get less priority than any other thoughts....

and on a technical note, its not always about technology.... there are other factors that need to be considered as well.... we had been able to detect IN subs well within our territorial waters years ago..... we may not have any decent ASW capabilities now.... several years ago we didn't even have a naval aviation wing even.... but still we were able to detect IN subs.... now, you know about the quality of those subs for sure.... I'm not at liberty to discuss how we had been able to do that..... but the fact of the matter is, technology isn't the only thing that fights....
BN should look towards getting 3-5 submarines from China the same SSKs Pakistan Navy is getting with 1-2 locally produced.
Bangladesh Navy Special force (seal/udt) - SWADS
They are Fast, Lethal. Decisive. deadly as hell.

Bangladesh Navy Special force (seal/udt) - SWADS
They are Fast, Lethal. Decisive. deadly as hell.


Navy have the SWADs, army has the para-com regiment...the airforce needs a similar spec op regiment to protect its assets and attack potential enemy assets before they reach the sky.
Navy have the SWADs, army has the para-com regiment...the airforce needs a similar spec op regiment to protect its assets and attack potential enemy assets before they reach the sky.
Navy and army both have more than one special force ;)
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