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Bangladesh is going back to 1972-75 era !!

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Bangladesh is going back to 1972-75 era !!

Yasmeen Sultana, USA

The common citizens of Bangladesh is observing with horror the nefarious activities of Awami Leaguers from all levels, at all levels. Their actions, and words both inside the parliament and outside of it are raising alarms in the minds of the common citizens. Even some Awami league supporters are confessing that their leaders are doing excesses. They say that they are very scared now thinking of the future of the country.

Only yesterday Sheikh Selim, a cousin of the current prime minister of Bangladesh, declared that Tarek Rahman will be arrested upon return to Bangladesh on murder charges. In his opinion Tarek Rahman was behing the killings on August 21, 2004 (in a public meeting attended by Hasina and other top ranking Awami league leaders). People know that Selim acts as a spokesperson of Hasina. When Hasina says something in the parliament or in any public gathering it is repeated by Selim the next day. It happens the other way round too. In cases when Hasina does not want to enhance her reputation of a wrong headed person adept in uttering ****** words Selim takes over. Immediately after the formation of the current BD government full of anti-Bangladeshi, arrogant, ignorant sycophants Selim started showing his real colours both inside and outside of the parliament. He started by saying that Ziaur Rahman did not take part in the war of liberation. He compared Ziaur Rahman to a mad man. He told the BD parliament that they did not take part in the war of liberation being urged by a pagol-chagol. He was ably supported by criminals like Sajeda, Faruk, Showkat, Motia, etc. Like always Awami league believes that MIGHT is RIGHT. They do not have any sense of decency, any sense of accountability. They do not understand that their statements in the parliament portray them as street urchins who follow the directives of their MASTERS.

Then last month both Hasina and Selim said that they believe that Ziaur Rahman's body is not in the grave yard at the Zia Uddan. They challenged BNP to prove them wrong. Begum Khaleda Zia once said "I do not have the taste to respond to Hasina's statements". I think Khaleda Zia did the right this time as well. Why should she respond to claims or assertions made by people who are very low in terms of morality!! But to show respect to the sentiments of millions of common Bangladeshi the WIDELY circulated Bangladeshi daily "Amardesh" published a report on the burial of Ziaur Rahman's body (preceded by Janaza attended by lakhs of common Bangladeshi).

The report cited headlines from different daily newspapers published on the day of burial of Ziaur Rahman, the most honest statesman this part of the world has ever seen. The report also had a picture of little Tarek Rahman crying by the coffin of his beloved father. Even after that, like angry dogs Awami league leaders kept repeating the same false words over and over again.

As always Awami league wants people to accept that truth is what Awami league thinks to be true. It was made clear by the actions of some so-called members of BD parliament belonging to Awami league a couple of nights ago. When one BNP law maker cited one veteran (late) Awami league leader's words following the killing of Sheikh by a group of patriotic BD army officers the Awami league members displayed their real colour. I do not have the taste to dwell on this any more. AWAMI LEAGUE IS ALWAYS THE SAME, intolerant, hostile, violent, low, etc. etc.

These activities of Awami league activits remind the older generation of the Banglasdeshi population of the dark days that they had to endure during 1972-75. During that time Sheikh Mujib acted like a demi-God (the role taken over by Hasina now). He was supported by a group of ignorant, arrogant young group of his followers led by his infamous nephew Sheikh Moni. People used to think that Moni was the second prime minister of Bangladesh. Interestingly enough Moni's part is being played by Selim, his younger brother.

But to show respect to the sentiments of millions of common Bangladeshi the WIDELY circulated Bangladeshi daily "Amardesh" published a report on the burial of Ziaur Rahman's body (preceded by Janaza attended by lakhs of common Bangladeshi).

Amardesh? Is this the same paper that published the news of BHEL made power plant 'failure'? The lie was nailed & debunked on this very forum. It is a mouthpiece of BNP, not an independent medium.

Besides, this is not an article, it is under 'Readers' Opinion'. This does not have any more credibility than a blog of a BNP supporter.
The foreign funded Bangladesh hater are doing best to destablise and propagate against progressing Bangladesh.

They are envious with BD's development and the work of Awami League for welfare of Bangladeshi people is making them feeling like hot coals.

No matter what, Bangladesh will progress and develop.
Amardesh? Is this the same paper that published the news of BHEL made power plant 'failure'? The lie was nailed & debunked on this very forum. It is a mouthpiece of BNP, not an independent medium.

Besides, this is not an article, it is under 'Readers' Opinion'. This does not have any more credibility than a blog of a BNP supporter.

And you have problem with BNP.

But the arguments she raised are valid. As far Amardesh you can read other newspapers from BD which are independent but have the same arguments. On the other hand if you wana see Indian point of view then read Prothomolu run by RAW since long in BD.
Amardesh? Is this the same paper that published the news of BHEL made power plant 'failure'? The lie was nailed & debunked on this very forum. It is a mouthpiece of BNP, not an independent medium.

Besides, this is not an article, it is under 'Readers' Opinion'. This does not have any more credibility than a blog of a BNP supporter.

Yes, it is the mouth piece of BNP for doing propaganda which is foreign funded and radical.

These BNP people are rejected by Bangladeshi people so they are upto some cheapest level of mischief and propaganda.
And you have problem with BNP.

But the arguments she raised are valid. As far Amardesh you can read other newspapers from BD which are independent but have the same arguments. On the other hand if you wana see Indian point of view then read Prothomolu run by RAW since long in BD.

We have problem with every negative force who don't wanna a prosperous and peaceful Bangladesh. Bangladeshi People have thrown away BNP out of power.

And, why are you posting off topic and troll.:hitwall:

Why are you dragging RAW into this thread.
And you have problem with BNP.

But the arguments she raised are valid. As far Amardesh you can read other newspapers from BD which are independent but have the same arguments. On the other hand if you wana see Indian point of view then read Prothomolu run by RAW since long in BD.

It does not matter if I have problem with BNP or not. The issue at hand is - AL & BNP are opposition parties. Amardesh is a BNP mouthpiece & author is a BNP supported. The credibility goes for a toss right here. Look at the opening excerpt.

The common citizens of Bangladesh is observing with horror the nefarious activities of Awami Leaguers from all levels, at all levels. Their actions, and words both inside the parliament and outside of it are raising alarms in the minds of the common citizens. Even some Awami league supporters are confessing that their leaders are doing excesses. They say that they are very scared now thinking of the future of the country.

Nothing more than a politically motivated, sensationalist rant with nothing to back it up. If these are your 'valid points', god bless you.
We have problem with every negative force who don't wanna a prosperous and peaceful Bangladesh. Bangladeshi People have thrown away BNP out of power.

And, why are you posting off topic and troll.:hitwall:

Why are you dragging RAW into this thread.

I have posted nothing OFF Topic here.

The topic was for Bangladeshis since Indians are backing Indian Dalal Hussina so you guys have problem with anything which criticises her.

RAW has a big role in BD, as Indians are here to defend RAW elements so it was important to mention the newspapers in BD run by RAW

BNP had been elected to power in BD in the past as much as AL. Hence saying that Only AL is the choice is unjustified and one-sided.
Bangladesh has reset its anti-india feelings. Bangladesh's Govt has slowly weeded out rogue elements in DGFI which aided Pakistan's ISI to orchestrate bombings in India. Immediate reaction was massacre in Army base near Dakha, but fortunately Dakha held its nerve and stabilized highly volatile situation. Pakistan has lost its strategic ally involved in aiding NE states rebels through DGFI so they are fuming and arm twisting Dakha to fall in line. Due ongoing insurgency in entire Pakistan, ISI is unable to exert same amount of pressure as it used to do when DGFI was filled with rogue elements. I would like suggest pakistanis to save there country first then think about Bangladesh.
I have posted nothing OFF Topic here.

The topic was for Bangladeshis since Indians are backing Indian Dalal Hussina so you guys have problem with anything which criticises her.

RAW has a big role in BD, as Indians are here to defend RAW elements so it was important to mention the newspapers in BD run by RAW

BNP had been elected to power in BD in the past as much as AL. Hence saying that Only AL is the choice is unjustified and one-sided.

Only RAW? Are you sure, its not RAW-CIA-Mossad all together?

Sorry about the joke, it was in good humour, but can you please back your claim with some credible source?
And even if Awami League is pro India, it is bad? Its RAW involvement?!!
Same theories for Afghanistan, same for BD now!!
And i thought BD people are the one who choose their govt. not RAW!!
I can't see the sense in your post.
Only RAW? Are you sure, its not RAW-CIA-Mossad all together?

Sorry about the joke, it was in good humour, but can you please back your claim with some credible source?
And even if Awami League is pro India, it is bad? Its RAW involvement?!!
Same theories for Afghanistan, same for BD now!!
And i thought BD people are the one who choose their govt. not RAW!!
I can't see the sense in your post.

Wake up from denial. Even the recent mutiny you guys have played a sinister role.

RAW in BD is not something new.
Bangladesh has reset its anti-india feelings. Bangladesh's Govt has slowly weeded out rogue elements in DGFI which aided Pakistan's ISI to orchestrate bombings in India. Immediate reaction was massacre in Army base near Dakha, but fortunately Dakha held its nerve and stabilized highly volatile situation. Pakistan has lost its strategic ally involved in aiding NE states rebels through DGFI so they are fuming and arm twisting Dakha to fall in line. Due ongoing insurgency in entire Pakistan, ISI is unable to exert same amount of pressure as it used to do when DGFI was filled with rogue elements. I would like suggest pakistanis to save there country first then think about Bangladesh.

:what: Oh please are you accusing Bangladeshi DGFI for fomenting trouble in Indian Northeast???

Naxals, Maoists have been griling you since long since the time when you unleashed terrorism in East Pakistan hence at that time Pakistan was fighting against your terrorism and was not in a position to start trouble in Indian Northeast so please do not link ISI with Naxals and Maoists.

As your govt minister was on record saying there are no proves linking Naxals, Maoists with Pakistan
:what: Oh please are you accusing Bangladeshi DGFI for fomenting trouble in Indian Northeast???

Naxals, Maoists have been griling you since long since the time when you unleashed terrorism in East Pakistan hence at that time Pakistan was fighting against your terrorism and was not in a position to start trouble in Indian Northeast so please do not link ISI with Naxals and Maoists.

As your govt minister was on record saying there are no proves linking Naxals, Maoists with Pakistan

Ok, i agree! That there are no links between ISI and naxals!
Can you also give us your comments about HuJI?
And we were helping the people from terrorism caused by your army in 1971. Talk about denial!!!
Amardesh? Is this the same paper that published the news of BHEL made power plant 'failure'? The lie was nailed & debunked on this very forum. It is a mouthpiece of BNP, not an independent medium.

Besides, this is not an article, it is under 'Readers' Opinion'. This does not have any more credibility than a blog of a BNP supporter.

So you do not think that body of general zia isn't buried in zia uddan like awami. So you want us to disbelieve our own eyes that general zia's Janaza was the biggest Janaza ever took place in the soil of ancient bengal to present day bangladesh. :angry:
Yes, it is the mouth piece of BNP for doing propaganda which is foreign funded and radical.

These BNP people are rejected by Bangladeshi people so they are upto some cheapest level of mischief and propaganda.

Perhaps but you do know that similar cooked up victory were given to awami led by mujib in 70 and then 75 happend. Awami was out of power for 21 years. It's evident that history repeat itself thus no way not to foresee that la-hasina will not have the same fate as her predecessor. Bangaldesh is very unforgiving place and awami may just get it just like the even of 75 once more to finish up the jobs that initiated by some brave mujahids.

You people have no idea how fast awami boat is sinking again.
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