Its a pity that so many blind people we have around in our society. In Surah-Hasr (verse-19), Allah Subhana'hu wa'ta'la; clearly said that those who forgot iman along their way, Allah made them forget themselves (they become blind to the truth of existance) and they have become Fashiq. In Surah-Hazz (verse-45 or 46) Allah Subhanu wata'la said 1000 years of this world means a mere SINGLE DAY afterlife. And our prophet Muhammad (SM) said this worldy life is only for 7 days (approx 7000years) and his Ummah or followers will receive half a day extra. So, if anyone do not really care about afterlife where everyone have to stay (either in Hell or Heaven) for a long time, then investing heavily into current life pleasures, immense wealth, personal satisfaction aka drinking, partying wild, hooking up with hookers etc for something which would last for only a very short timespan; would surely be a fool's play and make that individual an Utter Foolish. If you wanna invest, invest for the big time which has a real payoff.