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Bangladesh must not allow Indian Commandos in Dhaka

I agree with that too.

in fact, i am really pushing for a similar micro-credit scheme for farmers in NWFP/FATA.....it had good results in Bangladesh, especially for women farmers
It would be nice if we could share in technology, education, trade and agriculture rather than only purchasing arms from Pak, to me.

Given the current state of pakistan, Pakistan is no shape to help Bangladesh in any sort of economic or development assistance.

What pakistan can assist Bangladesh is in arms deal. That is also very unlikely because China will step all over this market too. If Bangladesh opens up any new tenders for arms purchase.
Given the current state of pakistan, Pakistan is no shape to help Bangladesh in any sort of economic or development assistance.

What pakistan can assist Bangladesh is in arms deal. That is also very unlikely because China will step all over this market too. If Bangladesh opens up any new tenders for arms purchase.

what an idiotic statement......he didnt mean giving aid to bangladesh. It doesnt mean our private sectors cant set up a forum and find ways to increase bilateral trade

doesnt mean we cant send doctors, teachers, students etc. to eachother's countries

We should also send more technicians, and continue to work with their Armed Forces. I believe they were expressing some interest in Tank Al Khalid, as well as closer cooperation with PAC for some of their crafts in service
what an idiotic statement......he didnt mean giving aid to bangladesh. It doesnt mean our private sectors cant set up a forum and find ways to increase bilateral trade
How is the statement idiotic. As i said, pakistan is in no shape sending any assistance to bangladesh in regards to it's economy or infrastructure.
doesnt mean we cant send doctors, teachers, students etc. to eachother's countries
Yes u can send in whoever you desire, But there is no need of doctors or teachers in Bangladesh. There isn't any apademic bangladesh is suffering, whether it's due to natural disaster or any crisis.

Those teachers and agricultural experts are needed in pakistan more than anywhere else.

We should also send more technicians, and continue to work with their Armed Forces. I believe they were expressing some interest in Tank Al Khalid, as well as closer cooperation with PAC for some of their crafts in service
Now this is where Pakistani export industry and Chinese export markets will clash for this share of the pie.

Zubair isn't Alkhalid is using Chinese turret and components in Alkhalid. Wouldn't china would want it's share of this deal.
It would be easier for Bangladesh to buy the same tanks from China without the nightmare of logistics from 2 different countries for same product. ?:cheers:
How is the statement idiotic. As i said, pakistan is in no shape sending any assistance to bangladesh in regards to it's economy or infrastructure.


Yes u can send in whoever you desire, But there is no need of doctors or teachers in Bangladesh. There isn't any apademic bangladesh is suffering, whether it's due to natural disaster or any crisis.

Bangladesh is also facing water shortage.....new irrigation and water-saving techniques + sharing of experiences would benefit both countries

and unfortunately, Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters

Those teachers and agricultural experts are needed in pakistan more than anywhere else.

any people to people contact can lead to greater initiatives....we both have potential for increasing the size of our active semi-skilled and skilled labour force.

Now this is where Pakistani export industry and Chinese export markets will clash for this share of the pie.

i dont think they will clash....we didnt clash over supply of jointly produced trainer aircrafts to Egypt. China and Pakistan both get cut regardless. In the case of tanks, Ukraine would also gain. Pakistan indigenously modified the smooth bore turret barrels and made other cosmetic, mechanical and armament improvements; we can offer those to Bangladesh as well

It would be easier for Bangladesh to buy the same tanks from China without the nightmare of logistics from 2 different countries for same product. ?:cheers:

i dont see how it is a logistical nightmare. Sri Lanka was getting Pakistani equipment on time and on war-footing basis during their decisive fight against the tamil tiger terrorists....Bangladesh case would be no different, and Bangladesh is much closer geographically, though I think we would be sending the goods through China and probably not by ship.

(not sure)
Bangladesh is also facing water shortage.....new irrigation and water-saving techniques + sharing of experiences would benefit both countries

and unfortunately, Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters

Irrigational and water-saving techniques are needed in Pakistan as drought is taking it's toll in Mandi's(bazaar). Unfortunetly there isn't much had been done by ingineers to overcome this problem in Pakistan. Specially the party which is more interested in it's swiss account than well being of it's people.

any people to people contact can lead to greater initiatives....we both have potential for increasing the size of our active semi-skilled and skilled labour force.
feeling are mutual everywhere.

i dont think they will clash....we didnt clash over supply of jointly produced trainer aircrafts to Egypt. China and Pakistan both get cut regardless. In the case of tanks, Ukraine would also gain. Pakistan indigenously modified the smooth bore turret barrels and made other cosmetic, mechanical and armament improvements; we can offer those to Bangladesh as well

Bangladesh case would be no different, and Bangladesh is much closer geographically, though I think we would be sending the goods through China and probably not by ship.
So who is the biggest contributor in this Tank. Ukraine, China or Pakistan.? I'm asking that so i could analyze the profitier in this deal. Please could you give me a source which claims the turret being fully pakistani.

If china is to distribute this arsenal through it's own channels, then we expect them to take the biggest share of the profit. Because pakistan's contribution is just a turret as you claimed. Please correct me if i'm wrong.
So who is the biggest contributor in this Tank. Ukraine, China or Pakistan.? I'm asking that so i could analyze the profitier in this deal. Please could you give me a source which claims the turret being fully pakistani.

Ukraine only supplies the engines and transmission kits..the costs from that would be incurred on the buyers (and of course us as the users); rest of the work such as maintenance, overhaul and modifications can be carried out by HIT as they are licensed to do so

here are a few excerpts + links for you to immerse yourself in

KARACHI - Pakistan’s Al Khalid Tank is widely being considered one of the most competent Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) in the global arms market. The Al Khalid II is said to have a new armor that has been tested to defeat all known 120mm and 125mm rounds. This special armour is a major technological breakthrough for Pakistan. The tank has received a new transmission and revised electronic turret control.
This was stated by Syed Muhammad Ali, the first certified military concept tank designer of Pakistan, while talking to The Nation.

He said that the Al Khalid II has a new Integrated Battle Management System (IBMS) and active threat-protection system, the latter being an upgrade from the passive system in the earlier model.

The tank is now perhaps the most heavily weaponized per tonnage of any tank, being able to carry 49 125mm rounds, 1,500 12.7mm and 7,100 7.62mm rounds.
He said that Al-Khalid is modern battle tank developed by Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT).
Al Khalid consists of all the modern technologies required by latest generation tanks. Alkhalid is fitted with Ukranian engine that generated 1200 horse power. It has six forward automatic transmission. Its top speed is 72km/h. It weighs 47 tonnes.
Al-Khalid is operated by a three man crew; a driver, a gunner, and a commander.
Al-khalid consist of a self loading 125m smooth bore gun. It can also fire HEAT and APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) rounds. It automatically load, fire and eject the empty case.

Because of self loading gun, the crew number is reduced. The gun is equipped with a stabilizing system which provides accurate shot of the target even if the tank is moving.
It also comes with an imaging system which enables the crew members to track down various targets and engage them. It is also equipped with a 7.62mm co-axial machine gun and a 12.5mm anti-aircraft gun mounted above it.

Al Khalid is also equipped with night vision devices that enables it for combat at night time. It also has protection for NBC (Nuclear, Biological & chemical) warfare and thus the crew member would be safe incase of NBC fallout.

Al-Khalid can also be fitted with Explosives Reactive Armor (ERA).


*Pakistan Pushes Armor Upgrades - Defense News*

It is understood that major up gradation and balancing of production lines has been underway at HIT for the last couple of years. This also includes establishment of CNC machining centres for precision machining of hull, turret and other critical parts to undertake manufacture of Al-KHALID.

HIT has been successful in developing special steel for tank guns and composite armour materials for use during series production. During successive trials, armour protection of the tank at hull and critical areas of the turret has been tested through live firing which defeated all types of 120/125 mm tank projectiles and other selected anti-tank ammunitions.

The development work of AL-KHALID programme has shown tremendous progress during the last ten years and AL-KHALID has matured as a modern contemporary tank at a fraction of the international cost. In this regard Pakistan has learnt a lot from the Indian experience on the ARJUN programme, which started in 1974, but the tank has still not achieved acceptability with the Indian Army.

Development of MBT-2000 (Al-Khalid)

If china is to distribute this arsenal through it's own channels, then we expect them to take the biggest share of the profit. Because pakistan's contribution is just a turret as you claimed. Please correct me if i'm wrong.

if you are still reading my reply, then it means that you are not reading the articles which I was nice enough to post for you

go get to work, then reply when you are ready
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and here are pictures of the modified turret, these were taken at IDEAS-2008 Expo @ Karachi



let me know if u need specs info
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and here are pictures of the modified turret, these were taken at IDEAS-2008 Expo @ Karachi

let me know if u need specs info

125 mm armed turrets supplied by NORINCO integrated in Pakistan with the chassis supplied by the Malyshev Plant. I could not find any source about this gun being creation of HIT not Chinese NORINCO.?

If the gun was showcased in 2008 Expo than how many Alkhalid's are fitted with Pakistani turret hull not chinese NORICHO's gun P-882, P-883, P-884.
some were retro-fitted, some left standard. There is Al Khalid II which is still undergoing development and trials.

learn about HIT Gun Factory & well as DESCOM; your questions would be answered hopefully
good market for selling arms to. Repeat customers :)

in terms of bilateral trade between Pak-BD, not so sure. But despite some crappy history, we dont have any lost love for the Bengalis. I'd love to see some mukti bahini types cooked like well-done beef steak. But other than that, no animosity :):)

China has many investments in Bangladesh. Who do you think is helping the ship-building industry? ;) (mere example)

Arms selling-yes Bangladesh is a potential customer.

But its the economic field where there is more transaction between the two countries.For example; Basmati rice,import of cotton for Raw material in our textile industry etc.

The World Trade Fair has begun in Dhaka.I haven't visited yet,but I know how much demand there is for Pakistani products. :tup:

you are still always having border tensions....but despite that, I dont see why China would be angry over a transit route.

BD-Burma-China is not feasible --especially given your rising enmity with Burma. It would probably be in your interests to settle the dispute, but until then, lets see what happens. Bangladesh should modernize its Air Force a little bit, in order to deal with the Mig-29s that the Ruskies are sending over soon

A diplomatic Govt. in Burma will make our efforts easier,but as long Junta is there,no chance of successful dialogue.
We should also send more technicians, and continue to work with their Armed Forces. I believe they were expressing some interest in Tank Al Khalid, as well as closer cooperation with PAC for some of their crafts in service

There was talk of upgrading our T-54/55s to Al-Zarrar.But later the progress on these are unknown.
Same goes for the Fast Attack Craft to be Jointly build in Khulna Ship Yard.
And at last,the latest reports claims that BD army is ordering Type-96.On which Al-khalid is actually based.

I also heard a news about producing 155mm rounds in BOF with help from POF.This again is unconfirmed news.

The problem is,in Bangladesh people do not talk much about military.So its hard to know about the progress of these projects.:agree:
There was talk of upgrading our T-54/55s to Al-Zarrar.But later the progress on these are unknown.
Same goes for the Fast Attack Craft to be Jointly build in Khulna Ship Yard.
And at last,the latest reports claims that BD army is ordering Type-96.On which Al-khalid is actually based.

I also heard a news about producing 155mm rounds in BOF with help from POF.This again is unconfirmed news.

The problem is,in Bangladesh people do not talk much about military.So its hard to know about the progress of these projects.:agree:

Do we even have 155mm guns to use those rounds ?
Arms selling-yes Bangladesh is a potential customer.

arms industry is one lucrative sphere. I am hoping for even broader initiatives.

But its the economic field where there is more transaction between the two countries.For example; Basmati rice,import of cotton for Raw material in our textile industry etc.

bilateral trade is worth about $200-250m. Probably less in previous fiscal year due to world economic slowdown and other factors. I would hope for this number to increase.

The World Trade Fair has begun in Dhaka.I haven't visited yet,but I know how much demand there is for Pakistani products. :tup:

i read about preparations for the fair. Please keep me informed about it, PM me if necessary

A diplomatic Govt. in Burma will make our efforts easier,but as long Junta is there,no chance of successful dialogue.

i dont know how long it will last. Myanmar/Burma is such an isolated country it is unbelievable.

Junta already have luxury safe-houses in China, in the event of major war or 'takeover'

Always good to "think ahead" :lol::lol::lol:
Heavy form of arms purchase puts severe form of pressure on national economy of any country.So the Bangladesh govt needs to decide what it primary needs r.The country is more or less peaceful,with friendly neighbours on all its sides.So,its not foreign invasion that the country should be worried 'bout.
Yes, it would be justified,if money is spent on internal security.:angel:
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