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Bangladesh massively depends on India

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China should go ahead and build the deep sea port in Bangladesh.

This govt (BAL) is very vulnerable and has nowhere to go except China for assistance. China should capitalize this and build a permanent presence in BD.

You should also ask for a Chinese PM to govern you.
Bangladesh shares such a bond with India that Pakistan can't share with it.

Pakistan & Pakistanis don't even dream about it.:lol: Keep sharing "bonds" with each other happily.:cheers:

BTW read my post & then read your reply.:crazy:

India is a natural ally of Bangladesh. There are millions of Indian families living in Bangladesh and vice versa. We don't see India as a foreign country and India also don't see Bangladesh as a foreign country though officially both countries are recognized as separate countries. The cultural bond is so strong that during world cup opening ceremony the host had to say Bangladeshi culture is same as India's when our cultural programs started at the event. We showed Bengali dance, Monipuri dance, Katthak dance all are part of Indian cullture as well as Bangladeshi culture. There is absolutely no difference , even tiny bit between two countries.

I know India & Bangladesh are same people with same cultural values but please spare me your bullshit of Bangladeshis & Indians not viewing each other as different countries.:blah:

But once Pakistan gives MFN, give it a decade and you would find that Indian companies have become key companies in Pakistan. Its nothing to do with BD or Pakistan. Its simply the fact that India being the most industrialized economy between the three and transportation of goods from India to Pakistan costs less than from any other place in the world bar Afghanistan.

Its the same thing for Bangladesh.
You economy would start depending massively on Indian companies and economy in say a decade after MFN is granted.

Though that is not to say that Pakistan will not gain. Pakistan will gain tremendously economically, but it will also become far more dependent than is now.

Please think before posting. What does India have that Pakistan or China does not have? The goods that are not produced by Pakistan are purchased from China. Other than pharmaceutical stuff i don't see anything that can be threat or will make Pakistan dependent on India.
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I didn't know you are still reading same stories from your text books. This is what exactly Pakistan thought, J&K people can't adjust in Hindustan and they will join them back even after few years if not immediately. Now after 6 decades, there are not even 2% Kashmirs wants to join them and they are happy to stay back in India(exclude few thousand separatists).

Now don't force me to start posting pictures about IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir. Have some shame dude...world know what is happening in IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir & you are trying to deny it shamelessly.

Not really, even after having the military might and nuclear weapon, there is far more violence in Pakistan than compared to Bangladesh. There are foreign nation violating your air space and killing your people, so military power means crap in this situation. And please don't use South Korea as an example, South Korea got massive help from the US whether it be militarily or economically. And as for sharing borders, even having all the borders, Pakistan fails to use them properly case and point being the condition of the economy. And Pakistan is also heavily dependent of loan and aid form the World Bank and from China for its building projects. So no you are pretty much in the same league.

There is a secret deal on drones between Pakistan & US. Pakistan have authorized US to operate in Waziristan region. Even the drone base was in Pakistan until 2012.
Everyone knows your sikh prime minister is a puppet of Sonia Gandhi, even Pakistan had Bengali PMs! But nah, you sikhs are not only delusional but shameless as well, you guys will keep slaving! You are still here to get more proves of your martial race? :lol:

You got your freedom and a separate country because Sikhs fought your war, and your masters surrendered to a Sikh general.

Actually yes, many apply for the Indian visa for medical treatments but their main destination is Chennai/Delhi etc, they just use West Bengal as a transit to pass, not to get the low class healthcare from West Bengal. And most of these people are from lower income families as good medical treatment in Bangladesh is a bit expensive compare to India. My cousin's driver just had a visit to India in this regard.

Well who I'm talking to, you guys love to be in delusion than be it, keep chewing the leftovers of British rule. Anyway, it will be a gigantic waste of time to argue with a West Bengali, you are not in the same level as we are, nobody really care about you guys, you are behind us and will remain so.

Walk into any hospital in Kolkata any day, both cheap and expensive ones, they are teeming with Bangladeshis. :)
@Al-zakir @the just @Skies @Banglar Bagh @UKBengali @Saiful Islam
could it be that this Iamnotbengali guy is actually pro-Muslim/anti-india in disguise? you may think it's crazy but think about it, maybe that is why he’s been exposing the various ways India is getting monopoly in Bangladeshi market. ee all know how Airtel has been given exclusive tax exemption (or maybe the “taxes” are all going to Sheikh Hasina’s family account) and Sahara has visually turned our cricket team into an unofficial Indian team. we know how Sahara got access to BD real estate at dirt cheap rates and who knows how many and to what extent other Indian companies have sneaked in and raiding our market. i think this is just one of the factors why people in 1971 opposed East Pak’s enslavement (aka “independence”).
Come on Punjabis being a martial race you stand and take bullsh-t from people (Op Bluestar), I thought they were the hard knocks of India? When the Pak army came in to Bangladesh we didn't takes shit from them, women even took up arms. Stop relying on your 400-500 year history of the "Sikh empire" or whatever the hell you want to call it lol.

Regarding Bangladeshis, yes they are the poorest ethnic group in the UK but go in to one of the areas and I beg you to utter a word it won't take a second for you to get sliced in to two! Unfortunately the Indians in the UK hold no brute force!
@Al-zakir @the just @Skies @Banglar Bagh @UKBengali @Saiful Islam
could it be that this Iamnotbengali guy is actually pro-Muslim/anti-india in disguise? you may think it's crazy but think about it, maybe that is why he’s been exposing the various ways India is getting monopoly in Bangladeshi market. ee all know how Airtel has been given exclusive tax exemption (or maybe the “taxes” are all going to Sheikh Hasina’s family account) and Sahara has visually turned our cricket team into an unofficial Indian team. we know how Sahara got access to BD real estate at dirt cheap rates and who knows how many and to what extent other Indian companies have sneaked in and raiding our market. i think this is just one of the factors why people in 1971 opposed East Pak’s enslavement (aka “independence”).
oh bhai you so gairatmand and now in US
Pakistan & Pakistanis don't even dream about it.:lol: Keep sharing "bonds" with each other happily.:cheers:

BTW read my post & then read your reply.:crazy:

I know India & Bangladesh are same people with same cultural values but please spare me your bullshit of Bangladeshis & Indians not viewing each other as different countries.:blah:

I said people from both countries don't see each other as foreign nationals. Esp. West Bengali people. You know we are both ethno-linguistic region in South Asia. Its impossible not to be dependent on India because the country is completely inside India. Do you share such a border with India or any other country? NO.

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@Al-zakir @the just @Skies @Banglar Bagh @UKBengali @Saiful Islam
could it be that this Iamnotbengali guy is actually pro-Muslim/anti-india in disguise? you may think it's crazy but think about it, maybe that is why he’s been exposing the various ways India is getting monopoly in Bangladeshi market. ee all know how Airtel has been given exclusive tax exemption (or maybe the “taxes” are all going to Sheikh Hasina’s family account) and Sahara has visually turned our cricket team into an unofficial Indian team. we know how Sahara got access to BD real estate at dirt cheap rates and who knows how many and to what extent other Indian companies have sneaked in and raiding our market. i think this is just one of the factors why people in 1971 opposed East Pak’s enslavement (aka “independence”).

not possible brother, why cant you accept that we have breed like him? I do not think him false flagger. We have people like him.

Pro-Muslim/anti-india is not likely to put Awasharia in his avatar, even in disguise..
Come on Punjabis being a martial race you stand and take bullsh-t from people (Op Bluestar), I thought they were the hard knocks of India? When the Pak army came in to Bangladesh we didn't takes shit from them, women even took up arms. Stop relying on your 400-500 year history of the "Sikh empire" or whatever the hell you want to call it lol.

That was a very poor attempt to instigate the anti-Hindu spirit among the Sikhs, if you had slightest hint of the History of Sikhs as such. Operation Blue star had been a black spot in our post-Independence history. But getting separated from India just because of this? No, sir. Sikhs, historically have shown much more tolerance and patience than any other religions in human history. So,no cookies this time.
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Thank God

Yeah and we have nothing to do with it. Basically I think we should not have been separated in 1947. Why British separated Bengal in two parts still shocks many. Stupid decision. Now the country is the gateway of anti-India forces to enter India to destabilize it by ISI with Khaleda Zia's support who herself is an ISI agent.
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No sir, thank your jernails :lol:
Thank jernails, Allah, Jesus, Bhagwan and Jennifer Lawrence :woot:

Yeah and we have nothing to do with it. Basically I think we should not have been separated in 1947. Why British separated Bengal in two parts is still shocks many. Stupid decision. Now the country is the gateway of anti-India forces to enter India to destabilize it by ISI with Khaleda Zia's support who herself is an ISI agent.
Lmao! Cool
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